Webb, Susan J., Knight, Jasper, Grab, Stefan, Enslin, Stephanie, Hunt, Hugh, Maré, Leonie.
Magnetic evidence for lightning strikes on mountains in Lesotho as an important denudation agent. 2022 36th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP). :500–503.
Contrary to previous opinion, ‘frost shattering’ is not the only major contributor to rock weathering at mid latitudes and high elevations, more specifically along edges of bedrock escarpments. Lightning is also a significant contributor to land surface denudation. We can show this as lightning strikes on outcrops can dramatically alter the magnetic signature of rocks and is one of the main sources of noise in paleomagnetic studies. Igneous rocks in the highlands of Lesotho, southern Africa (\textgreater 3000 m elevation) provide an ideal study location, as flow lavas remain as prominent ridges that are relatively resistant to weathering. It is well known that lightning strikes can cause large remanent magnetization in rocks with little resultant variation in susceptibility. At two adjoining peaks in the Lesotho highlands, mapped freshly fractured rock correlates with areas of high magnetic intensity (remanent component), but little variation in susceptibility (related to the induced field), and is therefore a clear indicator of lightning damage. The majority of these mapped strike sites occur at the edges of topographic highs. Variations in magnetic intensity are correlated with the much lower resolution national lightning strikes dataset. These data confirm that high elevation edges of peak scarps are the focus of previous lightning strikes. This method of magnetic surveying compared with lightning strike data is a new method of confirming the locations of lightning strikes, and reduces the need for intensive paleomagnetic studies of the area to confirm remanence.
Wang, Yushi, Kamezaki, Mitsuhiro, Wang, Qichen, Sakamoto, Hiroyuki, Sugano, Shigeki.
3-Axis Force Estimation of a Soft Skin Sensor using Permanent Magnetic Elastomer (PME) Sheet with Strong Remanence. 2022 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM). :302–307.
This paper describes a prototype of a novel Permanent Magnetic Elastomer (PME) sheet based skin sensor for robotic applications. Its working principle is to use a Hall effect transducer to measure the change of magnetic field. PME is a polymer that has Neodymium particles distributed inside it, after strong magnetization for anisotropy, the PME acquires strong remanent magnetization that can be comparable to that of a permanent magnet, in this work, we made improvement of the strength of the magnetic field of PME, so it achieved magnetic strength as high as 25 mT when there is no deformation. When external forces apply on the sensor, the deformation of PME causes a change in the magnetic field due to the change in the alignment of the magnetic particles. Compared with other soft magnetic sensors that employ similar technology, we implemented linear regression method to simplify the calibration, so we focus on the point right above the magnetometer. An MLX90393 chip is installed at the bottom of the PME as the magnetometer. Experimental results show that it can measure forces from 0.01–10 N. Calibration is confirmed effective even for shear directions when the surface of PME is less than 15 x 15 mm.
ISSN: 2159-6255
Zheng, Cuifang, Wu, Jiaju, Kong, Linggang, Kang, Shijia, Cheng, Zheng, Luo, Bin.
The Research on Material Properties Database System Based on Network Sharing. 2022 IEEE Conference on Telecommunications, Optics and Computer Science (TOCS). :1163–1168.
Based on the analysis of material performance data management requirements, a network-sharing scheme of material performance data is proposed. A material performance database system including material performance data collection, data query, data analysis, data visualization, data security management and control modules is designed to solve the problems of existing material performance database network sharing, data fusion and multidisciplinary support, and intelligent services Inadequate standardization and data security control. This paper adopts hierarchical access control strategy. After logging into the material performance database system, users can standardize the material performance data and store them to form a shared material performance database. The standardized material performance data of the database system shall be queried and shared under control according to the authority. Then, the database system compares and analyzes the material performance data obtained from controlled query sharing. Finally, the database system visualizes the shared results of controlled queries and the comparative analysis results obtained. The database system adopts the MVC architecture based on B/S (client/server) cross platform J2EE. The Third-party computing platforms are integrated in System. Users can easily use material performance data and related services through browsers and networks. MongoDB database is used for data storage, supporting distributed storage and efficient query.
Lv, Xiaonan, Huang, Zongwei, Sun, Liangyu, Wu, Miaomiao, Huang, Li, Li, Yehong.
Research and design of web-based capital transaction data dynamic multi-mode visual analysis tool. 2022 IEEE 7th International Conference on Smart Cloud (SmartCloud). :165–170.
For multi-source heterogeneous complex data types of data cleaning and visual display, we proposed to build dynamic multimode visualization analysis tool, according to the different types of data designed by the user in accordance with the data model, and use visualization technology tools to build and use CQRS technology to design, external interface using a RESTFul architecture, The domain model and data query are completely separated, and the underlying data store adopts Hbase, ES and relational database. Drools is adopted in the data flow engine. According to the internal algorithm, three kinds of graphs can be output, namely, transaction relationship network analysis graph, capital flow analysis graph and transaction timing analysis graph, which can reduce the difficulty of analysis and help users to analyze data in a more friendly way
Wang, Wenchao, Liu, Chuanyi, Wang, Zhaoguo, Liang, Tiancai.
FBIPT: A New Robust Reversible Database Watermarking Technique Based on Position Tuples. 2022 4th International Conference on Data Intelligence and Security (ICDIS). :67–74.
Nowadays, data is essential in several fields, such as science, finance, medicine, and transportation, which means its value continues to rise. Relational databases are vulnerable to copyright threats when transmitted and shared as a carrier of data. The watermarking technique is seen as a partial solution to the problem of securing copyright ownership. However, most of them are currently restricted to numerical attributes in relational databases, limiting their versatility. Furthermore, they modify the source data to a large extent, failing to keep the characteristics of the original database, and they are susceptible to solid malicious attacks. This paper proposes a new robust reversible watermarking technique, Fields Based Inserting Position Tuples algorithm (FBIPT), for relational databases. FBIPT does not modify the original database directly; instead, it inserts some position tuples based on three Fields―Group Field, Feature Field, and Control Field. Field information can be calculated by numeric attributes and any attribute that can be transformed into binary bits. FBIPT technique retains all the characteristics of the source database, and experimental results prove the effectiveness of FBIPT and show its highly robust performance compared to state-of-the-art watermarking schemes.
Woralert, Chutitep, Liu, Chen, Blasingame, Zander.
HARD-Lite: A Lightweight Hardware Anomaly Realtime Detection Framework Targeting Ransomware. 2022 Asian Hardware Oriented Security and Trust Symposium (AsianHOST). :1–6.
Recent years have witnessed a surge in ransomware attacks. Especially, many a new variant of ransomware has continued to emerge, employing more advanced techniques distributing the payload while avoiding detection. This renders the traditional static ransomware detection mechanism ineffective. In this paper, we present our Hardware Anomaly Realtime Detection - Lightweight (HARD-Lite) framework that employs semi-supervised machine learning method to detect ransomware using low-level hardware information. By using an LSTM network with a weighted majority voting ensemble and exponential moving average, we are able to take into consideration the temporal aspect of hardware-level information formed as time series in order to detect deviation in system behavior, thereby increasing the detection accuracy whilst reducing the number of false positives. Testing against various ransomware across multiple families, HARD-Lite has demonstrated remarkable effectiveness, detecting all cases tested successfully. What's more, with a hierarchical design that distributing the classifier from the user machine that is under monitoring to a server machine, Hard-Lite enables good scalability as well.
Woo, Jongchan, Wasiq Khan, Muhammad Ibrahim, Ibrahim, Mohamed I., Han, Ruonan, Chandrakasan, Anantha P., Yazicigil, Rabia Tugce.
Physical-Layer Security for THz Communications via Orbital Angular Momentum Waves. 2022 IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS). :1–6.
This paper presents a physically-secure wireless communication system utilizing orbital angular momentum (OAM) waves at 0.31THz. A trustworthy key distribution mechanism for symmetric key cryptography is proposed by exploiting random hopping among the orthogonal OAM-wave modes and phases. Keccak-f[400] based pseudorandom number generator provides randomness to phase distribution of OAM-wave modes for additional security. We assess the security vulnerabilities of using OAM modulation in a THz communication system under various physical-layer threat models as well as analyze the effectiveness of these threat models for varying attacker complexity levels under different conditions.
ISSN: 2374-7390
Cheng, Xiang, Yang, Hanchao, Jakubisin, D. J., Tripathi, N., Anderson, G., Wang, A. K., Yang, Y., Reed, J. H..
5G Physical Layer Resiliency Enhancements with NB-IoT Use Case Study. MILCOM 2022 - 2022 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :379–384.
5G has received significant interest from commercial as well as defense industries. However, resiliency in 5G remains a major concern for its use in military and defense applications. In this paper, we explore physical layer resiliency enhancements for 5G and use narrow-band Internet of Things (NB-IoT) as a study case. Two physical layer modifications, frequency hopping, and direct sequence spreading, are analyzed from the standpoint of implementation and performance. Simulation results show that these techniques are effective to harden the resiliency of the physical layer to interference and jamming. A discussion of protocol considerations for 5G and beyond is provided based on the results.
ISSN: 2155-7586