Visible to the public Towards natural interaction in immersive reality with a cyber-glove

TitleTowards natural interaction in immersive reality with a cyber-glove
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsAlmeida, L., Lopes, E., Yalçinkaya, B., Martins, R., Lopes, A., Menezes, P., Pires, G.
Conference Name2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC)
Date PublishedOct. 2019
ISBN Number978-1-7281-4569-3
Keywords3D manipulation task, augmented reality, biomechanics, composability, cyber physical systems, cyber-glove based interactions, cyber-glove system, data gloves, embodiment, finger movements, gesture recognition, glove-based systems, hand orientation, Heart rate, high immersive experiences, HTC Vive controller, human computer interaction, human factors, immersive reality, immersive sensation, immersive systems, mixed reality interaction tasks, mixed reality systems, natural interaction, privacy, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Sensors, standard VR hand controller devices, Task Analysis, Three-dimensional displays, Tracking, user interfaces, virtual door, virtual environment, virtual reality, virtual reality interaction tasks, virtual reality systems, wrist

Over the past few years, virtual and mixed reality systems have evolved significantly yielding high immersive experiences. Most of the metaphors used for interaction with the virtual environment do not provide the same meaningful feedback, to which the users are used to in the real world. This paper proposes a cyber-glove to improve the immersive sensation and the degree of embodiment in virtual and mixed reality interaction tasks. In particular, we are proposing a cyber-glove system that tracks wrist movements, hand orientation and finger movements. It provides a decoupled position of the wrist and hand, which can contribute to a better embodiment in interaction and manipulation tasks. Additionally, the detection of the curvature of the fingers aims to improve the proprioceptive perception of the grasping/releasing gestures more consistent to visual feedback. The cyber-glove system is being developed for VR applications related to real estate promotion, where users have to go through divisions of the house and interact with objects and furniture. This work aims to assess if glove-based systems can contribute to a higher sense of immersion, embodiment and usability when compared to standard VR hand controller devices (typically button-based). Twenty-two participants tested the cyber-glove system against the HTC Vive controller in a 3D manipulation task, specifically the opening of a virtual door. Metric results showed that 83% of the users performed faster door pushes, and described shorter paths with their hands wearing the cyber-glove. Subjective results showed that all participants rated the cyber-glove based interactions as equally or more natural, and 90% of users experienced an equal or a significant increase in the sense of embodiment.

Citation Keyalmeida_towards_2019