Lightweight approach for detection of denial of service attacks using numeric to binary preprocessing
Title | Lightweight approach for detection of denial of service attacks using numeric to binary preprocessing |
Publication Type | Conference Paper |
Year of Publication | 2014 |
Authors | Katkar, V.D., Bhatia, D.S. |
Conference Name | Circuits, Systems, Communication and Information Technology Applications (CSCITA), 2014 International Conference on |
Date Published | April |
Keywords | Accuracy, Bayes methods, Computer crime, computer network security, CPU utilization, data mining, Data preprocessing, DDoS Attack, Decision trees, denial of service attack, Denial of Service attacks, detection accuracy, discretization preprocessing methods, distributed denial of service attack detection, DoS attack, fuzzification preprocessing methods, fuzzy set theory, IDS, Intrusion detection, intrusion detection system, Intrusion Detection Systems, KDD 99 dataset, normalization preprocessing methods, Numeric to Binary preprocessing, numeric to binary preprocessing method, online services, Training, training dataset quality |
Abstract |
DOI | 10.1109/CSCITA.2014.6839260 |
Citation Key | 6839260 |
- DoS attack
- training dataset quality
- Training
- online services
- numeric to binary preprocessing method
- Numeric to Binary preprocessing
- normalization preprocessing methods
- KDD 99 dataset
- Intrusion Detection Systems
- intrusion detection system
- Intrusion Detection
- fuzzy set theory
- fuzzification preprocessing methods
- Accuracy
- distributed denial of service attack detection
- discretization preprocessing methods
- detection accuracy
- Denial of Service attacks
- denial of service attack
- Decision trees
- DDoS Attack
- Data preprocessing
- Data mining
- CPU utilization
- computer network security
- Computer crime
- Bayes methods