Increase Transparency of Data
Submitted by Damon McCoy on Mon, 10/23/2017 - 6:23pm
This project tackles the social and economic elements of Internet security: how the motivations and interactions of attackers, defenders, and users shape the threats we face, how they evolve over time, and how they can best be addressed. While security is a phenomenon mediated by the technical workings of computers and networks, it is ultimately a conflict driven by economic and social issues that merit a commensurate level of scrutiny.
Submitted by Wenke Lee on Mon, 10/23/2017 - 1:48pm
This project studies the security of representative personalized services, such as search engines, news aggregators, and on-line targeted advertising, and identifies vulnerabilities in service components that can be exploited by pollution attacks to deliver contents intended by attackers.
Submitted by Shamik Sengupta on Mon, 10/23/2017 - 1:43pm
Robust cybersecurity information sharing infrastructure is required to protect the firms from future cyber attacks which might be difficult to achieve via individual effort. The United States federal government clearly encourage the firms to share their discoveries on cybersecurity breach and patch related information with other federal and private firms for strengthening the nation's security infrastructure.
Submitted by Ben Zhao on Tue, 10/17/2017 - 3:59pm
Human beings are diverse, and their online behavior is often unpredictable. In today's data-driven world, providers of online services are collecting detailed and comprehensive server-side traces of user activity. These records or logs include detailed, timestamped logs of actions taken by users, often called clickstreams. Given their scale and level of detail, clickstreams present an enormous opportunity for research into user behavioral analysis and modeling.
Submitted by Aviel Rubin on Mon, 10/16/2017 - 5:01pm
This frontier project tackles many of the fundamental research challenges necessary to provide trustworthy information systems for health and wellness, as sensitive information and health-related tasks are increasingly pushed into mobile devices and cloud-based services.
Submitted by arege on Mon, 10/16/2017 - 4:43pm
Infrastructure systems (such as power, water and banking) have experienced a surge in cyberattacks over the past decade. These attacks are becoming more sophisticated and resilient, suggesting that the perpetrators are intelligent, determined and dynamic. Unfortunately, current cyberdefense measures are reactive and frequently ineffective. Defenders need to move to a proactive approach, which will require an understanding of the human characteristics and behaviors of the people behind these cyberattacks.
Submitted by Arun Ross on Mon, 10/16/2017 - 4:11pm
Recent work has established the possibility of deriving auxiliary information from biometric data. For example, it has been shown that face images can be used to deduce the health, gender, age and race of a subject; further, face images have been used to link a pseudonymous profile in the Web with a true profile, thereby compromising the privacy of an individual. The objective of this work is to design and implement techniques for imparting privacy to biometric data such as face, fingerprint and iris images.
Submitted by Apu Kapadia on Mon, 10/16/2017 - 3:26pm
Cameras are now pervasive on consumer devices, including smartphones, laptops, tablets, and new wearable devices like Google Glass and the Narrative Clip lifelogging camera.
Submitted by RDingledine on Fri, 10/13/2017 - 1:42pm
Large-scale Internet censorship prevents citizens of many parts of the world from accessing vast amounts of otherwise publicly available information. The recognition and publication of these censorship events have aided in motivating the development of new privacy-enhancing technologies to circumvent the censor. We argue that as circumvention technologies improve and the cost of detecting their use increases, adversaries that are intent on restricting access to information will seek out alternative techniques for disruption.
Submitted by Raquel Hill on Thu, 10/12/2017 - 2:26pm
This project aims to assess how online data impacts the hiring process. In an ideal situation, one might imagine that employers hire the most skilled applicant, but sociological research indicates that this may not be the case. A job applicant's similarity to the interviewer in class background and class-based leisure activities often matters as much or more to employers than a job applicant's skills or work experience.