

Visible to the public  TWC: Medium: A Layered Approach to Securing Web Services

The modern web experience is dynamic, providing users with a highly responsive interface through which to interact with the world. Today's mechanisms allow servers---even those which are controlled by an attacker---to download arbitrary programs into a user's browser. It is extraordinarily difficult to secure the web browser (and its user) against attack in this scenario. While tools and techniques are useful to analyze and restrict downloaded code, they are by their very nature incomplete. As a result, the security of web services relies on a series of ad hoc, service-provided techniques.


Visible to the public EDU:Collaborative: VACCS - Visualization and Analysis for C Code Security

The proposed project will develop Visualization and Analysis of C Code Security (VACCS) tool to assist students with learning secure code programming. The proposal addresses the critical issue of learning secure coding through the development of a system for analyzing and visualizing C code and associated learning materials. VACCS will utilize static and dynamic program analysis to detect security vulnerabilities and warn programmers about the potential errors in their code.


Visible to the public TWC: TTP Option: Large: Collaborative: Internet-Wide Vulnerability Measurement, Assessment, and Notification

This project aims to reduce the impact of software vulnerabilities in Internet-connected systems by developing data-driven techniques for vulnerability measurement, assessment, and notification. Recent advances in Internet-wide scanning make it possible to conduct network surveys of the full public IPv4 address space in minutes.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: A Moving Target Approach to Enhancing Machine Learning-Based Malware Defense

The ever-growing malware threats call for effective, yet efficient, mitigation techniques. Machine learning offers a promising solution to malware defense due to the scalability and automation that it brings. Machine learning techniques are however not a panacea for advanced malware attacks where cyber criminals can carefully craft malware features to evade detection. The root cause of such attacks can be attributed to the passive nature of existing machine learning-based malware defense systems.


Visible to the public TWC: TTP Option: Medium: Collaborative: Identifying and Mitigating Trust Violations in the Smartphone Ecosystem

The adoption of smartphones has steadily increased in the past few years, and smartphones have become the tool with which millions of users handle confidential information, such as financial and health-related data. As a result, these devices have become attractive targets for cybercriminals, who attempt to violate the trust assumptions underlying the smartphone platform in order to compromise the security and privacy of users.


Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Retrofitting Software for Defense-in-Depth

The computer security community has long advocated the concept of building multiple layers of defense to protect a system. Unfortunately, it has been difficult to realize this vision in the practice of software development, and software often ships with inadequate defenses, typically developed in an ad hoc fashion.


Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Toward Trustworthy Mutable Replay for Security Patches

Society is increasingly reliant on software, but deployed software contains security vulnerabilities and other bugs that can threaten privacy, property and even human lives. When a security vulnerability or critical error is discovered, a software patch is issued to attempt to fix the problem, but patches themselves can be incorrect, inadequate, and break necessarily functionality.


Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Active Security

Computer and network security is currently challenged by the need to secure diverse network environments including clouds and data-centers, PCs and enterprise infrastructures. This diversity of environments is coupled to increased attack sophistication. Today's tools for securing network and computing infrastructures can be painstakingly composed and configured using available components, but fail to automatically learn from their environment and actively protect it.


Visible to the public  TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Automated Reverse Engineering of Commodity Software

Software, including common examples such as commercial applications or embedded device firmware, is often delivered as closed-source binaries. While prior academic work has examined how to automatically discover vulnerabilities in binary software, and even how to automatically craft exploits for these vulnerabilities, the ability to answer basic security-relevant questions about closed-source software remains elusive.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Collaborative: EVADE: Evidence-Assisted Detection and Elimination of Security Vulnerabilities

Today's software remains vulnerable to attack. Despite decades of advances in areas ranging from testing to static analysis and verification, all large real-world software is deployed with errors. Because this software is either written in or underpinned by unsafe languages, errors often translate to security vulnerabilities. Although techniques exist that could prevent or limit the risk of exploits, high performance overhead blocks their adoption, leaving today's systems open to attack.