Visible to the public Expert System for Managing Policy of Technological Security in Uncertainty Conditions: Architectural, Algorithmic, and Computing Aspects

TitleExpert System for Managing Policy of Technological Security in Uncertainty Conditions: Architectural, Algorithmic, and Computing Aspects
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsShabanov, Boris, Sotnikov, Alexander, Palyukh, Boris, Vetrov, Alexander, Alexandrova, Darya
Conference Name2019 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus)
Keywordsalgorithmic aspects, architectural aspects, business data processing, Circuit faults, compositionality, computing aspects, Dempster-Schafer trust function, diagnostic variables, enterprise, expert system, expert systems, Expert Systems and Security, False Data Detection, faulty process chains, faulty technological chain, Human Behavior, inference mechanisms, knowledge base production, Predictive Metrics, probability, probability measure, process control, Production, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Safety, Scalability, Scientific Computing Security, security, security of data, technological process, technological safety, technological safety management, technological security, theory of evidence, Uncertainty, uncertainty conditions, uncertainty handling

The paper discusses the architectural, algorithmic and computing aspects of creating and operating a class of expert system for managing technological safety of an enterprise, in conditions of a large flow of diagnostic variables. The algorithm for finding a faulty technological chain uses expert information, formed as a set of evidence on the influence of diagnostic variables on the correctness of the technological process. Using the Dempster-Schafer trust function allows determining the overall probability measure on subsets of faulty process chains. To combine different evidence, the orthogonal sums of the base probabilities determined for each evidence are calculated. The procedure described above is converted into the rules of the knowledge base production. The description of the developed prototype of the expert system, its architecture, algorithmic and software is given. The functionality of the expert system and configuration tools for a specific type of production are under discussion.

Citation Keyshabanov_expert_2019