Bašić, B., Udovičić, P., Orel, O..
In-database Auditing Subsystem for Security Enhancement. 2021 44th International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO). :1642—1647.
Many information systems have been around for several decades, and most of them have their underlying databases. The data accumulated in those databases over the years could be a very valuable asset, which must be protected. The first role of database auditing is to ensure and confirm that security measures are set correctly. However, tracing user behavior and collecting a rich audit trail enables us to use that trail in a more proactive ways. As an example, audit trail could be analyzed ad hoc and used to prevent intrusion, or analyzed afterwards, to detect user behavior patterns, forecast workloads, etc. In this paper, we present a simple, secure, configurable, role-separated, and effective in-database auditing subsystem, which can be used as a base for access control, intrusion detection, fraud detection and other security-related analyses and procedures. It consists of a management relations, code and data object generators and several administrative tools. This auditing subsystem, implemented in several information systems, is capable of keeping the entire audit trail (data history) of a database, as well as all the executed SQL statements, which enables different security applications, from ad hoc intrusion prevention to complex a posteriori security analyses.
Sánchez, Ricardo Andrés González, Bernal, Davor Julián Moreno, Parada, Hector Dario Jaimes.
Security assessment of Nosql Mongodb, Redis and Cassandra database managers. 2021 Congreso Internacional de Innovación y Tendencias en Ingeniería (CONIITI). :1—7.
The advancement of technology in the creation of new tools to solve problems such as information storage generates proportionally developing methods that search for security flaws or breaches that compromise said information. The need to periodically generate security reports on database managers is given by the complexity and number of attacks that can be carried out today. This project seeks to carry out an evaluation of the security of NoSQL database managers. The work methodology is developed according to the order of the objectives, it begins by synthesizing the types of vulnerabilities, attacks and protection schemes limited to MongoDB, Redis and Apache Cassandra. Once established, a prototype of a web system that stores information with a non-relational database will be designed on which a series of attacks defined by a test plan will be applied seeking to add, consult, modify or eliminate information. Finally, a report will be presented that sets out the attacks carried out, the way in which they were applied, the results, possible countermeasures, security advantages and disadvantages for each manager and the conclusions obtained. Thus, it is possible to select which tool is more convenient to use for a person or organization in a particular case. The results showed that MongoDB is more vulnerable to NoSQL injection attacks, Redis is more vulnerable to attacks registered in the CVE and that Cassandra is more complex to use but is less vulnerable.
Pengwei, Ma, Kai, Wei, Chunyu, Jiang, Junyi, Li, Jiafeng, Tian, Siyuan, Liu, Minjing, Zhong.
Research on Evaluation System of Relational Cloud Database. 2021 IEEE 20th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :1369—1373.
With the continuous emergence of cloud computing technology, cloud infrastructure software will become the mainstream application model in the future. Among the databases, relational databases occupy the largest market share. Therefore, the relational cloud database will be the main product of the combination of database technology and cloud computing technology, and will become an important branch of the database industry. This article explores the establishment of an evaluation system framework for relational databases, helping enterprises to select relational cloud database products according to a clear goal and path. This article can help enterprises complete the landing of relational cloud database projects.
Lagraa, Sofiane, State, Radu.
What database do you choose for heterogeneous security log events analysis? 2021 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM). :812—817.
The heterogeneous massive logs incoming from multiple sources pose major challenges to professionals responsible for IT security and system administrator. One of the challenges is to develop a scalable heterogeneous logs database for storage and further analysis. In fact, it is difficult to decide which database is suitable for the needs, the best of a use case, execution time and storage performances. In this paper, we explore, study, and compare the performance of SQL and NoSQL databases on large heterogeneous event logs. We implement the relational database using MySQL, the column-oriented database using Impala on the top of Hadoop, and the graph database using Neo4j. We experiment the databases on a large heterogeneous logs and provide advice, the pros and cons of each SQL and NoSQL database. Our findings that Impala outperforms MySQL and Neo4j databases in terms of loading logs, execution time of simple queries, and storage of logs. However, Neo4j outperforms Impala and MySQL in the execution time of complex queries.
Rezaimehr, Fatemeh, Dadkhah, Chitra.
Injection Shilling Attack Tool for Recommender Systems. 2021 26th International Computer Conference, Computer Society of Iran (CSICC). :1—4.
Recommender systems help people in finding a particular item based on their preference from a wide range of products in online shopping rapidly. One of the most popular models of recommendation systems is the Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System (CFRS) that recommend the top-K items to active user based on peer grouping user ratings. The implementation of CFRS is easy and it can easily be attacked by fake users and affect the recommendation. Fake users create a fake profile to attack the RS and change the output of it. Different attack types with different features and attacking methods exist in which decrease the accuracy. It is important to detect fake users, remove their rating from rating matrix and recognize the items has been attacked. In the recent years, many algorithms have been proposed to detect the attackers but first, researchers have to inject the attack type into their dataset and then evaluate their proposed approach. The purpose of this article is to develop a tool to inject the different attack types to datasets. Proposed tool constructs a new dataset containing the fake users therefore researchers can use it for evaluating their proposed attack detection methods. Researchers could choose the attack type and the size of attack with a user interface of our proposed tool easily.