Division of Graduate Education (DGE)


Visible to the public National Cybersecurity Sports Federation

Cal Poly Pomona is establishing the National Cybersecurity Sports Federation (NCSF) which brings together the community of cybersecurity academic, industry and government leaders in cybersecurity competitions, to induce shared goals and values, and to create an umbrella organization for a national sport of cybersecurity.


Visible to the public Collaborative Research: EAGER: Enhancing the Cyber Security Workforce - The Human Angle

The proposed study provides extensive new data in two scarcely examined research areas. The first is the overall impact that cyber competitions have on enhancing the cybersecurity workforce. There is widespread anecdotal evidence of the benefits of individual competitions, but a large-scale, carefully constructed study is needed to determine outcomes and causal relationships. Additionally, it is the first thorough examination of the psychological characteristics of people interested in cybersecurity.


Visible to the public Collaborative Research: EAGER: Enhancing the Cyber Security Workforce - The Human Angle

The proposed study provides extensive new data in two scarcely examined research areas. The first is the overall impact that cyber competitions have on enhancing the cybersecurity workforce. There is widespread anecdotal evidence of the benefits of individual competitions, but a large-scale, carefully constructed study is needed to determine outcomes and causal relationships. Additionally, it is the first thorough examination of the psychological characteristics of people interested in cybersecurity.


Visible to the public EDU: Revitalizing Cyber Security Education and Research through Competitions

The objective of this project is to revitalize cyber security education and research by introducing competitive aspects into their current lifecycles. The project will create and deploy light-weight, online and diverse Class Capture-The-Flag (CCTF) exercises on the DeterLab testbed. The competitions will require only modest preparation and students will engage in competitions remotely, at any time convenient for both teams. The competitions will cover a broad range of security topics, such as infrastructure threats and defenses, denial-of-service, botnet detection and infiltration, etc.


Visible to the public EDU: Competing to Build Secure Systems

Even as security has long been a tenet of good programming practice, developers continue to produce insecure software resulting in a litany of data breaches and other compromises. This project aims to improve education on secure software development and add evidence to understanding methods, tools, techniques, and other factors that best contribute to writing secure code. The project centers on a novel multiphase programming competition that combines ideas from two traditionally disparate kinds of contests: those for building code and those for finding bugs in others' code.


Visible to the public EDU: A Virtual Lab for a Hardware Security Curriculum

The objective of this project is to create a virtual laboratory for hardware security lab exercises. The lab exercises are based on a hands-on 'hardware hacking' course where students can work on specialized hardware to try out various hardware-based attacks. These lab activities include modules on side channel power analysis attacks, electromagnetic keyboard logging, counterfeit integrated circuit detection, and hardware Trojan attacks.


Visible to the public EDU: Enhancing and Broadening Computer Security Education with Stepwise and Reusable Problem-solving Challenges

This project explores methods for enhancing computer security education through the use of practical problem-solving challenges. The investigators are building step-wise and parametrized reusable security challenges that mimic real-world scenarios involving computer attacks and defense strategies.


Visible to the public EDU: Developing a "Protect", "Use" and "Analyze" Approach to Cybersecurity Competitions in the Healthcare Environment (PUNCCH)

This project is addressing the question of why there are few women in the growing cybersecurity profession. One of the first exposures to cybersecurity for young people is often a cybersecurity competition, offered at the high school and college levels. Most of these competitions have a "male" focus, based on military "capture the flag" principles. As a result, very few females attend them.


Visible to the public EDU: Collaborative: Enhancing Pervasive and Mobile Computing Security Education With Research Integration

This project will help address the shortage of highly-skilled Cybersecurity professionals by bringing research results on pervasive and mobile computing security into education and by integrating them into existing Cybersecurity curricula. Although the research community is making progress towards effective solutions in mitigating security and privacy threats in pervasive computing, it still needs to find its way to university courses across the nation, especially, in the undergraduate curriculum.


Visible to the public EDU: CPS-CDC - A framework for Cyber-Physical Systems based Cyber Defense Competitions

The goal of this project is to develop a framework for integrating critical infrastructure cyber-physical systems (CPS) into an effective and well established Cyber Defense Competition (CDC) model created at Iowa State University (ISU). The resulting framework will enable others to replicate cyber-physical CDCs providing an avenue for producing more CPS security professionals. Cyber defense competitions across the nation have solidified and enriched student understanding and competency in defending computer and network systems.