Visible to the public Specific Emitter Identification via Variational Mode Decomposition and Histogram of Oriented Gradient

TitleSpecific Emitter Identification via Variational Mode Decomposition and Histogram of Oriented Gradient
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsGuo, Shaoying, Xu, Yanyun, Huang, Weiqing, Liu, Bo
Conference Name2021 28th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT)
Keywordsfeature extraction, histogram of oriented gradient, Histograms, Metrics, performance evaluation, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, security, simulation, specific emitter identification, Time Frequency Analysis, Time-frequency Analysis, time-frequency domain features, variational mode decomposition, Wireless communication, wireless communication network security, Zigbee
AbstractSpecific emitter identification (SEI) is a physical-layer-based approach for enhancing wireless communication network security. A well-done SEI method can be widely applied in identifying the individual wireless communication device. In this paper, we propose a novel specific emitter identification method based on variational mode decomposition and histogram of oriented gradient (VMD-HOG). The signal is decomposed into specific temporal modes via VMD and HOG features are obtained from the time-frequency spectrum of temporal modes. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated both in single hop and relaying scenarios and under three channels with the number of emitters varying. Results depict that our proposed method provides great identification performance for both simulated signals and realistic data of Zigbee devices and outperforms the two existing methods in identification accuracy and computational complexity.
Citation Keyguo_specific_2021