Visible to the public Linear Precoding Design for Cache-aided Full-duplex Networks

TitleLinear Precoding Design for Cache-aided Full-duplex Networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsVu, Thang X., Vu, Trinh Anh, Lei, Lei, Chatzinotas, Symeon, Ottersten, Björn
Conference Name2019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC)
Keywordsapproximation theory, array signal processing, cache storage, cache-aided FD system, cache-aided full-duplex networks, concave programming, data hungry, delivery time, delivery time analysis, delivery time optimization, edge caching, edge node, FD mode, full-duplex, full-duplex transmission, future generation wireless networks, half-duplex counterpart, human factors, inner approximation method, Interference cancellation, Iterative methods, iterative optimization algorithms, least mean squares methods, linear beamforming zero-forcing, linear codes, linear precoding design, minimum mean square error designs, network coding, Optimization, optimization problems, policy-based governance, precoding, pubcrawl, radio networks, radiofrequency interference, Resiliency, Scalability, self-interference, spectral efficiency, wireless channels, wireless networks, zero trust
AbstractEdge caching has received much attention as a promising technique to overcome the stringent latency and data hungry challenges in the future generation wireless networks. Meanwhile, full-duplex (FD) transmission can potentially double the spectral efficiency by allowing a node to receive and transmit simultaneously. In this paper, we study a cache-aided FD system via delivery time analysis and optimization. In the considered system, an edge node (EN) operates in FD mode and serves users via wireless channels. Two optimization problems are formulated to minimize the largest delivery time based on the two popular linear beamforming zero-forcing and minimum mean square error designs. Since the formulated problems are non-convex due to the self-interference at the EN, we propose two iterative optimization algorithms based on the inner approximation method. The convergence of the proposed iterative algorithms is analytically guaranteed. Finally, the impacts of caching and the advantages of the FD system over the half-duplex (HD) counterpart are demonstrated via numerical results.
Citation Keyvu_linear_2019