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Kolias, Constantinos, Copi, Lucas, Zhang, Fengwei, Stavrou, Angelos.  2017.  Breaking BLE Beacons For Fun But Mostly Profit. Proceedings of the 10th European Workshop on Systems Security. :4:1–4:6.
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Beacons introduced a novel technology that enables devices to advertise their presence in an area by constantly broadcasting a static unique identifier. The aim was to enhance services with location and context awareness. Although the hardware components of typical BLE Beacons systems are able to support adequate cryptography, the design and implementation of most publicly available BLE Beacon protocols appears to render them vulnerable to a plethora of attacks. Indeed, in this paper, we were able to perform user tracking, user behavior monitoring, spoofing as well as denial of service (DoS) of many supported services. Our aim is to show that these attacks stem from design flaws of the underlying protocols and assumptions made for the BLE beacons protocols. Using a clearly defined threat model, we provide a formal analysis of the adversarial capabilities and requirements and the attack impact on security and privacy for the end-user. Contrary to popular belief, BLE technology can be exploited even by low-skilled adversaries leading to exposure of user information. To demonstrate our attacks in practice, we selected Apple's iBeacon technology, as a case study. However, our analysis can be easily generalized to other BLE Beacon technologies.
Korczynski, David, Yin, Heng.  2017.  Capturing Malware Propagations with Code Injections and Code-Reuse Attacks. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :1691–1708.
Defending against malware involves analysing large amounts of suspicious samples. To deal with such quantities we rely heavily on automatic approaches to determine whether a sample is malicious or not. Unfortunately, complete and precise automatic analysis of malware is far from an easy task. This is because malware is often designed to contain several techniques and countermeasures specifically to hinder analysis. One of these techniques is for the malware to propagate through the operating system so as to execute in the context of benign processes. The malware does this by writing memory to a given process and then proceeds to have this memory execute. In some cases these propagations are trivial to capture because they rely on well-known techniques. However, in the cases where malware deploys novel code injection techniques, rely on code-reuse attacks and potentially deploy dynamically generated code, the problem of capturing a complete and precise view of the malware execution is non-trivial. In this paper we present a unified approach to tracing malware propagations inside the host in the context of code injections and code-reuse attacks. We also present, to the knowledge of the authors, the first approach to identifying dynamically generated code based on information-flow analysis. We implement our techniques in a system called Tartarus and match Tartarus with both synthetic applications and real-world malware. We compare Tartarus to previous works and show that our techniques substantially improve the precision for collecting malware execution traces, and that our approach can capture intrinsic characteristics of novel code injection techniques.
Qiao, Yue, Srinivasan, Kannan, Arora, Anish.  2017.  Channel Spoofer: Defeating Channel Variability and Unpredictability. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies. :402–413.
A vast literature on secret sharing protocols now exists based on the folk theorem that the wireless channel between communicating parties Alice and Bob cannot be controlled or predicted by a third party in a fine-grain way. We find that the folk theorem unfortunately does not hold. In particular, we show how an adversary, using a customized full-duplex forwarder, can control the channel seen by Alice and Bob in fine granularity without leaving a trace, while predicting with high probability the secrets generated by any channel reciprocity based secret sharing protocol. An implementation of our proposed secret manipulator, called Channel Spoofer, on a software-defined radio platform empirically verifies Channel Spoofer's effectiveness in breaking several representative state-of-the-art secret sharing protocols. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed Channel Spoofer is the first practical attacker against all extant channel reciprocity based secret sharing protocols.
Shan, Yuquan, Kesidis, George, Fleck, Daniel.  2017.  Cloud-Side Shuffling Defenses Against DDoS Attacks on Proxied Multiserver Systems. Proceedings of the 2017 on Cloud Computing Security Workshop. :1–10.
We consider a cloud based multiserver system, consisting of a set of replica application servers behind a set of proxy (indirection) servers which interact directly with clients over the Internet. We address cloud-side proactive and reactive defenses to combat DDoS attacks that may target this system. DDoS attacks are endemic with some notable attacks occurring just this past fall. Volumetric attacks may target proxies while "low volume" attacks may target replicas. After reviewing existing and proposed defenses, such as changing proxy IP addresses (a "moving target" technique to combat the reconnaissance phase of the botnet) and fission of overloaded servers, we focus on evaluation of defenses based on shuffling client-to-server assignments that can be both proactive and reactive to a DDoS attack. Our evaluations are based on a binomial distribution model that well agrees with simulations and preliminary experiments on a prototype that is also described.
Wang, Y., Huang, Y., Zheng, W., Zhou, Z., Liu, D., Lu, M..  2017.  Combining convolutional neural network and self-adaptive algorithm to defeat synthetic multi-digit text-based CAPTCHA. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT). :980–985.
We always use CAPTCHA(Completely Automated Public Turing test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart) to prevent automated bot for data entry. Although there are various kinds of CAPTCHAs, text-based scheme is still applied most widely, because it is one of the most convenient and user-friendly way for daily user [1]. The fact is that segmentations of different types of CAPTCHAs are not always the same, which means one of CAPTCHA's bottleneck is the segmentation. Once we could accurately split the character, the problem could be solved much easier. Unfortunately, the best way to divide them is still case by case, which is to say there is no universal way to achieve it. In this paper, we present a novel algorithm to achieve state-of-the-art performance, what was more, we also constructed a new convolutional neural network as an add-on recognition part to stabilize our state-of-the-art performance of the whole CAPTCHA system. The CAPTCHA datasets we are using is from the State Administration for Industry& Commerce of the People's Republic of China. In this datasets, there are totally 33 entrances of CAPTCHAs. In this experiments, we assume that each of the entrance is known. Results are provided showing how our algorithms work well towards these CAPTCHAs.
Proy, Julien, Heydemann, Karine, Berzati, Alexandre, Cohen, Albert.  2017.  Compiler-Assisted Loop Hardening Against Fault Attacks. ACM Trans. Archit. Code Optim.. 14:36:1–36:25.
Secure elements widely used in smartphones, digital consumer electronics, and payment systems are subject to fault attacks. To thwart such attacks, software protections are manually inserted requiring experts and time. The explosion of the Internet of Things (IoT) in home, business, and public spaces motivates the hardening of a wider class of applications and the need to offer security solutions to non-experts. This article addresses the automated protection of loops at compilation time, covering the widest range of control- and data-flow patterns, in both shape and complexity. The security property we consider is that a sensitive loop must always perform the expected number of iterations; otherwise, an attack must be reported. We propose a generic compile-time loop hardening scheme based on the duplication of termination conditions and of the computations involved in the evaluation of such conditions. We also investigate how to preserve the security property along the compilation flow while enabling aggressive optimizations. We implemented this algorithm in LLVM 4.0 at the Intermediate Representation (IR) level in the backend. On average, the compiler automatically hardens 95% of the sensitive loops of typical security benchmarks, and 98% of these loops are shown to be robust to simulated faults. Performance and code size overhead remain quite affordable, at 12.5% and 14%, respectively.
Edwards, Stephen A., Townsend, Richard, Kim, Martha A..  2017.  Compositional Dataflow Circuits. Proceedings of the 15th ACM-IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for System Design. :175–184.
We present a technique for implementing dataflow networks as compositional hardware circuits. We first define an abstract dataflow model with unbounded buffers that supports data-dependent blocks (mux, demux, and nondeterministic merge); we then show how to faithfully implement such networks with bounded buffers and handshaking. Handshaking admits compositionality: our circuits can be connected with or without buffers and still compute the same function without introducing spurious combinational cycles. As such, inserting or removing buffers affects the performance but not the functionality of our networks, which we demonstrate through experiments that show how design space can be explored.
Shelar, D., Sun, P., Amin, S., Zonouz, S..  2017.  Compromising Security of Economic Dispatch in Power System Operations. 2017 47th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN). :531–542.
Power grid operations rely on the trustworthy operation of critical control center functionalities, including the so-called Economic Dispatch (ED) problem. The ED problem is a large-scale optimization problem that is periodically solved by the system operator to ensure the balance of supply and load while maintaining reliability constraints. In this paper, we propose a semantics-based attack generation and implementation approach to study the security of the ED problem.1 Firstly, we generate optimal attack vectors to transmission line ratings to induce maximum congestion in the critical lines, resulting in the violation of capacity limits. We formulate a bilevel optimization problem in which the attacker chooses manipulations of line capacity ratings to maximinimize the percentage line capacity violations under linear power flows. We reformulate the bilevel problem as a mixed integer linear program that can be solved efficiently. Secondly, we describe how the optimal attack vectors can be implemented in commercial energy management systems (EMSs). The attack explores the dynamic memory space of the EMS, and replaces the true line capacity ratings stored in data regions with the optimal attack vectors. In contrast to the well-known false data injection attacks to control systems that require compromising distributed sensors, our approach directly implements attacks to the control center server. Our experimental results on benchmark power systems and five widely utilized EMSs show the practical feasibility of our attack generation and implementation approach.
Malavolta, Giulio, Moreno-Sanchez, Pedro, Kate, Aniket, Maffei, Matteo, Ravi, Srivatsan.  2017.  Concurrency and Privacy with Payment-Channel Networks. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :455–471.
Permissionless blockchains protocols such as Bitcoin are inherently limited in transaction throughput and latency. Current efforts to address this key issue focus on off-chain payment channels that can be combined in a Payment-Channel Network (PCN) to enable an unlimited number of payments without requiring to access the blockchain other than to register the initial and final capacity of each channel. While this approach paves the way for low latency and high throughput of payments, its deployment in practice raises several privacy concerns as well as technical challenges related to the inherently concurrent nature of payments that have not been sufficiently studied so far. In this work, we lay the foundations for privacy and concurrency in PCNs, presenting a formal definition in the Universal Composability framework as well as practical and provably secure solutions. In particular, we present Fulgor and Rayo. Fulgor is the first payment protocol for PCNs that provides provable privacy guarantees for PCNs and is fully compatible with the Bitcoin scripting system. However, Fulgor is a blocking protocol and therefore prone to deadlocks of concurrent payments as in currently available PCNs. Instead, Rayo is the first protocol for PCNs that enforces non-blocking progress (i.e., at least one of the concurrent payments terminates). We show through a new impossibility result that non-blocking progress necessarily comes at the cost of weaker privacy. At the core of Fulgor and Rayo is Multi-Hop HTLC, a new smart contract, compatible with the Bitcoin scripting system, that provides conditional payments while reducing running time and communication overhead with respect to previous approaches. Our performance evaluation of Fulgor and Rayo shows that a payment with 10 intermediate users takes as few as 5 seconds, thereby demonstrating their feasibility to be deployed in practice.
Schiavone, E., Ceccarelli, A., Bondavalli, A..  2017.  Continuous Biometric Verification for Non-Repudiation of Remote Services. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. :4:1–4:10.
As our society massively relies on ICT, security services are becoming essential to protect users and entities involved. Amongst such services, non-repudiation provides evidences of actions, protects against their denial, and helps solving disputes between parties. For example, it prevents denial of past behaviors as having sent or received messages. Noteworthy, if the information flow is continuous, evidences should be produced for the entirety of the flow and not only at specific points. Further, non-repudiation should be guaranteed by mechanisms that do not reduce the usability of the system or application. To meet these challenges, in this paper, we propose two solutions for non-repudiation of remote services based on multi-biometric continuous authentication. We present an application scenario that discusses how users and service providers are protected with such solutions. We also discuss the technological readiness of biometrics for non-repudiation services: the outcome is that, under specific assumptions, it is actually ready.
Rebaï, S. Bezzaoucha, Voos, H., Darouach, M..  2017.  A contribution to cyber-security of networked control systems: An event-based control approach. 2017 3rd International Conference on Event-Based Control, Communication and Signal Processing (EBCCSP). :1–7.
In the present paper, a networked control system under both cyber and physical attacks Is considered. An adapted formulation of the problem under physical attacks, data deception and false data injection attacks, is used for controller synthesis. Based on the classical fault tolerant detection (FTD) tools, a residual generator for attack/fault detection based on observers is proposed. An event-triggered and Bilinear Matrix Inequality (BMI) implementation is proposed in order to achieve novel and better security strategy. The purpose in using this implementation would be to reduce (limit) the total number of transmissions to only instances when the networked control system (NCS) needs attention. It is important to note that the main contribution of this paper is to establish the adequate event-triggered and BMI-based methodology so that the particular structure of the mixed attacked/faulty structure can be re-formulated within the classical FTD paradigm. Experimental results are given to illustrate the developed approach efficiency on a pilot three-tank system. The plant model is presented and the proposed control design is applied to the system.
Payer, Mathias.  2017.  Control-Flow Hijacking: Are We Making Progress? Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :4–4.
Memory corruption errors in C/C++ programs remain the most common source of security vulnerabilities in today's systems. Over the last 10+ years the security community developed several defenses [4]. Data Execution Prevention (DEP) protects against code injection – eradicating this attack vector. Yet, control-flow hijacking and code reuse remain challenging despite wide deployment of Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) and stack canaries. These defenses are probabilistic and rely on information hiding. The deployed defenses complicate attacks, yet control-flow hijack attacks (redirecting execution to a location that would not be reached in a benign execution) are still prevalent. Attacks reuse existing gadgets (short sequences of code), often leveraging information disclosures to learn the location of the desired gadgets. Strong defense mechanisms have not yet been widely deployed due to (i) the time it takes to roll out a security mechanism, (ii) incompatibility with specific features, and (iii) performance overhead. In the meantime, only a set of low-overhead but incomplete mitigations has been deployed in practice. Control-Flow Integrity (CFI) [1,2] and Code-Pointer Integrity (CPI) [3] are two promising upcoming defense mechanisms, protecting against control-flow hijacking. CFI guarantees that the runtime control flow follows the statically determined control-flow graph. An attacker may reuse any of the valid transitions at any control-flow transfer. We compare a broad range of CFI mechanisms using a unified nomenclature based on (i) a qualitative discussion of the conceptual security guarantees, (ii) a quantitative security evaluation, and (iii)\textbackslashtextasciitildean empirical evaluation of their performance in the same test environment. For each mechanism, we evaluate (i) protected types of control-flow transfers, (ii) the precision of the protection for forward and backward edges. For open-source compiler-based implementations, we additionally evaluate (iii) the generated equivalence classes and target sets, and (iv) the runtime performance. CPI on the other hand is a dynamic property that enforces selective memory safety through bounds checks for code pointers by separating code pointers from regular data.
Burow, Nathan, Carr, Scott A., Nash, Joseph, Larsen, Per, Franz, Michael, Brunthaler, Stefan, Payer, Mathias.  2017.  Control-Flow Integrity: Precision, Security, and Performance. ACM Comput. Surv.. 50:16:1–16:33.
Memory corruption errors in C/C++ programs remain the most common source of security vulnerabilities in today’s systems. Control-flow hijacking attacks exploit memory corruption vulnerabilities to divert program execution away from the intended control flow. Researchers have spent more than a decade studying and refining defenses based on Control-Flow Integrity (CFI); this technique is now integrated into several production compilers. However, so far, no study has systematically compared the various proposed CFI mechanisms nor is there any protocol on how to compare such mechanisms. We compare a broad range of CFI mechanisms using a unified nomenclature based on (i) a qualitative discussion of the conceptual security guarantees, (ii) a quantitative security evaluation, and (iii) an empirical evaluation of their performance in the same test environment. For each mechanism, we evaluate (i) protected types of control-flow transfers and (ii) precision of the protection for forward and backward edges. For open-source, compiler-based implementations, we also evaluate (iii) generated equivalence classes and target sets and (iv) runtime performance.
Vora, Keval, Tian, Chen, Gupta, Rajiv, Hu, Ziang.  2017.  CoRAL: Confined Recovery in Distributed Asynchronous Graph Processing. Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems. :223–236.
Existing distributed asynchronous graph processing systems employ checkpointing to capture globally consistent snapshots and rollback all machines to most recent checkpoint to recover from machine failures. In this paper we argue that recovery in distributed asynchronous graph processing does not require the entire execution state to be rolled back to a globally consistent state due to the relaxed asynchronous execution semantics. We define the properties required in the recovered state for it to be usable for correct asynchronous processing and develop CoRAL, a lightweight checkpointing and recovery algorithm. First, this algorithm carries out confined recovery that only rolls back graph execution states of the failed machines to affect recovery. Second, it relies upon lightweight checkpoints that capture locally consistent snapshots with a reduced peak network bandwidth requirement. Our experiments using real-world graphs show that our technique recovers from failures and finishes processing 1.5x to 3.2x faster compared to the traditional asynchronous checkpointing and recovery mechanism when failures impact 1 to 6 machines of a 16 machine cluster. Moreover, capturing locally consistent snapshots significantly reduces intermittent high peak bandwidth usage required to save the snapshots – the average reduction in 99th percentile bandwidth ranges from 22% to 51% while 1 to 6 snapshot replicas are being maintained.
Zheng, Yan, Phillips, Jeff M..  2017.  Coresets for Kernel Regression. Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. :645–654.
Kernel regression is an essential and ubiquitous tool for non-parametric data analysis, particularly popular among time series and spatial data. However, the central operation which is performed many times, evaluating a kernel on the data set, takes linear time. This is impractical for modern large data sets. In this paper we describe coresets for kernel regression: compressed data sets which can be used as proxy for the original data and have provably bounded worst case error. The size of the coresets are independent of the raw number of data points; rather they only depend on the error guarantee, and in some cases the size of domain and amount of smoothing. We evaluate our methods on very large time series and spatial data, and demonstrate that they incur negligible error, can be constructed extremely efficiently, and allow for great computational gains.
Carr, Scott A., Payer, Mathias.  2017.  DataShield: Configurable Data Confidentiality and Integrity. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :193–204.
Applications written in C/C++ are prone to memory corruption, which allows attackers to extract secrets or gain control of the system. With the rise of strong control-flow hijacking defenses, non-control data attacks have become the dominant threat. As vulnerabilities like HeartBleed have shown, such attacks are equally devastating. Data Confidentiality and Integrity (DCI) is a low-overhead non-control-data protection mechanism for systems software. DCI augments the C/C++ programming languages with an- notations, allowing the programmer to protect selected data types. The DCI compiler and runtime system prevent illegal reads (confidentiality) and writes (integrity) to instances of these types. The programmer selects types that contain security critical information such as passwords, cryptographic keys, or identification tokens. Protecting only this critical data greatly reduces performance overhead relative to complete memory safety. Our prototype implementation of DCI, DataShield, shows the applicability and efficiency of our approach. For SPEC CPU2006, the performance overhead is at most 16.34%. For our case studies, we instrumented mbedTLS, astar, and libquantum to show that our annotation approach is practical. The overhead of our SSL/TLS server is 35.7% with critical data structures protected at all times. Our security evaluation shows DataShield mitigates a recently discovered vulnerability in mbedTLS.
Abdellatif, Lasbahani, Chhiba, Mostafa, Mjihil, Oussama.  2017.  Deals with Integrating of Security Specifications During Software Design Phase Using MDA Approach. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Internet of Things, Data and Cloud Computing. :196:1–196:7.
There are many recent propositions treating Model Driven Architecture (MDA) approaches to perform and automate code generation from design models. To the best of our knowledge and research, most of these propositions have been only focused on functional aspect by allowing code generation without considering this the non-functional aspect at the same time so that to generate secure object-oriented software basing on MDA approach. In this context, we are adding further details to integrate the security policies required in the form of secure models. The systems specification models will be enhanced with security requirements at different abstraction levels through a set of transformation models. Improving functional models with security constraints allow us to incorporate the security needs and automating generating secure applications with their security infrastructure using MDA approach. After carrying out a modification on MDA processes and UML meta-model to cover a better representation of security policies of an organization by updating different existing software engineering process to take into account nonfunctional aspect along with their functional aspect. This work presents a new methodology based on MDA approach and existing security technologies for allowing the integration of the proposed security requirements, which are obtained from security experts, during the system design. Within this context, we have focused on the essential elements of security, such as data encryption, Message Integrity, and Access Control in order to express the importance of merging both the functional and non-functional aspects altogether. We have chosen these properties to practically illustrate how to generate secure applications including their security policies. Then the source code will be obtained automatically from Platform Specific Models (PSM) by applying a set of model transformations and using a code generator designed for this mission. In addition, we can inject also other security-related properties, such as Availability, Traceability, non-repudiation, and Scalability issues during the whole development process by following the same methodology. these properties will be treated in the future work.
Haq, M. S., Anwar, Z., Ahsan, A., Afzal, H..  2017.  Design pattern for secure object oriented information systems development. 2017 14th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences and Technology (IBCAST). :456–460.
There are many object oriented design patterns and frameworks; to make the Information System robust, scalable and extensible. The objected oriented patterns are classified in the category of creational, structural, behavioral, security, concurrency, and user interface, relational, social and distributed. All the above classified design pattern doesn't work to provide a pathway and standards to make the Information system, to fulfill the requirement of confidentiality, Integrity and availability. This research work will explore the gap and suggest possible object oriented design pattern focusing the information security perspectives of the information system. At application level; this object oriented design pattern/framework shall try to ensure the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of the information systems intuitively. The main objective of this research work is to create a theoretical background of object oriented framework and design pattern which ensure confidentiality, integrity and availability of the system developed through the object oriented paradigm.
von Hof, Vincent, Fögen, Konrad, Kuchen, Herbert.  2017.  Detecting Spring Configurations Errors. Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing. :1505–1512.
Dependency injection frameworks such as the Spring framework rely on dynamic language features of Java. Errors arising from the improper usage of these features bypass the compile-time checks of the Java compiler. This paper discusses the application of static code analysis as a means to restore compile-time checking for Spring-related configuration errors. First, possible errors in the configuration of Spring are identified and classified. Attributed grammars are applied in order to formally detect the errors and a prototypical compiler extension is implemented based on Java's pluggable annotation processing API.
Shi, Z., Huang, M., Zhao, C., Huang, L., Du, X., Zhao, Y..  2017.  Detection of LSSUAV using hash fingerprint based SVDD. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). :1–5.
With the rapid development of science and technology, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) gradually become the worldwide focus of science and technology. Not only the development and application but also the security of UAV is of great significance to modern society. Different from methods using radar, optical or acoustic sensors to detect UAV, this paper proposes a novel distance-based support vector data description (SVDD) algorithm using hash fingerprint as feature. This algorithm does not need large number of training samples and its computation complexity is low. Hash fingerprint is generated by extracting features of signal preamble waveforms. Distance-based SVDD algorithm is employed to efficiently detect and recognize low, slow, small unmanned aerial vehicles (LSSUAVs) using 2.4GHz frequency band.
Chistyakov, Alexander, Pripadchev, Artem, Radchenko, Irina.  2017.  On Development of a Framework for Massive Source Code Analysis Using Static Code Analyzers. Proceedings of the 13th Central & Eastern European Software Engineering Conference in Russia. :20:1–20:3.
Authors describe architecture and implementation of an automated source code analyzing system which uses pluggable static code analyzers. The paper presents a module for gathering and analyzing the source code massively in a detailed manner. Authors also compare existing static code analyzers for Python programming language. A common format of storing results of code analysis for subsequent processing is introduced. Also, authors discuss methods of statistical processing and visualizing of raw analysis data.
Mirzamohammadi, Saeed, Chen, Justin A., Sani, Ardalan Amiri, Mehrotra, Sharad, Tsudik, Gene.  2017.  Ditio: Trustworthy Auditing of Sensor Activities in Mobile & IoT Devices. Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems. :28:1–28:14.
Mobile and Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices, such as smartphones, tablets, wearables, smart home assistants (e.g., Google Home and Amazon Echo), and wall-mounted cameras, come equipped with various sensors, notably camera and microphone. These sensors can capture extremely sensitive and private information. There are several important scenarios where, for privacy reasons, a user might require assurance about the use (or non-use) of these sensors. For example, the owner of a home assistant might require assurance that the microphone on the device is not used during a given time of the day. Similarly, during a confidential meeting, the host needs assurance that attendees do not record any audio or video. Currently, there are no means to attain such assurance in modern mobile and IoT devices. To this end, this paper presents Ditio, a system approach for auditing sensor activities. Ditio records sensor activity logs that can be later inspected by an auditor and checked for compliance with a given policy. It is based on a hybrid security monitor architecture that leverages both ARM's virtualization hardware and TrustZone. Ditio includes an authentication protocol for establishing a logging session with a trusted server and a formally verified companion tool for log analysis. Ditio prototypes on ARM Juno development board and Nexus 5 smartphone show that it introduces negligible performance overhead for both the camera and microphone. However, it incurs up to 17% additional power consumption under heavy use for the Nexus 5 camera.
Tacliad, Francisco, Nguyen, Thuy D., Gondree, Mark.  2017.  DoS Exploitation of Allen-Bradley's Legacy Protocol Through Fuzz Testing. Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Industrial Control System Security Workshop. :24–31.
EtherNet/IP is a TCP/IP-based industrial protocol commonly used in industrial control systems (ICS). TCP/IP connectivity to the outside world has enabled ICS operators to implement more agile practices, but it also has exposed these cyber-physical systems to cyber attacks. Using a custom Scapy-based fuzzer to test for implementation flaws in the EtherNet/IP software of commercial programmable logic controllers (PLC), we uncover a previously unreported denial-of-service (DoS) vulnerability in the Ethernet/IP implementation of the Rockwell Automation/Allen-Bradley MicroLogix 1100 PLC that, if exploited, can cause the PLC to fault. ICS-CERT recently announces this vulnerability in the security advisory ICSA-17-138-03. This paper describes this vulnerability, the development of an EtherNet/IP fuzzer, and an approach to remotely monitor for faults generated when fuzzing.
Friebe, Sebastian, Florian, Martin.  2017.  DPS-Discuss: Demonstrating Decentralized, Pseudonymous, Sybil-resistant Communication. Proceedings of the SIGCOMM Posters and Demos. :74–75.
A current trend on the Internet is the increasing surveillance of its users. A few big service providers have divided most of the user-facing Internet between them, observing and recording the activities of their users to increase profits. Additionally, government agencies have been found to practice mass surveillance. With regard to this it becomes even more important to provide online services that protect the privacy of their users and avoid censorship by single, powerful entities. To reach these goals, a trusted third party should be avoided. A prototype service which fulfills these goals is DPS-Discuss, a decentralized, pseudonymous online discussion application. It uses the libraries BitNym and Peer-Tor-Peer for pseudonym management and anonymous communication.
Kirsch, Julian, Bierbaumer, Bruno, Kittel, Thomas, Eckert, Claudia.  2017.  Dynamic Loader Oriented Programming on Linux. Proceedings of the 1st Reversing and Offensive-oriented Trends Symposium. :5:1–5:13.
Memory corruptions are still the most prominent venue to attack otherwise secure programs. In order to make exploitation of software bugs more difficult, defenders introduced a vast number of post corruption security mitigations, such as w⊕x memory, Stack Canaries, and Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR), to only name a few. In the following, we describe the Wiedergänger1-Attack, a new attack vector that reliably allows to escalate unbounded array access vulnerabilities occurring in specifically allocated memory regions to full code execution on programs running on i386/x86\_64 Linux. Wiedergänger-attacks abuse determinism in Linux ASLR implementation combined with the fact that (even with protection mechanisms such as relro and glibc's pointer mangling enabled) there exist easy-to-hijack, writable (function) pointers in application memory. To discover such pointers, we use taint analysis and backwards slicing at the binary level and calculate an over-approximation of vulnerable instruction sequences. To show the relevance of Wiedergänger, we exploit one of the discovered instruction sequences to perform an attack on Debian 10 (Buster) by overwriting structures used by the dynamic loader (dl) that are present in any application with glibc and the dynamic loader as dependency. In order to show generality, we solely focus on data structures dispatched at program shutdown, as this is a point that arguably all applications eventually have to reach. This results in a reliable compromise that effectively bypasses all protection mechanisms deployed on x86\_64/i386 Linux to date. We believe Wiedergänger to be part of an under-researched type of control flow hijacking attacks targeting internal control structures of the dynamic loader for which we propose to use the terminology Loader Oriented Programming (LOP).