Visible to the public An Adaptive Control Architecture for Cyber-Physical System Security in the Face of Sensor and Actuator Attacks and Exogenous Stochastic Disturbances

TitleAn Adaptive Control Architecture for Cyber-Physical System Security in the Face of Sensor and Actuator Attacks and Exogenous Stochastic Disturbances
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsJin, X., Haddad, W. M., Hayakawa, T.
Conference Name2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)
Keywordsactuator attacks, actuator security, actuators, adaptive control, adaptive controller, aircraft lateral directional dynamics, closed loop systems, closed-loop dynamical system, composability, Computer architecture, control system security, cyber-physical system security, Cyber-physical systems, High definition video, Human Behavior, mean-square sense, Metrics, novel adaptive control architecture, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, security, sensor attacks, state-dependent adversarial sensor, stochastic exogenous disturbances, Stochastic processes, time-invariant adversarial sensor, uncertain systems, uniform ultimate boundedness

In this paper, we propose a novel adaptive control architecture for addressing security and safety in cyber-physical systems subject to exogenous disturbances. Specifically, we develop an adaptive controller for time-invariant, state-dependent adversarial sensor and actuator attacks in the face of stochastic exogenous disturbances. We show that the proposed controller guarantees uniform ultimate boundedness of the closed-loop dynamical system in a mean-square sense. We further discuss the practicality of the proposed approach and provide a numerical example involving the lateral directional dynamics of an aircraft to illustrate the efficacy of the proposed adaptive control architecture.

Citation Keyjin_adaptive_2017