Increase Transparency of Data


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Collaborative: Cracking Down Online Deception Ecosystems

Used by hundreds of millions of people every day, online services are central to everyday life. Their popularity and impact make them targets of public opinion skewing attacks, in which those with malicious intent manipulate the image of businesses, mobile applications and products. Website owners often turn to crowdsourcing sites to hire an army of professional fraudsters to paint a fake flattering image for mediocre subjects or trick people into downloading malicious software.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Online tracking: Threat Detection, Measurement and Response

The project develops new technologies for continual, web-scale measurement and rapid defenses against emerging threats to web privacy and security arising from third-party tracking. It draws from the fields of web security, systems, measurement, statistics, and machine learning. The outputs of this project will enable website administrators to find and fix a large class of privacy and security problems. They will help improve existing browser privacy tools.


Visible to the public TWC SBE: Small: Protecting the Online Privacy of Users of Social Networks

It is generally recognized that protecting online privacy is important, with modern society manifesting this concern in many ways. Preliminary research indicates that third parties, with modest crawling and computational resources, and employing simple data mining heuristics, can potentially combine online services and publicly available information to create detailed profiles of the users living in any targeted geographical area.


Visible to the public  TWC: Medium: Privacy Preserving Computation in Big Data Clouds

Privacy is critical to freedom of creativity and innovation. Assured privacy protection offers unprecedented opportunities for industry innovation, science and engineering discovery, as well as new life enhancing experiences and opportunities.


Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Efficient Repair of Learning Systems via Machine Unlearning

Today individuals and organizations leverage machine learning systems to adjust room temperature, provide recommendations, detect malware, predict earthquakes, forecast weather, maneuver vehicles, and turn Big Data into insights. Unfortunately, these systems are prone to a variety of malicious attacks with potentially disastrous consequences. For example, an attacker might trick an Intrusion Detection System into ignoring the warning signs of a future attack by injecting carefully crafted samples into the training set for the machine learning model (i.e., "polluting" the model).


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Secure Near Field Communications between Mobile Devices

By the end of this decade, it is estimated that Internet of Things (IoT) could connect as many as 50 billion devices. Near Field Communication (NFC) is considered as a key enabler of IoT. Many useful applications are supported by NFC, including contactless payment, identification, authentication, file exchange, and eHealthcare, etc. However, securing NFC between mobile devices faces great challenges mainly because of severe resource constraints on NFC devices, NFC systems deployed without security, and sophisticated adversaries.


Visible to the public EAGER: Collaborative: Mapping Privacy and Surveillance Dynamics in Emerging Mobile Ecosystems: Practices and Contexts in the Netherlands and US

The increasing ubiquity of mobile technologies creates unique privacy and surveillance challenges for users. These problems are global, but the way users, organizations, and governments approach these challenges varies based on cultural norms around privacy. This cross-cultural project evaluates how mobile users in the U.S. and the Netherlands think about and make decisions about their privacy when using mobile apps.


Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Development and Evaluation of Next Generation Homomorphic Encryption Schemes

Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) is a promising new technology that enables an untrusted party to efficiently compute directly on ciphertexts. For instance, with FHE a cloud server without access to the user's encrypted content can still provide text search services. An efficient FHE scheme would significantly improve the security of sensitive user data stored and processed on cloud servers. Significant progress has been made in bringing FHE proposals closer to practice.


Visible to the public  TWC: Medium: A Layered Approach to Securing Web Services

The modern web experience is dynamic, providing users with a highly responsive interface through which to interact with the world. Today's mechanisms allow servers---even those which are controlled by an attacker---to download arbitrary programs into a user's browser. It is extraordinarily difficult to secure the web browser (and its user) against attack in this scenario. While tools and techniques are useful to analyze and restrict downloaded code, they are by their very nature incomplete. As a result, the security of web services relies on a series of ad hoc, service-provided techniques.


Visible to the public TWC SBE: Medium: Collaborative: Building a Privacy-Preserving Social Networking Platform from a Technological and Sociological Perspective

Social networks provide many benefits, but also give rise to serious concerns regarding privacy. Indeed, since privacy protections are not intrinsically incorporated into the underlying technological framework, user data is still accessible to the social network and is open to misuse. While there have been efforts to incorporate privacy into social networks, existing solutions are not sufficiently lightweight, transparent, and functional, and therefore have achieved only limited adoption.