Increase Transparency of Data
Submitted by Yuan Hong on Tue, 12/19/2017 - 2:33pm
Smart grid integrates sensors and communication infrastructure into the existing power grid to enable operational intelligence. The concept of microgrid is emerging in conjunction with the smart grid wherein small segments of the grid can be isolated into self-sufficient islands to feed their own demand load with their local energy, e.g., wind, solar.
Submitted by dml on Tue, 12/19/2017 - 12:43pm
The Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), along with the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols, are responsible for securing Internet transactions such as banking, email, and e-commerce; they provide users with the ability to verify with whom they are communicating online, and enable encryption of those communications. While the use of the PKI is mostly automated, there is a surprising amount of human intervention in management tasks that are crucial to its proper operation.
Submitted by Timothy Finin on Tue, 12/19/2017 - 12:35pm
The ubiquity of computing technology and the Internet have created an age of big data that has the potential to greatly enhance the efficiency of our societies and the well-being of all people. The trend comes with problems that threaten to prevent or undermine the benefits. An immediate concern is how to fuse, integrate and analyze data while respecting privacy, security and usage concerns. A second issue is allowing data to remain distributed, enabling its owners to maintain and control quality as well as to enforce security and privacy policies.
Submitted by ljean on Tue, 12/19/2017 - 12:33pm
More and more objects used in daily life have Internet connectivity, creating an "Internet of Things" (IoT). Computer security and privacy for an IoT ecosystem are fundamentally important because security breaches can cause real and significant harm to people, their homes, and their community.
Submitted by April Edwards on Tue, 12/19/2017 - 10:07am
Youths of the digital age live parallel lives online and in the real world, frequently disclosing personal information to cyberfriends and strangers, regardless of race, class or gender. Race and gender do make a difference, however, when these online disclosures lead to acts of cyberaggression. The PIs' previous work revealed that some youths are resistant to cyberaggression and that there are differences in perceptions of cyberbullying among youths from different cultural and racial backgrounds.
Submitted by Narseo Vallina-Ro... on Tue, 12/19/2017 - 9:54am
Despite our growing reliance on mobile phones for a wide range of daily tasks, their operation remains largely opaque even for experts. Mobile users have little insight into how their mobile apps operate and perform in the network, into how (or whether) they protect the information that users entrust to them, and with whom they share user's personal information. A number of previous studies have addressed elements of this problem in a partial fashion, trading off analytic comprehensiveness and deployment scale.
Submitted by Giuseppe Ateniese on Tue, 12/19/2017 - 9:20am
Informally speaking, Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMPC) allows two or more parties to jointly compute some function on their private inputs in a distributed fashion (i.e., without the involvement of a trusted third party) such that none of the parties learns anything beyond its dedicated output and what it can deduce from considering both this output and its own private input. Since its inception in 1982 by Yao, SMPC has advanced greatly and over the years a large body of work has been developed.
Submitted by SSchuckers on Mon, 12/18/2017 - 6:27pm
This project aims at advancing the state-of-the-art in cybersecurity by developing efficient methods for generating novel biometric signatures and performing active and continuous user authentication. Current authentication procedures typically occur once at the initial log-in stage and involve user proxies such as passwords and smart cards which suffer from several vulnerabilities.
Submitted by Yang Wang on Mon, 12/18/2017 - 4:52pm
Technology advances have brought numerous benefits to people and society, but also heightened risks to privacy. This project will investigate mechanisms and build tools to help people make privacy-aware decisions in different online contexts. The outcomes will help people to better understand their own privacy preferences and behavior, and enable them to better manage their privacy on the Internet. The project will create designs that can be integrated into mobile app markets and web browsers. The results will also inform Internet standards and governmental policies on Internet privacy.
Submitted by Hoda Mehrpouyan on Mon, 12/18/2017 - 4:26pm
As mobile and network technologies proliferate, so does society's awareness of the vulnerability of private data within cyberspace. Protecting private information becomes specially important, since researchers estimate that 87% of Americans can be identified by name and address, if their zip code, gender, and birthday are known to intruders. The goal of this proposal will be to develop a new set of verification tools, algorithms, and interfaces that enable secure, effective and unobtrusive management of users' private information.