Visible to the public A real continuously moving target simulation system design without time delay error

TitleA real continuously moving target simulation system design without time delay error
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsZhang Deping, Wang Quan, Wang Qingping, Wu WeiWei, Yuan NaiChang
Conference NameSignal Processing, Communications and Computing (ICSPCC), 2014 IEEE International Conference on
Date PublishedAug
Keywordscontinuously moving target simulation system design, Delay effects, Delay lines, delays, digital delay technique, discrete time delay, echo, echo time delay, Laser radar, Logic gates, moving target simulator, phase compensation, radar antennas, Radar cross-sections, radar moving target simulator, radar signal processing, radar simulator, signal processing technique, time delay error, time delay error adjustment

The time delay of echo generated by the moving target simulator based on digital delay technique is discrete. So there are range and phase errors between the simulated target and real target, and the simulated target will move discontinuously due to the discrete time delay. In order to solve this problem and generate a continuously moving target, this paper uses signal processing technique to adjust the range and phase errors between the two targets. By adjusting the range gate, the time delay error is reduced to be smaller than sampling interval. According to the relationship between range and phase, the left error within one range bin can be removed equivalently by phase compensation. The simulation results show that by adjusting the range gate, the time delay errors are greatly reduced, and the left errors can be removed by phase compensation. In other words, a real continuously moving target is generated and the problem is solved.

Citation Key6986194