

Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Secure and Resilient Vehicular Platooning

The goal of the project is to provide a secure foundation for a transportation system that increasingly relies on the cooperation, connectedness, and automation of vehicles to achieve increases in safety, efficiency, and capacity. The financial losses attributable to congestion in America's transportation infrastructure are more than $1 trillion annually and the parallel loss of life in vehicle collisions is 40,000 deaths per year.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: New Directions in Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) Security

Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) represent an important computing infrastructure which must be protected from attackers. They are used in a wide variety of applications, including networking routers, satellites, military equipment, and automobiles, among others. The storage of FPGA programming information in memory external to the device creates a natural security weakness which, to date, has primarily been addressed via bitstream encryption.


Visible to the public  TWC: TTP Option: Medium: Voting Systems Architectures for Security and Usability

The security and integrity of elections is paramount in the furtherance of democracy. However, enhanced security often comes at the cost of making voting systems significantly more difficult for voters to use. With input from stakeholders in the voting process (most notably Travis County, Texas), we are constructing a prototype voting system and investigating how to design such a system so that it is significantly more secure than current solutions, without making it harder to participate in the election process.


Visible to the public EAGER: Effective Detection of Vulnerabilities and Linguistic Stratification in Open Source Software

Software vulnerabilities are weaknesses in the code that may be exploited by cybercriminals to harm a system. They often do not hinder a program's functionality, and are thus difficult to detect. This project focuses on developing methods to identify such "weak spots" in a program, where vulnerabilities are more likely to occur.


Visible to the public GREPSEC II: Underrepresented Groups in Security Research

This proposal provides funding for the second GREPSEC: Underrepresented Groups in Security Research workshop, which will be affiliated with the annual IEEE Symposium on Research in Security & Privacy, in May 2015, in San Jose CA. The first event, held in May 2013, attracted 50 participants, two-thirds of them students, and almost all from underrepresented groups.


Visible to the public EAGER: Neurobiological Basis of Decision Making in Online Environments

Considerable research in the field has been focused on developing new technologies to enhance privacy; encryption of personal data is often presented as a potential solution. Many of the technologies resulting from this research are not being effectively utilized because of issues rooted in human judgment under risk and uncertainty. The majority of existing models and products related to human judgement are based on a limited number of documented incidents and on questionable assumptions about user intent and behavior.


Visible to the public EAGER: Collaborative Research: Towards Understanding Smartphone User Privacy: Implication, Derivation, and Protection

This project aims to address privacy concerns of smartphone users. In particular, it investigates how the usages of the smartphone applications (apps) may reshape users' privacy perceptions and what is the implication of such reshaping. There has been recent work that investigates privacy leakage and potential defense mechanisms. However, so far there is only limited understanding on the consequences of such privacy losses, especially when large amount of privacy information leaked from smartphone users across many apps.


Visible to the public EAGER: Toward Automated Integration of Moving Target Defense Techniques

Moving Target defense (MTD) is a new Cybersecurity paradigm for deterring and disturbing attacks proactively in order to counter the ?asymmetry? phenomena in cyber warfare. A number of moving target techniques have been recently proposed to inverse this asymmetry by randomizing systems? attributes (e.g., configuration) and exhibiting non-determinism to attackers. However, due to potential inter-dependency between various MTD mechanisms, an ad hoc combination of MTD techniques can cause profoundly detrimental effect on security, performance and the operational integrity of the system.


Visible to the public EAGER: Cybercrime Science

This project examines three properties of underground cybercrime communities: 1) profitability, 2) connectivity, 3) and sustainability. It identifies qualitative and quantitative metrics for these properties as well as discusses the relative effectiveness of distinct operationalization of these metrics under different levels of data granularity. The goal is to develop metrics that provide meaning indicators even when data is limited. for example, if public posts are available but not private messages between individual cybercriminals.


Visible to the public TWC: TTP Option: Small: Collaborative: Detecting and Characterizing Internet Traffic Interception Based on BGP Hijacking

Recent reports have highlighted incidents of massive Internet traffic interception executed by re-routing Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) paths across the globe (affecting banks, governments, entire network service providers, etc.). The potential impact of these attacks can range from massive eavesdropping to identity-spoofing or selective content modification. In addition, executing such attacks does not require access or proximity to the affected links and networks, posing increasing risks to national security.