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Ayoub, Harith Ghanim.  2022.  Dynamic Iris-Based Key Generation Scheme during Iris Authentication Process. 2022 8th International Conference on Contemporary Information Technology and Mathematics (ICCITM). :364–368.
The robustness of the encryption systems in all of their types depends on the key generation. Thus, an encryption system can be said robust if the generated key(s) are very complex and random which prevent attackers or other analytical tools to break the encryption system. This paper proposed an enhanced key generation based on iris image as biometric, to be implemented dynamically in both of authentication process and data encryption. The captured iris image during the authentication process will be stored in a cloud server to be used in the next login to decrypt data. While in the current login, the previously stored iris image in the cloud server would be used to decrypt data in the current session. The results showed that the generated key meets the required randomness for several NIST tests that is reasonable for one use. The strength of the proposed approach produced unrepeated keys for encryption and each key will be used once. The weakness of the produced key may be enhanced to become more random.
Wei, Lizhuo, Xu, Fengkai, Zhang, Ni, Yan, Wei, Chai, Chuchu.  2022.  Dynamic malicious code detection technology based on deep learning. 2022 20th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN). :1–3.
In this paper, the malicious code is run in the sandbox in a safe and controllable environment, the API sequence is deduplicated by the idea of the longest common subsequence, and the CNN and Bi-LSTM are integrated to process and analyze the API sequence. Compared with the method, the method using deep learning can have higher accuracy and work efficiency.
Sari, Indah Permata, Nahor, Kevin Marojahan Banjar, Hariyanto, Nanang.  2022.  Dynamic Security Level Assessment of Special Protection System (SPS) Using Fuzzy Techniques. 2022 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA). :377—382.
This study will be focused on efforts to increase the reliability of the Bangka Electricity System by designing the interconnection of the Bangka system with another system that is stronger and has a better energy mix, the Sumatra System. The novelty element in this research is the design of system protection using Special Protection System (SPS) as well as a different assessment method using the Fuzzy Technique This research will analyze the implementation of the SPS event-based and parameter-based as a new defense scheme by taking corrective actions to keep the system stable and reliable. These actions include tripping generators, loads, and reconfiguring the system automatically and quickly. The performance of this SPS will be tested on 10 contingency events with four different load profiles and the system response will be observed in terms of frequency stability, voltage, and rotor angle. From the research results, it can be concluded that the SPS performance on the Bangka-Sumatra Interconnection System has a better and more effective performance than the existing defense scheme, as evidenced by the results of dynamic security assessment (DSA) testing using Fuzzy Techniques.
Gong, Taiyuan, Zhu, Li.  2022.  Edge Intelligence-based Obstacle Intrusion Detection in Railway Transportation. GLOBECOM 2022 - 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference. :2981—2986.
Train operation is highly influenced by the rail track state and the surrounding environment. An abnormal obstacle on the rail track will pose a severe threat to the safe operation of urban rail transit. The existing general obstacle detection approaches do not consider the specific urban rail environment and requirements. In this paper, we propose an edge intelligence (EI)-based obstacle intrusion detection system to detect accurate obstacle intrusion in real-time. A two-stage lightweight deep learning model is designed to detect obstacle intrusion and obtain the distance from the train to the obstacle. Edge computing (EC) and 5G are used to conduct the detection model and improve the real-time detection performance. A multi-agent reinforcement learning-based offloading and service migration model is formulated to optimize the edge computing resource. Experimental results show that the two-stage intrusion detection model with the reinforcement learning (RL)-based edge resource optimization model can achieve higher detection accuracy and real-time performance compared to traditional methods.
Singh, Anuraj, Garg, Puneet, Singh, Himanshu.  2022.  Effect of Timers on the Keystroke Pattern of the Student in a Computer Based Exam. 2022 IEEE 6th Conference on Information and Communication Technology (CICT). :1–6.
This research studies the effect of a countdown timer and a count-up timer on the keystroke pattern of the student and finds out whether changing the timer type changes the keystroke pattern. It also points out which timer affects more students in a timer environment during exams. We used two hypothesis testing statistical Algorithms, namely, the Two-Sample T-Test and One-way ANOVA Test, for analysis to identify the effect of different times our whether significant differences were found in the keystroke pattern or not when different timers were used. The supporting results have been found with determines that timer change can change the keystroke pattern of the student and from the study of hypothesis testing, different students result from different types of stress when they are under different timer environments.
Narayanan, K. Lakshmi, Naresh, R..  2022.  A Effective Encryption and Different Integrity Schemes to Improve the Performance of Cloud Services. 2022 International Conference for Advancement in Technology (ICONAT). :1–5.
Recent modern era becomes a multi-user environment. It's hard to store and retrieve data in secure manner at the end user side is a hectic challenge. Difference of Cloud computing compare to Network Computing can be accessed from multiple company servers. Cloud computing makes the users and organization to opt their services. Due to effective growth of the Cloud Technology. Data security, Data Privacy key validation and tracing of user are severe concern. It is hard to trace malicious users who misuse the secrecy. To reduce the rate of misuse in secrecy user revocation is used. Audit Log helps in Maintaining the history of malicious user also helps in maintaining the data integrity in cloud. Cloud Monitoring Metrics helps in the evaluation survey study of different Metrics. In this paper we give an in depth survey about Back-end of cloud services their concerns and the importance of privacy in cloud, Privacy Mechanism in cloud, Ways to Improve the Privacy in cloud, Hazards, Cloud Computing Issues and Challenges we discuss the need of cryptography and a survey of existing cryptographic algorithms. We discuss about the auditing and its classifications with respect to comparative study. In this paper analyzed various encryption schemes and auditing schemes with several existing algorithms which help in the improvement of cloud services.
Wu, Haijiang.  2022.  Effective Metrics Modeling of Big Data Technology in Electric Power Information Security. 2022 6th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC). :607—610.
This article focuses on analyzing the application characteristics of electric power big data, determining the advantages that electric power big data provides to the development of enterprises, and expounding the power information security protection technology and management measures under the background of big data. Focus on the protection of power information security, and fundamentally control the information security control issues of power enterprises. Then analyzed the types of big data structure and effective measurement modeling, and finally combined with the application status of big data concepts in the construction of electric power information networks, and proposed optimization strategies, aiming to promote the effectiveness of big data concepts in power information network management activities. Applying the creation conditions, the results show that the measurement model is improved by 7.8%
Mantoro, Teddy, Fahriza, Muhammad Elky, Agni Catur Bhakti, Muhammad.  2022.  Effective of Obfuscated Android Malware Detection using Static Analysis. 2022 IEEE 8th International Conference on Computing, Engineering and Design (ICCED). :1—5.
The effective security system improvement from malware attacks on the Android operating system should be updated and improved. Effective malware detection increases the level of data security and high protection for the users. Malicious software or malware typically finds a means to circumvent the security procedure, even when the user is unaware whether the application can act as malware. The effectiveness of obfuscated android malware detection is evaluated by collecting static analysis data from a data set. The experiment assesses the risk level of which malware dataset using the hash value of the malware and records malware behavior. A set of hash SHA256 malware samples has been obtained from an internet dataset and will be analyzed using static analysis to record malware behavior and evaluate which risk level of the malware. According to the results, most of the algorithms provide the same total score because of the multiple crime inside the malware application.
Albatoosh, Ahmed H., Shuja'a, Mohamed Ibrahim, Al-Nedawe, Basman M..  2022.  Effectiveness Improvement of Offset Pulse Position Modulation System Using Reed-Solomon Codes. 2022 International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA). :1—5.
Currently, the pulse position modulation (PPM) schemes are suffering from bandwidth application where the line rate is double that of the initial data rate. Thus, the offset pulse position modulation (OPPM) has been suggested to rectify this concern. Several attempts to improve the OPPM can be found in the open literature. This study focuses on the utilization of Reed Solomon (RS) codes to enhance the forward error correction (FEC) bit error rate, which is not yet explored. The performance of errors of the uncoded OPPM was compared to the one used by RS coded OPPM using the number of photons per pulse, the transmission's efficacy, and bandwidth growth. The results demonstrate that employing FEC coding would increase the system's error performance especially when the RS is operating at its finest settings. Specifically, when operating with a capacity that is equivalent to or even more 0.7, the OPPM with RS code outperforms the uncoded OPPM where the OPPM with MLSD needs only 1.2×103 photons per pulse with an ideal coding rate of about 3/4.
Abu-Khadrah, Ahmed.  2022.  An Efficient Fuzzy Logic Modelling of TiN Coating Thickness. 2022 International Conference on Business Analytics for Technology and Security (ICBATS). :1—5.
In this paper, fuzzy logic was implemented as a proposed approach for modelling of Thickness as an output response of thin film layer in Titanium Nitrite (TiN). The layer was deposited using Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) process that uses a sputtering technique to coat insert cutting tools with TiN. Central cubic design (CCD) was used for designing the optimal points of the experiment. In order to develop the fuzzy rules, the experimental data that collected by PVD was used. Triangular membership functions (Trimf) were used to develop the fuzzy prediction model. Residual error (e) and prediction accuracy (A) were used for validating the result of the proposed fuzzy model. The result of the developed fuzzy model with triangular membership function revealed that the average residual error of 0.2 is low and acceptable. Furthermore, the model obtained high prediction accuracy with 90.04%. The result revealed that the rule-based model of fuzzy logic could be an efficient approach to predict coatings layer thickness in the TiN.
Li, Fenghua, Chen, Cao, Guo, Yunchuan, Fang, Liang, Guo, Chao, Li, Zifu.  2022.  Efficiently Constructing Topology of Dynamic Networks. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :44—51.
Accurately constructing dynamic network topology is one of the core tasks to provide on-demand security services to the ubiquitous network. Existing schemes cannot accurately construct dynamic network topologies in time. In this paper, we propose a novel scheme to construct the ubiquitous network topology. Firstly, ubiquitous network nodes are divided into three categories: terminal node, sink node, and control node. On this basis, we propose two operation primitives (i.e., addition and subtraction) and three atomic operations (i.e., intersection, union, and fusion), and design a series of algorithms to describe the network change and construct the network topology. We further use our scheme to depict the specific time-varying network topologies, including Satellite Internet and Internet of things. It demonstrates that their communication and security protection modes can be efficiently and accurately constructed on our scheme. The simulation and theoretical analysis also prove that the efficiency of our scheme, and effectively support the orchestration of protection capabilities.
Dib, S., Amzert, A. K., Grimes, M., Benchiheb, A., Benmeddour, F..  2022.  Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Medical Image Security. 2022 19th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD). :1782–1787.
To contribute to medical data security, we propose the application of a modified algorithm on elliptical curves (ECC), initially proposed for text encryption. We implement this algorithm by eliminating the sender-receiver lookup table and grouping the pixel values into pairs to form points on a predefined elliptical curve. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm offers the best compromise between the quality and the speed of cipher / decipher, especially for large images. A comparative study between ECC and AlGamel showed that the proposed algorithm offers better performance and its application, on medical images, is promising. Medical images contain many pieces of information and are often large. If the cryptographic operation is performed on every single pixel it will take more time. So, working on groups of pixels will be strongly recommended to save time and space.
ISSN: 2474-0446
Giri, Sarwesh, Singh, Gurchetan, Kumar, Babul, Singh, Mehakpreet, Vashisht, Deepanker, Sharma, Sonu, Jain, Prince.  2022.  Emotion Detection with Facial Feature Recognition Using CNN & OpenCV. 2022 2nd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE). :230—232.
Emotion Detection through Facial feature recognition is an active domain of research in the field of human-computer interaction (HCI). Humans are able to share multiple emotions and feelings through their facial gestures and body language. In this project, in order to detect the live emotions from the human facial gesture, we will be using an algorithm that allows the computer to automatically detect the facial recognition of human emotions with the help of Convolution Neural Network (CNN) and OpenCV. Ultimately, Emotion Detection is an integration of obtained information from multiple patterns. If computers will be able to understand more of human emotions, then it will mutually reduce the gap between humans and computers. In this research paper, we will demonstrate an effective way to detect emotions like neutral, happy, sad, surprise, angry, fear, and disgust from the frontal facial expression of the human in front of the live webcam.
Du, Mingshu, Ma, Yuan, Lv, Na, Chen, Tianyu, Jia, Shijie, Zheng, Fangyu.  2022.  An Empirical Study on the Quality of Entropy Sources in Linux Random Number Generator. ICC 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Communications. :559–564.
Random numbers are essential for communications security, as they are widely employed as secret keys and other critical parameters of cryptographic algorithms. The Linux random number generator (LRNG) is the most popular open-source software-based random number generator (RNG). The security of LRNG is influenced by the overall design, especially the quality of entropy sources. Therefore, it is necessary to assess and quantify the quality of the entropy sources which contribute the main randomness to RNGs. In this paper, we perform an empirical study on the quality of entropy sources in LRNG with Linux kernel 5.6, and provide the following two findings. We first analyze two important entropy sources: jiffies and cycles, and propose a method to predict jiffies by cycles with high accuracy. The results indicate that, the jiffies can be correctly predicted thus contain almost no entropy in the condition of knowing cycles. The other important finding is the failure of interrupt cycles during system boot. The lower bits of cycles caused by interrupts contain little entropy, which is contrary to our traditional cognition that lower bits have more entropy. We believe these findings are of great significance to improve the efficiency and security of the RNG design on software platforms.
ISSN: 1938-1883
Sayed, Aya Nabil, Hamila, Ridha, Himeur, Yassine, Bensaali, Faycal.  2022.  Employing Information Theoretic Metrics with Data-Driven Occupancy Detection Approaches: A Comparative Analysis. 2022 5th International Conference on Signal Processing and Information Security (ICSPIS). :50—54.
Building occupancy data helps increase energy management systems’ performance, enabling lower energy use while preserving occupant comfort. The focus of this study is employing environmental data (e.g., including but not limited to temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide (CO2), etc.) to infer occupancy information. This will be achieved by exploring the application of information theory metrics with machine learning (ML) approaches to classify occupancy levels for a given dataset. Three datasets and six distinct ML algorithms were used in a comparative study to determine the best strategy for identifying occupancy patterns. It was determined that both k-nearest neighbors (kNN) and random forest (RF) identify occupancy labels with the highest overall level of accuracy, reaching 97.99% and 98.56%, respectively.
Kopják, József, Sebestyén, Gergely.  2022.  Energy Consumption Model of Sensor Nodes using Merged Data Collecting Methods. 2022 IEEE 20th Jubilee World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI). :000027—000030.
This paper presents an energy consumption model of the sensor nodes in TDMA wireless mesh sensor network using merged data collecting (MDC) methods. Defining the energy consumption of the nodes in wireless mesh networks is crucial for battery lifetime estimation. In this paper, we describe the semiempirical model of the energy consumption of MDC method in the TDMA mesh sensor networks using flooding routing. In the model the low-level constraints are based on the measured energy consumption of the sensor nodes in the different operation phases.
Nihtilä, Timo, Berg, Heikki.  2022.  Energy Consumption of DECT-2020 NR Mesh Networks. 2022 Joint European Conference on Networks and Communications & 6G Summit (EuCNC/6G Summit). :196—201.
ETSI DECT-2020 New Radio (NR) is a new flexible radio interface targeted to support a broad range of wireless Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Recent reports have shown that DECT-2020 NR achieves good delay performance and it has been shown to fulfill both massive machine-type communications (mMTC) and ultra-reliable low latency communications (URLLC) requirements for 5th generation (5G) networks. A unique aspect of DECT-2020 as a 5G technology is that it is an autonomous wireless mesh network (WMN) protocol where the devices construct and uphold the network independently without the need for base stations or core network architecture. Instead, DECT-2020 NR relies on part of the network devices taking the role of a router to relay data through the network. This makes deployment of a DECT-2020 NR network affordable and extremely easy, but due to the nature of the medium access protocol, the routing responsibility adds an additional energy consumption burden to the nodes, who in the IoT domain are likely to be equipped with a limited battery capacity. In this paper, we analyze by system level simulations the energy consumption of DECT-2020 NR networks with different network sizes and topologies and how the reported low latencies can be upheld given the energy constraints of IoT devices.
Pavan Kumar, R Sai, Chand, K Gopi, Krishna, M Vamsi, Nithin, B Gowtham, Roshini, A, Swetha, K.  2022.  Enhanced DDOS Attack Detection Algorithm to Increase Network Lifetime in Cloud Environment. 2022 8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS). 1:1783–1787.
DDoS attacks, one of the oldest forms of cyberthreats, continue to be a favorite tool of mass interruption, presenting cybersecurity hazards to practically every type of company, large and small. As a matter of fact, according to IDC, DDoS attacks are predicted to expand at an 18 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) through 2023, indicating that it is past time to enhance investment in strong mitigation systems. And while some firms may assume they are limited targets for a DDoS assault, the amount of structured internet access to power corporation services and apps exposes everyone to downtime and poor performance if the infrastructure is not protected against such attacks. We propose using correlations between missing packets to increase detection accuracy. Furthermore, to ensure that these correlations are calculated correctly.
ISSN: 2575-7288
Kumar, Manish, Soni, Aman, Shekhawat, Ajay Raj Singh, Rawat, Akash.  2022.  Enhanced Digital Image and Text Data Security Using Hybrid Model of LSB Steganography and AES Cryptography Technique. 2022 Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS). :1453–1457.
In the present innovation, for the trading of information, the internet is the most well-known and significant medium. With the progression of the web and data innovation, computerized media has become perhaps the most famous and notable data transfer tools. This advanced information incorporates text, pictures, sound, video etc moved over the public organization. The majority of these advanced media appear as pictures and are a significant part in different applications, for example, chat, talk, news, website, web-based business, email, and digital books. The content is still facing various challenges in which including the issues of protection of copyright, modification, authentication. Cryptography, steganography, embedding techniques is widely used to secure the digital data. In this present the hybrid model of LSB steganography and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) cryptography techniques to enhanced the security of the digital image and text that is undeniably challenging to break by the unapproved person. The security level of the secret information is estimated in the term of MSE and PSNR for better hiding required the low MSE and high PSNR values.
Taleb, Sylia Mekhmoukh, Meraihi, Yassine, Mirjalili, Seyedali, Acheli, Dalila, Ramdane-Cherif, Amar, Gabis, Asma Benmessaoud.  2022.  Enhanced Honey Badger Algorithm for mesh routers placement problem in wireless mesh networks. 2022 International Conference on Advanced Aspects of Software Engineering (ICAASE). :1—6.
This paper proposes an improved version of the newly developed Honey Badger Algorithm (HBA), called Generalized opposition Based-Learning HBA (GOBL-HBA), for solving the mesh routers placement problem. The proposed GOBLHBA is based on the integration of the generalized opposition-based learning strategy into the original HBA. GOBL-HBA is validated in terms of three performance metrics such as user coverage, network connectivity, and fitness value. The evaluation is done using various scenarios with different number of mesh clients, number of mesh routers, and coverage radius values. The simulation results revealed the efficiency of GOBL-HBA when compared with the classical HBA, Genetic Algorithm (GA), and Particle Swarm optimization (PSO).
Sadek, Mennatallah M., Khalifa, Amal, Khafga, Doaa.  2022.  An enhanced Skin-tone Block-map Image Steganography using Integer Wavelet Transforms. 2022 5th International Conference on Computing and Informatics (ICCI). :378–384.
Steganography is the technique of hiding a confidential message in an ordinary message where the extraction of embedded information is done at its destination. Among the different carrier files formats; digital images are the most popular. This paper presents a Wavelet-based method for hiding secret information in digital images where skin areas are identified and used as a region of interest. The work presented here is an extension of a method published earlier by the authors that utilized a rule-based approach to detect skin regions. The proposed method, proposed embedding the secret data into the integer Wavelet coefficients of the approximation sub-band of the cover image. When compared to the original technique, experimental results showed a lower error percentage between skin maps detected before the embedding and during the extraction processes. This eventually increased the similarity between the original and the retrieved secret image.
Rajderkar, Vedashree.P., Chandrakar, Vinod K.  2022.  Enhancement of Power System Security by Fuzzy based Unified Power Flow Controller. 2022 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT). :1—4.
The paper presents the design of fuzzy logic controller based unified power flow controller (UPFC) to improve power system security performance during steady state as well as fault conditions. Fuzzy interference has been design with two inputs Vref and Vm for the shunt voltage source Converter and two inputs for Series Id, Idref, Iq, Iqref at the series voltage source converter location. The coordination of shunt and series VSC has been achieved by using fuzzy logic controller (FLC). The comparative performance of PI based UPFC and fuzzy based UPFC under abnormal condition has been validated in MATLB domain. The combination of fuzzy with a UPFC is tested on multi machine system in MATLAB domain. The results shows that the power system security enhancement as well as oscillations damping.
Lee, Gwo-Chuan, Li, Zi-Yang, Li, Tsai-Wei.  2022.  Ensemble Algorithm of Convolution Neural Networks for Enhancing Facial Expression Recognition. 2022 IEEE 5th International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention (ICKII ). :111—115.
Artificial intelligence (AI) cooperates with multiple industries to improve the overall industry framework. Especially, human emotion recognition plays an indispensable role in supporting medical care, psychological counseling, crime prevention and detection, and crime investigation. The research on emotion recognition includes emotion-specific intonation patterns, literal expressions of emotions, and facial expressions. Recently, the deep learning model of facial emotion recognition aims to capture tiny changes in facial muscles to provide greater recognition accuracy. Hybrid models in facial expression recognition have been constantly proposed to improve the performance of deep learning models in these years. In this study, we proposed an ensemble learning algorithm for the accuracy of the facial emotion recognition model with three deep learning models: VGG16, InceptionResNetV2, and EfficientNetB0. To enhance the performance of these benchmark models, we applied transfer learning, fine-tuning, and data augmentation to implement the training and validation of the Facial Expression Recognition 2013 (FER-2013) Dataset. The developed algorithm finds the best-predicted value by prioritizing the InceptionResNetV2. The experimental results show that the proposed ensemble learning algorithm of priorities edges up 2.81% accuracy of the model identification. The future extension of this study ventures into the Internet of Things (IoT), medical care, and crime detection and prevention.
Tokareva, Marina V., Kublitskii, Anton O., Telyatnikova, Natalia A., Rogov, Anatoly A., Shkolnik, Ilya S..  2022.  Ensuring Comprehensive Security of Information Systems of Large Financial Organizations. 2022 Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ElConRus). :1756–1760.
The article deals with the issues of improving the quality of corporate information systems functioning and ensuring the information security of financial organizations that have a complex structure and serve a significant number of customers. The formation of the company's informational system and its integrated information security system is studied based on the process approach, methods of risk management and quality management. The risks and threats to the security of the informational system functioning and the quality of information support for customer service of a financial organization are analyzed. The methods and tools for improving the quality of information services and ensuring information security are considered on the example of an organization for social insurance. Recommendations are being developed to improve the quality of the informational system functioning in a large financial company.
Huang, Yunge.  2022.  The Establishment of Internet-Based Network Physical Layer Security Identification System. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering and Computer Applications (AEECA). :190–193.
With the continuous development of the Internet, artificial intelligence, 5G and other technologies, various issues have started to receive attention, among which the network security issue is now one of the key research directions for relevant research scholars at home and abroad. This paper researches on the basis of traditional Internet technology to establish a security identification system on top of the network physical layer of the Internet, which can effectively identify some security problems on top of the network infrastructure equipment and solve the identified security problems on the physical layer. This experiment is to develop a security identification system, research and development in the network physical level of the Internet, compared with the traditional development of the relevant security identification system in the network layer, the development in the physical layer, can be based on the physical origin of the protection, from the root to solve part of the network security problems, can effectively carry out the identification and solution of network security problems. The experimental results show that the security identification system can identify some basic network security problems very effectively, and the system is developed based on the physical layer of the Internet network, and the protection is carried out from the physical device, and the retransmission symbol error rates of CQ-PNC algorithm and ML algorithm in the experiment are 110 and 102, respectively. The latter has a lower error rate and better protection.