Visible to the public RESEARCH on the future functions and MODALITY of smart grid and its key technologies

TitleRESEARCH on the future functions and MODALITY of smart grid and its key technologies
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsHan Huang, Jun Zhang, Guanglong Xie
Conference NameElectricity Distribution (CICED), 2014 China International Conference on
Date PublishedSept
KeywordsAbstracts, Batteries, Big Data, big data analysis, cloud computing, cloud computing technology, DC power distribution technology, development, distributed power generation, Electricity, energy resource transmission system, energy security, energy storage, flexible AC transmission systems, function and state, geography dimension, Integrated circuit interconnections, intelligent electricity application technology, key technology, large-capacity flexible transmission technology, Large-scale energy storage technology, Natural gas, power engineering computing, power network control, real-time tracking simulation technology, reliability, Smart grid, smart grid modality, Smart grids, smart power grids, wide-area situational awareness technology

Power network is important part of national comprehensive energy resources transmission system in the way of energy security promise and the economy society running. Meanwhile, because of many industries involved, the development of grid can push national innovation ability. Nowadays, it makes the inner of smart grid flourish that material science, computer technique and information and communication technology go forward. This paper researches the function and modality of smart grid on energy, geography and technology dimensions. The analysis on the technology dimension is addressed on two aspects which are network control and interaction with customer. The mapping relationship between functions fo smart grid and eight key technologies, which are Large-capacity flexible transmission technology, DC power distribution technology, Distributed power generation technology, Large-scale energy storage technology, Real-time tracking simulation technology, Intelligent electricity application technology, The big data analysis and cloud computing technology, Wide-area situational awareness technology, is given. The research emphasis of the key technologies is proposed.

Citation Key6991905