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Zhang, J., Tang, Z., Li, R., Chen, X., Gong, X., Fang, D., Wang, Z..  2017.  Protect Sensitive Information against Channel State Information Based Attacks. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) and IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC). 2:203–210.

Channel state information (CSI) has been recently shown to be useful in performing security attacks in public WiFi environments. By analyzing how CSI is affected by the finger motions, CSI-based attacks can effectively reconstruct text-based passwords and locking patterns. This paper presents WiGuard, a novel system to protect sensitive on-screen gestures in a public place. Our approach carefully exploits the WiFi channel interference to introduce noise into the attacker's CSI measurement to reduce the success rate of the attack. Our approach automatically detects when a CSI-based attack happens. We evaluate our approach by applying it to protect text-based passwords and pattern locks on mobile devices. Experimental results show that our approach is able to reduce the success rate of CSI attacks from 92% to 42% for text-based passwords and from 82% to 22% for pattern lock.

Jha, Sagar, Behrens, Jonathan, Gkountouvas, Theo, Milano, Matthew, Song, Weijia, Tremel, Edward, Zink, Sydney, Birman, Ken, van Renesse, Robbert.  2017.  Building Smart Memories and High-speed Cloud Services for the Internet of Things with Derecho. Proceedings of the 2017 Symposium on Cloud Computing. :632–632.
The coming generation of Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications will process massive amounts of incoming data while supporting data mining and online learning. In cases with demanding real-time requirements, such systems behave as smart memories: a high-bandwidth service that captures sensor input, processes it using machine-learning tools, replicates and stores "interesting" data (discarding uninteresting content), updates knowledge models, and triggers urgently-needed responses. Derecho is a high-throughput library for building smart memories and similar services. At its core Derecho implements atomic multicast (Vertical Paxos) and state machine replication (the classic durable Paxos). Derecho's replicated\textbackslashtextlessT\textbackslashtextgreater template defines a replicated type; the corresponding objects are associated with subgroups, which can be sharded into key-value structures. The persistent\textbackslashtextlessT\textbackslashtextgreater and volatile\textbackslashtextlessT\textbackslashtextgreater storage templates implement version vectors with optional NVM persistence. These support time-indexed access, offering lock-free snapshot isolation that blends temporal precision and causal consistency. Derecho automates application management, supporting multigroup structures and providing consistent knowledge of the current membership mapping. A query can access data from many shards or subgroups, and consistency is guaranteed without any form of distributed locking. Whereas many systems run consensus on the critical path, Derecho requires consensus only when updating membership. By leveraging an RDMA data plane and NVM storage, and adopting a novel receiver-side batching technique, Derecho can saturate a 12.5GB RDMA network, sending millions of events per second in each subgroup or shard. In a single subgroup with 2–16 members, through-put peaks at 16 GB/s for large (100MB or more) objects. While key-value subgroups would typically use 2 or 3-member shards, unsharded subgroups could be large. In tests with a 128-member group, Derecho's multicast and Paxos protocols were just 3–5x slower than for a small group, depending on the traffic pattern. With network contention, slow members, or overlapping groups that generate concurrent traffic, Derecho's protocols remain stable and adapt to the available bandwidth.
Gilani, Zafar, Kochmar, Ekaterina, Crowcroft, Jon.  2017.  Classification of Twitter Accounts into Automated Agents and Human Users. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining 2017. :489–496.
Online social networks (OSNs) have seen a remarkable rise in the presence of surreptitious automated accounts. Massive human user-base and business-supportive operating model of social networks (such as Twitter) facilitates the creation of automated agents. In this paper we outline a systematic methodology and train a classifier to categorise Twitter accounts into 'automated' and 'human' users. To improve classification accuracy we employ a set of novel steps. First, we divide the dataset into four popularity bands to compensate for differences in types of accounts. Second, we create a large ground truth dataset using human annotations and extract relevant features from raw tweets. To judge accuracy of the procedure we calculate agreement among human annotators as well as with a bot detection research tool. We then apply a Random Forests classifier that achieves an accuracy close to human agreement. Finally, as a concluding step we perform tests to measure the efficacy of our results.
Ghazali, Aimi Shazwani, Ham, Jaap, Barakova, Emilia, Markopoulos, Panos.  2017.  The Influence of Social Cues and Controlling Language on Agent's Expertise, Sociability, and Trustworthiness. Proceedings of the Companion of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. :125–126.

For optimal human-robot interaction, understanding the determinants and components of anthropomorphism is crucial. This research assessed the influence of an agent's social cues and controlling language use on user's perceptions of the agent's expertise, sociability, and trustworthiness. In a game context, the agent attempted to persuade users to modify their choices using high or low controlling language and using different levels of social cues (advice with text-only with no robot embodiment as the agent, a robot with elementary social cues, and a robot with advanced social cues). As expected, low controlling language lead to higher perceived anthropomorphism, while the robotic agent with the most social cues was selected as the most expert advisor and the non-social agent as the most trusted advisor.

Razaghpanah, Abbas, Niaki, Arian Akhavan, Vallina-Rodriguez, Narseo, Sundaresan, Srikanth, Amann, Johanna, Gill, Phillipa.  2017.  Studying TLS Usage in Android Apps. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies. :350–362.

Transport Layer Security (TLS), has become the de-facto standard for secure Internet communication. When used correctly, it provides secure data transfer, but used incorrectly, it can leave users vulnerable to attacks while giving them a false sense of security. Numerous efforts have studied the adoption of TLS (and its predecessor, SSL) and its use in the desktop ecosystem, attacks, and vulnerabilities in both desktop clients and servers. However, there is a dearth of knowledge of how TLS is used in mobile platforms. In this paper we use data collected by Lumen, a mobile measurement platform, to analyze how 7,258 Android apps use TLS in the wild. We analyze and fingerprint handshake messages to characterize the TLS APIs and libraries that apps use, and also evaluate weaknesses. We see that about 84% of apps use default OS APIs for TLS. Many apps use third-party TLS libraries; in some cases they are forced to do so because of restricted Android capabilities. Our analysis shows that both approaches have limitations, and that improving TLS security in mobile is not straightforward. Apps that use their own TLS configurations may have vulnerabilities due to developer inexperience, but apps that use OS defaults are vulnerable to certain attacks if the OS is out of date, even if the apps themselves are up to date. We also study certificate verification, and see low prevalence of security measures such as certificate pinning, even among high-risk apps such as those providing financial services, though we did observe major third-party tracking and advertisement services deploying certificate pinning.

Li, F., Chen, J., Shu, F., Zhang, J., Qing, S., Guo, W..  2017.  Research of Security Risk in Electric Power Information Network. 2017 6th International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology (ICCSNT). :361–365.

The factors that threaten electric power information network are analyzed. Aiming at the weakness of being unable to provide numerical value of risk, this paper presents the evaluation index system, the evaluation model and method of network security based on multilevel fuzzy comprehensive judgment. The steps and method of security evaluation by the synthesis evaluation model are provided. The results show that this method is effective to evaluate the risk of electric power information network.

Joy, Joshua, Gerla, Mario.  2017.  Privacy Risks in Vehicle Grids and Autonomous Cars. Proceedings of the 2Nd ACM International Workshop on Smart, Autonomous, and Connected Vehicular Systems and Services. :19–23.

Traditionally, the vehicle has been the extension of the manual ambulatory system, docile to the drivers' commands. Recent advances in communications, controls and embedded systems have changed this model, paving the way to the Intelligent Vehicle Grid. The car is now a formidable sensor platform, absorbing information from the environment, from other cars (and from the driver) and feeding it to other cars and infrastructure to assist in safe navigation, pollution control and traffic management. The next step in this evolution is just around the corner: the Internet of Autonomous Vehicles. Like other important instantiations of the Internet of Things (e.g., the smart building, etc), the Internet of Vehicles will not only upload data to the Internet with V2I. It will also use V2V communications, storage, intelligence, and learning capabilities to anticipate the customers' intentions and learn from other peers. V2I and V2V are essential to the autonomous vehicle, but carry the risk of attacks. This paper will address the privacy attacks to which vehicles are exposed when they upload private data to Internet Servers. It will also outline efficient methods to preserve privacy.

Angelopoulos, Konstantinos, Diamantopoulou, Vasiliki, Mouratidis, Haralambos, Pavlidis, Michalis, Salnitri, Mattia, Giorgini, Paolo, Ruiz, José F..  2017.  A Holistic Approach for Privacy Protection in E-Government. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. :17:1–17:10.

Improving e-government services by using data more effectively is a major focus globally. It requires Public Administrations to be transparent, accountable and provide trustworthy services that improve citizen confidence. However, despite all the technological advantages on developing such services and analysing security and privacy concerns, the literature does not provide evidence of frameworks and platforms that enable privacy analysis, from multiple perspectives, and take into account citizens' needs with regards to transparency and usage of citizens information. This paper presents the VisiOn (Visual Privacy Management in User Centric Open Requirements) platform, an outcome of a H2020 European Project. Our objective is to enable Public Administrations to analyse privacy and security from different perspectives, including requirements, threats, trust and law compliance. Finally, our platform-supported approach introduces the concept of Privacy Level Agreement (PLA) which allows Public Administrations to customise their privacy policies based on the privacy preferences of each citizen.

Gupta, Rajan, Muttoo, Sunil K., Pal, Saibal K..  2017.  Proposed Framework for Information Systems Security for E-Governance in Developing Nations. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance. :546–547.

E-Governance is rising rapidly in various parts of the world. And with rising digitization of the resources, the threats to the infrastructure and digital data is also rising within the government departments. For developed nations, the security parameters and optimization process is well placed but for developing nations like India, the security parameter is yet to be addressed strongly. This study proposes a framework for security assessment amongst E-Governance departments based on Information System principles. The major areas of security to be covered up are towards Hardware, Network, Software, Server, & Data security, Physical Environment Security, and various policies for security of Information Systems at organizational level.

Chen, L., Yue, D., Dou, C., Ge, H., Lu, J., Yang, X..  2017.  Cascading Failure Initially from Power Grid in Interdependent Networks. 2017 IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2). :1–5.

The previous consideration of power grid focuses on the power system itself, however, the recent work is aiming at both power grid and communication network, this coupling networks are firstly called as interdependent networks. Prior study on modeling interdependent networks always extracts main features from real networks, the model of network A and network B are completely symmetrical, both degree distribution in intranetwork and support pattern in inter-network, but in reality this circumstance is hard to attain. In this paper, we deliberately set both networks with same topology in order to specialized research the support pattern between networks. In terms of initial failure from power grid or communication network, we find the remaining survival fraction is greatly disparate, and the failure initially from power grid is more harmful than failure initially from communication network, which all show the vulnerability of interdependency and meantime guide us to pay more attention to the protection measures for power grid.

Dey, A. K., Gel, Y. R., Poor, H. V..  2017.  Motif-Based Analysis of Power Grid Robustness under Attacks. 2017 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP). :1015–1019.

Network motifs are often called the building blocks of networks. Analysis of motifs is found to be an indispensable tool for understanding local network structure, in contrast to measures based on node degree distribution and its functions that primarily address a global network topology. As a result, networks that are similar in terms of global topological properties may differ noticeably at a local level. In the context of power grids, this phenomenon of the impact of local structure has been recently documented in fragility analysis and power system classification. At the same time, most studies of power system networks still tend to focus on global topo-logical measures of power grids, often failing to unveil hidden mechanisms behind vulnerability of real power systems and their dynamic response to malfunctions. In this paper a pilot study of motif-based analysis of power grid robustness under various types of intentional attacks is presented, with the goal of shedding light on local dynamics and vulnerability of power systems.

Chen, Lin, Xu, Lei, Shah, Nolan, Diallo, Nour, Gao, Zhimin, Lu, Yang, Shi, Weidong.  2017.  Unraveling Blockchain Based Crypto-Currency System Supporting Oblivious Transactions: A Formalized Approach. Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and Contracts. :23–28.

User privacy is an important issue in a blockchain based transaction system. Bitcoin, being one of the most widely used blockchain based transaction system, fails to provide enough protection on users' privacy. Many subsequent studies focus on establishing a system that hides the linkage between the identities (pseudonyms) of users and the transactions they carry out in order to provide a high level of anonymity. Examples include Zerocoin, Zerocash and so on. It thus becomes an interesting question whether such new transaction systems do provide enough protection on users' privacy. In this paper, we propose a novel and effective approach for de-anonymizing these transaction systems by leveraging information in the system that is not directly related, including the number of transactions made by each identity and time stamp of sending and receiving. Combining probability studies with optimization tools, we establish a model which allows us to determine, among all possible ways of linking between transactions and identities, the one that is most likely to be true. Subsequent transaction graph analysis could then be carried out, leading to the de-anonymization of the system. To solve the model, we provide exact algorithms based on mixed integer linear programming. Our research also establishes interesting relationships between the de-anonymization problem and other problems studied in the literature of theoretical computer science, e.g., the graph matching problem and scheduling problem.

Golbeck, Jennifer.  2017.  I'Ll Be Watching You: Policing the Line Between Personalization and Privacy. Proceedings of the 25th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization. :2–2.

Personalization, recommendations, and user modeling can be pow- erful tools to improve people?s experiences with technology and to help them nd information. However, we also know that people underestimate how much of their personal information is used by our technology and they generally do not understand how much algorithms can discover about them. Both privacy and ethical tech- nology have issues of consent at their heart. This talk will look at how to consider issues of privacy and consent when users cannot explicitly state their preferences, The Creepy Factor, and how to balance users? concerns with the bene ts personalized technology can o er.

Chen, Xin, Huang, Heqing, Zhu, Sencun, Li, Qing, Guan, Quanlong.  2017.  SweetDroid: Toward a Context-Sensitive Privacy Policy Enforcement Framework for Android OS. Proceedings of the 2017 on Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society. :75–86.

Android privacy control is an important but difficult problem to solve. Previously, there was much research effort either focusing on extending the Android permission model with better policies or modifying the Android framework for fine-grained access control. In this work, we take an integral approach by designing and implementing SweetDroid, a calling-context-sensitive privacy policy enforcement framework. SweetDroid combines automated policy generation with automated policy enforcement. The automatically generated policies in SweetDroid are based on the calling contexts of privacy sensitive APIs; hence, SweetDroid is able to tell whether a particular API (e.g., getLastKnownLocation) under a certain execution path is leaking private information. The policy enforcement in SweetDroid is also fine-grained - it is at the individual API level, not at the permission level. We implement and evaluate the system based on thousands of Android apps, including those from a third-party market and malicious apps from VirusTotal. Our experiment results show that SweetDroid can successfully distinguish and enforce different privacy policies based on calling contexts, and the current design is both developer hassle-free and user transparent. SweetDroid is also efficient because it only introduces small storage and computational overhead.

Genge, B., Duka, A. V., Haller, P., Crainicu, B., Sándor, H., Graur, F..  2017.  Design, Verification and Implementation of a Lightweight Remote Attestation Protocol for Process Control Systems. 2017 IEEE 15th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN). :75–82.

Until recently, IT security received limited attention within the scope of Process Control Systems (PCS). In the past, PCS consisted of isolated, specialized components running closed process control applications, where hardware was placed in physically secured locations and connections to remote network infrastructures were forbidden. Nowadays, industrial communications are fully exploiting the plethora of features and novel capabilities deriving from the adoption of commodity off the shelf (COTS) hardware and software. Nonetheless, the reliance on COTS for remote monitoring, configuration and maintenance also exposed PCS to significant cyber threats. In light of these issues, this paper presents the steps for the design, verification and implementation of a lightweight remote attestation protocol. The protocol is aimed at providing a secure software integrity verification scheme that can be readily integrated into existing industrial applications. The main novelty of the designed protocol is that it encapsulates key elements for the protection of both participating parties (i.e., verifier and prover) against cyber attacks. The protocol is formally verified for correctness with the help of the Scyther model checking tool. The protocol implementation and experimental results are provided for a Phoenix-Contact industrial controller, which is widely used in the automation of gas transportation networks in Romania.

Ghosh, Sumit, Ruj, Sushmita.  2017.  Fast Real-Time Authentication Scheme for Smart Grids. Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Internet of Things (IoT) Security: Issues and Innovations. :2:1–2:7.

We propose a real time authentication scheme for smart grids which improves upon existing schemes. Our scheme is useful in many situations in smart grid operations. The smart grid Control Center (CC) communicates with the sensor nodes installed in the transmission lines so as to utilize real time data for monitoring environmental conditions in order to determine optimum power transmission capacity. Again a smart grid Operation Center (OC) communicates with several Residential Area (RA) gateways (GW) that are in turn connected to the smart meters installed in the consumer premises so as to dynamically control the power supply to meet demand based on real time electricity use information. It is not only necessary to authenticate sensor nodes and other smart devices, but also protect the integrity of messages being communicated. Our scheme is based on batch signatures and are more efficient than existing schemes. Furthermore our scheme is based on stronger notion of security, whereby the batch of signatures verify only if all individual signatures are valid. The communication overhead is kept low by using short signatures for verification.

Beckett, Ryan, Gupta, Aarti, Mahajan, Ratul, Walker, David.  2017.  A General Approach to Network Configuration Verification. Proceedings of the Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication. :155–168.

We present Minesweeper, a tool to verify that a network satisfies a wide range of intended properties such as reachability or isolation among nodes, waypointing, black holes, bounded path length, load-balancing, functional equivalence of two routers, and fault-tolerance. Minesweeper translates network configuration files into a logical formula that captures the stable states to which the network forwarding will converge as a result of interactions between routing protocols such as OSPF, BGP and static routes. It then combines the formula with constraints that describe the intended property. If the combined formula is satisfiable, there exists a stable state of the network in which the property does not hold. Otherwise, no stable state (if any) violates the property. We used Minesweeper to check four properties of 152 real networks from a large cloud provider. We found 120 violations, some of which are potentially serious security vulnerabilities. We also evaluated Minesweeper on synthetic benchmarks, and found that it can verify rich properties for networks with hundreds of routers in under five minutes. This performance is due to a suite of model-slicing and hoisting optimizations that we developed, which reduce runtime by over 460x for large networks.

Grubbs, Paul, Ristenpart, Thomas, Shmatikov, Vitaly.  2017.  Why Your Encrypted Database Is Not Secure. Proceedings of the 16th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems. :162–168.
Encrypted databases, a popular approach to protecting data from compromised database management systems (DBMS's), use abstract threat models that capture neither realistic databases, nor realistic attack scenarios. In particular, the "snapshot attacker" model used to support the security claims for many encrypted databases does not reflect the information about past queries available in any snapshot attack on an actual DBMS. We demonstrate how this gap between theory and reality causes encrypted databases to fail to achieve their "provable security" guarantees.
Yang, B., Ro\v zić, V., Grujić, M., Mentens, N., Verbauwhede, I..  2017.  On-Chip Jitter Measurement for True Random Number Generators. 2017 Asian Hardware Oriented Security and Trust Symposium (AsianHOST). :91–96.

Applications of true random number generators (TRNGs) span from art to numerical computing and system security. In cryptographic applications, TRNGs are used for generating new keys, nonces and masks. For this reason, a TRNG is an essential building block and often a point of failure for embedded security systems. One type of primitives that are widely used as source of randomness are ring oscillators. For a ring-oscillator-based TRNG, the true randomness originates from its timing jitter. Therefore, determining the jitter strength is essential to estimate the quality of a TRNG. In this paper, we propose a method to measure the jitter strength of a ring oscillator implemented on an FPGA. The fast tapped delay chain is utilized to perform the on-chip measurement with a high resolution. The proposed method is implemented on both a Xilinx FPGA and an Intel FPGA. Fast carry logic components on different FPGAs are used to implement the fast delay line. This carry logic component is designed to be fast and has dedicated routing, which enables a precise measurement. The differential structure of the delay chain is used to thwart the influence of undesirable noise from the measurement. The proposed methodology can be applied to other FPGA families and ASIC designs.

Maraj, A., Rogova, E., Jakupi, G., Grajqevci, X..  2017.  Testing Techniques and Analysis of SQL Injection Attacks. 2017 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Applications (ICKEA). :55–59.

It is a well-known fact that nowadays access to sensitive information is being performed through the use of a three-tier-architecture. Web applications have become a handy interface between users and data. As database-driven web applications are being used more and more every day, web applications are being seen as a good target for attackers with the aim of accessing sensitive data. If an organization fails to deploy effective data protection systems, they might be open to various attacks. Governmental organizations, in particular, should think beyond traditional security policies in order to achieve proper data protection. It is, therefore, imperative to perform security testing and make sure that there are no holes in the system, before an attack happens. One of the most commonly used web application attacks is by insertion of an SQL query from the client side of the application. This attack is called SQL Injection. Since an SQL Injection vulnerability could possibly affect any website or web application that makes use of an SQL-based database, the vulnerability is one of the oldest, most prevalent and most dangerous of web application vulnerabilities. To overcome the SQL injection problems, there is a need to use different security systems. In this paper, we will use 3 different scenarios for testing security systems. Using Penetration testing technique, we will try to find out which is the best solution for protecting sensitive data within the government network of Kosovo.

Ciovati, G., Cheng, G., Drury, M., Fischer, J., Geng, R..  2017.  Impact of Remanent Magnetic Field on the Heat Load of Original CEBAF Cryomodule. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. 27:1–6.

The heat load of the original cryomodules for the continuous electron beam accelerator facility is 50% higher than the target value of 100 W at 2.07 K for refurbished cavities operating at an accelerating gradient of 12.5 MV/m. This issue is due to the quality factor of the cavities being 50% lower in the cryomodule than when tested in a vertical cryostat, even at low RF field. Previous studies were not conclusive about the origin of the additional losses. We present the results of a systematic study of the additional losses in a five-cell cavity from a decommissioned cryomodule after attaching components, which are part of the cryomodule, such as the cold tuner, the He tank, and the cold magnetic shield, prior to cryogenic testing in a vertical cryostat. Flux-gate magnetometers and temperature sensors are used as diagnostic elements. Different cool-down procedures and tests in different residual magnetic fields were investigated during the study. Three flux-gate magnetometers attached to one of the cavities installed in the refurbished cryomodule C50-12 confirmed the hypothesis of high residual magnetic field as a major cause for the increased RF losses.

Hernández, S., Lu, P. L., Granz, S., Krivosik, P., Huang, P. W., Eppler, W., Rausch, T., Gage, E..  2017.  Using Ensemble Waveform Analysis to Compare Heat Assisted Magnetic Recording Characteristics of Modeled and Measured Signals. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 53:1–6.

Ensemble waveform analysis is used to calculate signal to noise ratio (SNR) and other recording characteristics from micromagnetically modeled heat assisted magnetic recording waveforms and waveforms measured at both drive and spin-stand level. Using windowing functions provides the breakdown between transition and remanence SNRs. In addition, channel bit density (CBD) can be extracted from the ensemble waveforms using the di-bit extraction method. Trends in both transition SNR, remanence SNR, and CBD as a function of ambient temperature at constant track width showed good agreement between model and measurement. Both model and drive-level measurement show degradation in SNR at higher ambient temperatures, which may be due to changes in the down-track profile at the track edges compared with track center. CBD as a function of cross-track position is also calculated for both modeling and spin-stand measurements. The CBD widening at high cross-track offset, which is observed at both measurement and model, was directly related to the radius of curvature of the written transitions observed in the model and the thermal profiles used.

Guodong, T., Xi, Q., Chaowen, C..  2017.  A SDN security control forwarding mechanism based on cipher identification. 2017 IEEE 9th International Conference on Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN). :1419–1425.

SDN is a new network architecture for control and data forwarding logic separation, able to provide a high degree of openness and programmability, with many advantages not available by traditional networks. But there are still some problems unsolved, for example, it is easy to cause the controller to be attacked due to the lack of verifying the source of the packet, and the limited range of match fields cannot meet the requirement of the precise control of network services etc. Aiming at the above problems, this paper proposes a SDN network security control forwarding mechanism based on cipher identification, when packets flow into and out of the network, the forwarding device must verify their source to ensure the user's non-repudiation and the authenticity of packets. Besides administrators control the data forwarding based on cipher identification, able to form network management and control capabilities based on human, material, business flow, and provide a new method and means for the future of Internet security.

Fattahi, J., Mejri, M., Ziadia, M., Ghayoula, E., Samoud, O., Pricop, E..  2017.  Cryptographic protocol for multipart missions involving two independent and distributed decision levels in a military context. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC). :1127–1132.

In several critical military missions, more than one decision level are involved. These decision levels are often independent and distributed, and sensitive pieces of information making up the military mission must be kept hidden from one level to another even if all of the decision levels cooperate to accomplish the same task. Usually, a mission is negotiated through insecure networks such as the Internet using cryptographic protocols. In such protocols, few security properties have to be ensured. However, designing a secure cryptographic protocol that ensures several properties at once is a very challenging task. In this paper, we propose a new secure protocol for multipart military missions that involve two independent and distributed decision levels having different security levels. We show that it ensures the secrecy, authentication, and non-repudiation properties. In addition, we show that it resists against man-in-the-middle attacks.

Berge, Pierre, Crampton, Jason, Gutin, Gregory, Watrigant, Rémi.  2017.  The Authorization Policy Existence Problem. Proceedings of the Seventh ACM on Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy. :163–165.

Constraints such as separation-of-duty are widely used to specify requirements that supplement basic authorization policies. However, the existence of constraints (and authorization policies) may mean that a user is unable to fulfill her/his organizational duties because access to resources is denied. In short, there is a tension between the need to protect resources (using policies and constraints) and the availability of resources. Recent work on workflow satisfiability and resiliency in access control asks whether this tension compromises the ability of an organization to achieve its objectives. In this paper, we develop a new method of specifying constraints which subsumes much related work and allows a wider range of constraints to be specified. The use of such constraints leads naturally to a range of questions related to "policy existence", where a positive answer means that an organization's objectives can be realized. We provide an overview of our results establishing that some policy existence questions, notably for those instances that are restricted to user-independent constraints, are fixed-parameter tractable.