Research on the design of data center infrastructure is increasing, both from academia and industry, due to the rapid development of cloud-based applications such as search engines, social networks, and large-scale computing. On a large scale, data centers can consist of hundreds to thousands of servers that require systems with high-performance requirements and low downtime. To meet the network's needs in a dynamic data center, infrastructure of applications and services are growing. It takes a process of designing a network topology so that it can guarantee availability and security. One way to surmount this is by implementing the zero trust security model based on micro-segmentation. Zero trust is a security idea based on the principle of "never trust, always verify" in which no concepts of trust and untrust in network traffic. The zero trust security model implemented network traffic in the form of untrust. Micro-segmentation is a way to achieve zero trust by dividing a network into smaller logical segments to restrict the traffic. In this research, data center network performance based on software-defined networking with zero trust security model using micro-segmentation has been evaluated using a testbed simulation of Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure by measuring the round trip time, jitter, and packet loss during experiments. Performance evaluation results show that micro-segmentation adds an average round trip time of 4 μs and jitter of 11 μs without packet loss so that the security can be improved without significantly affecting network performance on the data center.
Cryptocurrencies are the digital currencies designed to replace the regular cash money while taking place in our daily lives especially for the last couple of years. Mining cryptocurrencies are one of the popular ways to have them and make a profit due to unstable values in the market. This attracts attackers to utilize malware on internet users' computer resources, also known as cryptojacking, to mine cryptocurrencies. Cryptojacking started to be a major issue in the internet world. In this case, we developed MiNo, a web browser add-on application to detect these malicious mining activities running without the user's permission or knowledge. This add-on provides security and efficiency for the computer resources of the internet users. MiNo designed and developed with double-layer protection which makes it ahead of its competitors in the market.
The exchange of data has expanded utilizing the web nowadays, but it is not dependable because, during communication on the cloud, any malicious client can alter or steal the information or misuse it. To provide security to the data during transmission is becoming hot research and quite challenging topic. In this work, our proposed algorithm enhances the security of the keys by increasing its complexity, so that it can't be guessed, breached or stolen by the third party and hence by this, the data will be concealed while sending between the users. The proposed algorithm also provides more security and authentication to the users during cloud communication, as compared to the previously existing algorithm.
Developing mission-centric impact assessment techniques to address cyber resiliency in the cyber-physical systems (CPSs) requires integrating system inter-dependencies to the risk and resilience analysis process. Generally, network administrators utilize attack graphs to estimate possible consequences in a networked environment. Attack graphs lack to incorporate the operations-specific dependencies. Localizing the dependencies among operational missions, tasks, and the hosting devices in a large-scale CPS is also challenging. In this work, we offer a graphical modeling technique to integrate the mission-centric impact assessment of cyberattacks by relating the effect to the operational resiliency by utilizing a combination of the logical attack graph and mission impact propagation graph. We propose formal techniques to compute cyberattacks’ impact on the operational mission and offer an optimization process to minimize the same, having budgetary restrictions. We also relate the effect to the system functional operability. We illustrate our modeling techniques using a SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) case study for the cyber-physical power systems. We believe our proposed method would help evaluate and minimize the impact of cyber attacks on CPS’s operational missions and, thus, enhance cyber resiliency.
In 2018, several malware campaigns targeted and succeed to infect millions of low-cost routers (malwares e.g., VPN-Filter, Navidade, and SonarDNS). These routers were used, then, for all sort of cybercrimes: from DDoS attacks to ransomware. MikroTik routers are a peculiar example of low-cost routers. These routers are used to provide both last mile access to home users and are used in core network infrastructure. Half of the core routers used in one of the biggest Internet exchanges in the world are MikroTik devices. The problem is that vulnerable firmwares (RouterOS) used in homeusers houses are also used in core networks. In this paper, we are the first to quantify the problem that infecting MikroTik devices would pose to the Internet. Based on more than 4 TB of data, we reveal more than 4 million MikroTik devices in the world. Then, we propose an easy-to-deploy MikroTik honeypot and collect more than 17 millions packets, in 45 days, from sensors deployed in Australia, Brazil, China, India, Netherlands, and the United States. Finally, we use the collected data from our honeypots to automatically classify and assess attacks tailored to MikroTik devices. All our source-codes and analysis are publicly available. We believe that our honeypots and our findings in this paper foster security improvements in MikroTik devices worldwide.
Cloud computing provides so many groundbreaking advantages over native computing servers like to improve capacity and decrease costs, but meanwhile, it carries many security issues also. In this paper, we find the feasible security attacks made about cloud computing, including Wrapping, Browser Malware-Injection and Flooding attacks, and also problems caused by accountability checking. We have also analyzed the honey pot attack and its procedural intrusion way into the system. This paper on overall deals with the most common security breaches in cloud computing and finally honey pot, in particular, to analyze its intrusion way. Our major scope is to do overall security, analyze in the cloud and then to take up with a particular attack to deal with granular level. Honey pot is the one such attack that is taken into account and its intrusion policies are analyzed. The specific honey pot algorithm is in the queue as the extension of this project in the future.
Unilateral spatial neglect (USN) is a higher cognitive dysfunction that can occur after a stroke. It is defined as an impairment in finding, reporting, reacting to, and directing stimuli opposite the damaged side of the brain. We have proposed a system to identify neglected regions in USN patients in three dimensions using three-dimensional virtual reality. The objectives of this study are twofold: first, to propose a system for numerically identifying the neglected regions using an object detection task in a virtual space, and second, to compare the neglected regions during object detection when the patient's neck is immobilized (‘fixed-neck’ condition) versus when the neck can be freely moved to search (‘free-neck’ condition). We performed the test using an immersive virtual reality system, once with the patient's neck fixed and once with the patient's neck free to move. Comparing the results of the study in two patients, we found that the neglected areas were similar in the fixed-neck condition. However, in the free-neck condition, one patient's neglect improved while the other patient’s neglect worsened. These results suggest that exploratory ability affects the symptoms of USN and is crucial for clinical evaluation of USN patients.
This paper investigates the effects of real time visual biofeedback for improving sports performance using a large scale immersive mixed reality system in which users are able to play a simulated game of curling. The users slide custom curling stones across the floor onto a projected target whose size is dictated by the user’s stress-related physiological measure; heart rate (HR). The higher HR the player has, the smaller the target will be, and vice-versa. In the experiment participants were asked to compete in three different conditions: baseline, with and without the proposed biofeedback. The results show that when providing a visual representation of the player’s HR or "choking" in competition, it helped the player understand their condition and improve competition performance (P-value of 0.0391).