

Visible to the public CRII: CPS SaTC: Securing Smart Cyberphysical Systems against Man-in-the-Middle Attacks

Cyber-physical systems have increasingly become top targets for hackers around the world. We are also seeing proliferation of internet-connected critical infrastructures that allow for easy monitoring, visualization, and control. In February 2013, US president signed an executive order "Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity" that underscores the urgent need for securing such critical infrastructure against malicious attacks.


Visible to the public CICI: Center of Excellence: Center for Trustworthy Scientific Cyberinfrastructure

The National Science Foundation funds over seven billion dollars of research annually, nearly all of which relies heavily on information technology. The digital data produced and computing systems used by that research are subject to the same risks as other data and computing systems on the Internet. Appropriate cybersecurity is necessary both to make today's scientific discoveries possible and to ensure that the science is trustworthy. However, NSF science is often necessarily performed in open, collaborative environments that span organizational and national boundaries.


Visible to the public CI-EN: Trust-Hub: Development of Benchmarks, Metrics, and Validation Platforms for Hardware Security, and a Web-based Dissemination Portal

The growing hardware security community is faced with an immediate need to develop effective tools and benchmarks. The purpose of this project is to lead a community-wide movement toward stronger assurances in our integrated circuits, computational platforms, and electronics supply chain.


Visible to the public TWC: Frontier: Collaborative: CORe: Center for Encrypted Functionalities

The Center for Encrypted Functionalities (CORE) tackles the deep and far-reaching problem of general-purpose "program obfuscation," which aims to enhance cybersecurity by making an arbitrary computer program unintelligible while preserving its functionality.


Visible to the public CAREER: Privacy-Guaranteed Distributed Interactions in Critical Infrastructure Networks

Information sharing between operators (agents) in critical infrastructure systems such as the Smart Grid is fundamental to reliable and sustained operation. The contention, however, between sharing data for system stability and reliability (utility) and withholding data for competitive advantage (privacy) has stymied data sharing in such systems, sometimes with catastrophic consequences. This motivates a data sharing framework that addresses the competitive interests and information leakage concerns of agents and enables timely and controlled information exchange.


Visible to the public Capacity Building: Collaborative Research: Integrated Learning Environment for Cyber Security of Smart Grid

Ensuring the cyber-security of the smart grid raises significant interest amongst both general public and researchers. However, the corresponding education programs fall behind in many aspects. Very limited curriculum or hands-on learning resources are available for security education about the smart grid, especially for the mutual impacts between cyber and physical systems.


Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Flexible and Practical Information Flow Assurance for Mobile Apps

This project is developing tools and techniques for cost-effective evaluation of the trustworthiness of mobile applications (apps). The work focuses on enterprise scenarios, in which personnel at a business or government agency use mission-related apps and access enterprise networks.


Visible to the public TC: Large: Collaborative Research: Privacy-Enhanced Secure Data Provenance

Data provenance refers to the history of the contents of an object and its successive transformations. Knowledge of data provenance is beneficial to many ends, such as enhancing data trustworthiness, facilitating accountability, verifying compliance, aiding forensics, and enabling more effective access and usage controls. Provenance data minimally needs integrity assurance to realize these benefits.


Visible to the public TC: Large: Collaborative Research: Practical Secure Two-Party Computation: Techniques, Tools, and Applications

Many compelling applications involve computations that require sensitive data from two or more individuals. For example, as the cost of personal genome sequencing rapidly plummets many genetics applications will soon be within reach of individuals such as comparing one?s genome with the genomes of different groups of participants in a study to determine which treatment is likely to be most effective. Such comparisons could have tremendous value, but are currently infeasible because of the privacy concerns both for the individual and study participants.


Visible to the public CAREER: Secure and Reliable Outsourced Storage Systems Using Remote Data Checking

When data is outsourced at a cloud storage provider, data owners lose control over the integrity of their data and must trust the storage provider unconditionally. Coupled with numerous data loss incidents, this prevents organizations from assessing the risk posed by outsourcing data to untrusted clouds, making cloud storage unsuitable for applications that require long-term security and reliability guarantees. This project establishes a practical remote data checking (RDC) framework as a mechanism to provide long-term integrity and reliability for remotely stored data.