Visible to the public Cyber-attack detection in the networked control system with faulty plant

TitleCyber-attack detection in the networked control system with faulty plant
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsYaseen, A. A., Bayart, M.
Conference Name2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED)
KeywordsAdaptation models, autonomous underwater vehicles, cyber-attack detection, fault accommodation technique, fault tolerant control, fault-tolerant ability, faulty plant, IGPC, intelligent control, intelligent generalized predictive controller, mathematical framework, Metrics, Networked Control System, networked control systems, predictive control, pubcrawl, remotely operated underwater vehicle, Resiliency, ROV, Scalability, security, Standards, Tools, Trajectory, Underwater Networks, Underwater vehicles

In this paper, the mathematical framework of behavioral system will be applied to detect the cyber-attack on the networked control system which is used to control the remotely operated underwater vehicle ROV. The Intelligent Generalized Predictive Controller IGPC is used to control the ROV. The IGPC is designed with fault-tolerant ability. In consequence of the used fault accommodation technique, the proposed cyber-attacks detector is able to clearly detect the presence of attacker control signal and to distinguish between the effects of the attacker signal and fault on the plant side. The test result of the suggested method demonstrates that it can be considerably used for detection of the cyber-attack.

Citation Keyyaseen_cyber-attack_2017