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Kansuwan, Thivanon, Chomsiri, Thawatchai.  2019.  Authentication Model using the Bundled CAPTCHA OTP Instead of Traditional Password. 2019 Joint International Conference on Digital Arts, Media and Technology with ECTI Northern Section Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering (ECTI DAMT-NCON). :5—8.
In this research, we present identity verification using the “Bundled CAPTCHA OTP” instead of using the traditional password. This includes a combination of CAPTCHA and One Time Password (OTP) to reduce processing steps. Moreover, a user does not have to remember any password. The Bundled CAPTCHA OTP which is the unique random parameter for any login will be used instead of a traditional password. We use an e-mail as the way to receive client-side the Bundled CAPTCHA OTP because it is easier to apply without any problems compare to using mobile phones. Since mobile phones may be crashing, lost, change frequently, and easier violent access than e-mail. In this paper, we present a processing model of the proposed system and discuss advantages and disadvantages of the model.
Wang, Meng, Zhan, Ming, Yu, Kan, Deng, Yi, Shi, Yaqin, Zeng, Jie.  2019.  Application of Bit Interleaving to Convolutional Codes for Short Packet Transmission. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber Physical Systems (ICPS). :425–429.
In recent years, the demand for high reliability in industrial wireless communication has been increasing. To meet the strict requirement, many researchers have studied various bit interleaving coding schemes for long packet transmission in industrial wireless networks. Current research shows that the use of bit interleaving structure can improve the performance of the communication system for long packet transmission, but to improve reliability of industrial wireless communications by combining the bit interleaving and channel coding for short packets still requires further analysis. With this aim, bit interleaving structure is applied to convolution code coding scheme for short packet transmission in this paper. We prove that the use of interleaver fail to improve the reliability of data transmission under the circumstance of short packet transmission.
Sevier, Seth, Tekeoglu, Ali.  2019.  Analyzing the Security of Bluetooth Low Energy. 2019 International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC). :1—5.
Internet of Things devices have spread to near ubiquity this decade. All around us now lies an invisible mesh of communication from devices embedded in seemingly everything. Inevitably some of that communication flying around our heads will contain data that must be protected or otherwise shielded from tampering. The responsibility to protect this sensitive information from malicious actors as it travels through the air then falls upon the standards used to communicate this data. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is one of these standards, the aim of this paper is to put its security standards to test. By attempting to exploit its vulnerabilities we can see how secure this standard really is. In this paper, we present steps for analyzing the security of BLE devices using open-source hardware and software.
Tsingenopoulos, Ilias, Preuveneers, Davy, Joosen, Wouter.  2019.  AutoAttacker: A reinforcement learning approach for black-box adversarial attacks. 2019 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS PW). :229—237.
Recent research has shown that machine learning models are susceptible to adversarial examples, allowing attackers to trick a machine learning model into making a mistake and producing an incorrect output. Adversarial examples are commonly constructed or discovered by using gradient-based methods that require white-box access to the model. In most real-world AI system deployments, having complete access to the machine learning model is an unrealistic threat model. However, it is possible for an attacker to construct adversarial examples even in the black-box case - where we assume solely a query capability to the model - with a variety of approaches each with its advantages and shortcomings. We introduce AutoAttacker, a novel reinforcement learning framework where agents learn how to operate around the black-box model by querying it, to effectively extract the underlying decision behaviour, and to undermine it successfully. AutoAttacker is a first of kind framework that uses reinforcement learning and assumes nothing about the differentiability or structure of the underlying function and is thus robust towards common defenses like gradient obfuscation or adversarial training. Finally, without differentiable output, as in binary classification, most methods cease to operate and require either an approximation of the gradient, or another approach altogether. Our approach, however, maintains the capability to function when the output descriptiveness diminishes.
Laatansa, Saputra, Ragil, Noranita, Beta.  2019.  Analysis of GPGPU-Based Brute-Force and Dictionary Attack on SHA-1 Password Hash. 2019 3rd International Conference on Informatics and Computational Sciences (ICICoS). :1—4.
Password data in a system usually stored in hash. Various human-caused negligence and system vulnerability can make those data fall in the hand of those who isn't entitled to or even those who have malicious purpose. Attacks which could be done on the hashed password data using GPGPU-based machine are for example: brute-force, dictionary, mask-attack, and word-list. This research explains about effectivity of brute-force and dictionary attack which done on SHA-l hashed password using GPGPU-based machine. Result is showing that brute-force effectively crack more password which has lower set of character, with over 11% of 7 or less characters passwords vs mere 3 % in the dictionary attack counterpart. Whereas dictionary attack is more effective on cracking password which has unsecure character pattern with 5,053 passwords vs 491 on best brute-force attack scenario. Usage of combined attack method (brute-force + dictionary) gives more balanced approach in terms of cracking whether the password is long or secure patterned string.
Khan, Samar, Khodke, Priti A., Bhagat, Amol P..  2018.  An Approach to Fault Tolerant Key Generation and Secure Spread Spectrum Communiction. 2018 International Conference on Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering (RICE). :1—6.
Wireless communications have encountered a considerable improvement and have integrated human life through various applications, mainly by the widespread of mobile ad hoc and sensor networks. A fundamental characteristic of wireless communications are in their broadcast nature, which allows accessibility of information without placing restrictions on a user's location. However, accessibility also makes wireless communications vulnerable to eavesdropping. To enhance the security of network communication, we propose a separate key generation server which is responsible for key generation using complex random algorithm. The key will remain in database in encrypted format. To prevent brute force attack, we propose various group key generation algorithms in which every group will have separate group key to verify group member's identity. The group key will be verified with the session information before decryption, so that our system will prevent attack if any attacker knows the group key. To increase the security of the system, we propose three level encryption securities: Client side encryption using AES, Server side encryption using AES, and Artificial noise generation and addition. By using this our system is free from brute force attack as we are using three level message security and complex Random key generation algorithms.
Routh, Caleb, DeCrescenzo, Brandon, Roy, Swapnoneel.  2018.  Attacks and vulnerability analysis of e-mail as a password reset point. 2018 Fourth International Conference on Mobile and Secure Services (MobiSecServ). :1—5.
In this work, we perform security analysis of using an e-mail as a self-service password reset point, and exploit some of the vulnerabilities of e-mail servers' forgotten password reset paths. We perform and illustrate three different attacks on a personal Email account, using a variety of tools such as: public knowledge attainable through social media or public records to answer security questions and execute a social engineering attack, hardware available to the public to perform a man in the middle attack, and free software to perform a brute-force attack on the login of the email account. Our results expose some of the inherent vulnerabilities in using emails as password reset points. The findings are extremely relevant to the security of mobile devices since users' trend has leaned towards usage of mobile devices over desktops for Internet access.
Li, Peng, Min, Xiao-Cui.  2019.  Accurate Marking Method of Network Attacking Information Based on Big Data Analysis. 2019 International Conference on Intelligent Transportation, Big Data Smart City (ICITBS). :228—231.

In the open network environment, the network offensive information is implanted in big data environment, so it is necessary to carry out accurate location marking of network offensive information, to realize network attack detection, and to implement the process of accurate location marking of network offensive information. Combined with big data analysis method, the location of network attack nodes is realized, but when network attacks cross in series, the performance of attack information tagging is not good. An accurate marking technique for network attack information is proposed based on big data fusion tracking recognition. The adaptive learning model combined with big data is used to mark and sample the network attack information, and the feature analysis model of attack information chain is designed by extracting the association rules. This paper classifies the data types of the network attack nodes, and improves the network attack detection ability by the task scheduling method of the network attack information nodes, and realizes the accurate marking of the network attacking information. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively improve the accuracy of marking offensive information in open network environment, the efficiency of attack detection and the ability of intrusion prevention is improved, and it has good application value in the field of network security defense.

Kolomeets, Maxim, Chechulin, Andrey, Zhernova, Ksenia, Kotenko, Igor, Gaifulina, Diana.  2020.  Augmented reality for visualizing security data for cybernetic and cyberphysical systems. 2020 28th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP). :421—428.
The paper discusses the use of virtual (VR) and augmented (AR) reality for visual analytics in information security. Paper answers two questions: “In which areas of information security visualization VR/AR can be useful?” and “What is the difference of the VR/AR from similar methods of visualization at the level of perception of information?”. The first answer is based on the investigation of information security areas and visualization models that can be used in VR/AR security visualization. The second answer is based on experiments that evaluate perception of visual components in VR.
McFadden, Danny, Lennon, Ruth, O’Raw, John.  2019.  AIS Transmission Data Quality: Identification of Attack Vectors. 2019 International Symposium ELMAR. :187—190.

Due to safety concerns and legislation implemented by various governments, the maritime sector adopted Automatic Identification System (AIS). Whilst governments and state agencies have an increasing reliance on AIS data, the underlying technology can be found to be fundamentally insecure. This study identifies and describes a number of potential attack vectors and suggests conceptual countermeasures to mitigate such attacks. With interception by Navy and Coast Guard as well as marine navigation and obstacle avoidance, the vulnerabilities within AIS call into question the multiple deployed overlapping AIS networks, and what the future holds for the protocol.

Yee, George O. M..  2019.  Attack Surface Identification and Reduction Model Applied in Scrum. 2019 International Conference on Cyber Security and Protection of Digital Services (Cyber Security). :1—8.

Today's software is full of security vulnerabilities that invite attack. Attackers are especially drawn to software systems containing sensitive data. For such systems, this paper presents a modeling approach especially suited for Serum or other forms of agile development to identify and reduce the attack surface. The latter arises due to the locations containing sensitive data within the software system that are reachable by attackers. The approach reduces the attack surface by changing the design so that the number of such locations is reduced. The approach performs these changes on a visual model of the software system. The changes are then considered for application to the actual system to improve its security.

Al-Odat, Zeyad A., Khan, Samee U..  2019.  Anonymous Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Big Data Over the Cloud. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). :5711–5717.
This paper introduces an anonymous privacy-preserving scheme for big data over the cloud. The proposed design helps to enhance the encryption/decryption time of big data by utilizing the MapReduce framework. The Hadoop distributed file system and the secure hash algorithm are employed to provide the anonymity, security and efficiency requirements for the proposed scheme. The experimental results show a significant enhancement in the computational time of data encryption and decryption.
Fargo, Farah, Franza, Olivier, Tunc, Cihan, Hariri, Salim.  2019.  Autonomic Resource Management for Power, Performance, and Security in Cloud Environment. 2019 IEEE/ACS 16th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA). :1–4.
High performance computing is widely used for large-scale simulations, designs and analysis of critical problems especially through the use of cloud computing systems nowadays because cloud computing provides ubiquitous, on-demand computing capabilities with large variety of hardware configurations including GPUs and FPGAs that are highly used for high performance computing. However, it is well known that inefficient management of such systems results in excessive power consumption affecting the budget, cooling challenges, as well as reducing reliability due to the overheating and hotspots. Furthermore, considering the latest trends in the attack scenarios and crypto-currency based intrusions, security has become a major problem for high performance computing. Therefore, to address both challenges, in this paper we present an autonomic management methodology for both security and power/performance. Our proposed approach first builds knowledge of the environment in terms of power consumption and the security tools' deployment. Next, it provisions virtual resources so that the power consumption can be reduced while maintaining the required performance and deploy the security tools based on the system behavior. Using this approach, we can utilize a wide range of secure resources efficiently in HPC system, cloud computing systems, servers, embedded systems, etc.
Gohil, Nikhil N., Vemuri, Ranga R..  2019.  Automated Synthesis of Differential Power Attack Resistant Integrated Circuits. 2019 IEEE National Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON). :204–211.
Differential Power Analysis (DPA) attacks were shown to be effective in recovering the secret key information from a variety cryptographic systems. In response, several design methods, ranging from the cell level to the algorithmic level, have been proposed to defend against DPA attacks. Cell level solutions depend on DPA resistant cell designs which attempt to minimize power variance during transitions while minimizing area and power consumption. In this paper, we discuss how a differential circuit design style is incorporated into a COTS tool set, resulting in a fully automated synthesis system DPA resistant integrated circuits. Based on the Secure Differential Multiplexer Logic (SDMLp), this system can be used to synthesize complete cryptographic processors which provide strong defense against DPA while minimizing area and power overhead. We discuss how both combinational and sequential cells are incorporated in the cell library. We show the effectiveness of the tool chain by using it to automatically synthesize the layouts, from RT level Verilog specifications, of both the DES and AES encryption ICs in 90nm CMOS. In each case, we present experimental data to demonstrate DPA attack resistance and area, power and performance overhead and compare these with circuits synthesized in another differential logic called MDPL as well as standard CMOS synthesis results.
Renners, Leonard, Heine, Felix, Kleiner, Carsten, Rodosek, Gabi Dreo.  2019.  Adaptive and Intelligible Prioritization for Network Security Incidents. 2019 International Conference on Cyber Security and Protection of Digital Services (Cyber Security). :1–8.
Incident prioritization is nowadays a part of many approaches and tools for network security and risk management. However, the dynamic nature of the problem domain is often unaccounted for. That is, the prioritization is typically based on a set of static calculations, which are rarely adjusted. As a result, incidents are incorrectly prioritized, leading to an increased and misplaced effort in the incident response. A higher degree of automation could help to address this problem. In this paper, we explicitly consider flaws in the prioritization an unalterable circumstance. We propose an adaptive incident prioritization, which allows to automate certain tasks for the prioritization model management in order to continuously assess and improve a prioritization model. At the same time, we acknowledge the human analyst as the focal point and propose to keep the human in the loop, among others by treating understandability as a crucial requirement.
Gupta, Nitika, Traore, Issa, de Quinan, Paulo Magella Faria.  2019.  Automated Event Prioritization for Security Operation Center using Deep Learning. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). :5864–5872.
Despite their popularity, Security Operation Centers (SOCs) are facing increasing challenges and pressure due to the growing volume, velocity and variety of the IT infrastructure and security data observed on a daily basis. Due to the mixed performance of current technological solutions, e.g. IDS and SIEM, there is an over-reliance on manual analysis of the events by human security analysts. This creates huge backlogs and slow down considerably the resolution of critical security events. Obvious solutions include increasing accuracy and efficiency in the automation of crucial aspects of the SOC workflow, such as the event classification and prioritization. In the current paper, we present a new approach for SOC event classification by identifying a set of new features using graphical analysis and classifying using a deep neural network model. Experimental evaluation using real SOC event log data yields very encouraging results in terms of classification accuracy.
He, Peixuan, Xue, Kaiping, Xu, Jie, Xia, Qiudong, Liu, Jianqing, Yue, Hao.  2019.  Attribute-Based Accountable Access Control for Multimedia Content with In-Network Caching. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME). :778–783.
Nowadays, multimedia content retrieval has become the major service requirement of the Internet and the traffic of these contents has dominated the IP traffic. To reduce the duplicated traffic and improve the performance of distributing massive volumes of multimedia contents, in-network caching has been proposed recently. However, because in-network content caching can be directly utilized to respond users' requests, multimedia content retrieval is beyond content providers' control and makes it hard for them to implement access control and service accounting. In this paper, we propose an attribute-based accountable access control scheme for multimedia content distribution while making the best of in-network caching, in which content providers can be fully offline. In our scheme, the attribute-based encryption at multimedia content provider side and access policy based authentication at the edge router side jointly ensure the secure access control, which is also efficient in both space and time. Besides, secure service accounting is implemented by letting edge routers collect service credentials generated during users' request process. Through the informal security analysis, we prove the security of our scheme. Simulation results demonstrate that our scheme is efficient with acceptable overhead.
Ponomarev, Kirill Yu..  2019.  Attribute-Based Access Control in Service Mesh. 2019 Dynamics of Systems, Mechanisms and Machines (Dynamics). :1–4.
Modern cloud applications can consist of hundreds of services with thousands of instances. In order to solve the problems of interservice interaction in this highly dynamic environment, an additional software infrastructure layer called service mesh is introduced. This layer provides a single point of interaction with the network for each service. Service mesh mechanisms are responsible for: load balancing, processing of network requests, service discovery, authentication, authorization, etc. However, the following questions arise: complex key management, fine-grained access control at the application level, confidentiality of data and many-to-many communications. It is possible to solve these problems with Attribute-based encryption (ABE) methods. This paper presents an abstract model of a service mesh and a protocol for interservice communications, which uses ABE for authorization and confidentiality of the messages.
Musa, Tanvirali, Yeo, Kheng Cher, Azam, Sami, Shanmugam, Bharanidharan, Karim, Asif, Boer, Friso De, Nur, Fernaz Narin, Faisal, Fahad.  2019.  Analysis of Complex Networks for Security Issues using Attack Graph. 2019 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI). :1–6.
Organizations perform security analysis for assessing network health and safe-guarding their growing networks through Vulnerability Assessments (AKA VA Scans). The output of VA scans is reports on individual hosts and its vulnerabilities, which, are of little use as the origin of the attack can't be located from these. Attack Graphs, generated without an in-depth analysis of the VA reports, are used to fill in these gaps, but only provide cursory information. This study presents an effective model of depicting the devices and the data flow that efficiently identifies the weakest nodes along with the concerned vulnerability's origin.The complexity of the attach graph using MulVal has been greatly reduced using the proposed approach of using the risk and CVSS base score as evaluation criteria. This makes it easier for the user to interpret the attack graphs and thus reduce the time taken needed to identify the attack paths and where the attack originates from.
Razaque, Abdul, Frej, Mohamed Ben Haj, Yiming, Huang, Shilin, Yan.  2019.  Analytical Evaluation of k–Anonymity Algorithm and Epsilon-Differential Privacy Mechanism in Cloud Computing Environment. 2019 IEEE Cloud Summit. :103—109.

Expected and unexpected risks in cloud computing, which included data security, data segregation, and the lack of control and knowledge, have led to some dilemmas in several fields. Among all of these dilemmas, the privacy problem is even more paramount, which has largely constrained the prevalence and development of cloud computing. There are several privacy protection algorithms proposed nowadays, which generally include two categories, Anonymity algorithm, and differential privacy mechanism. Since many types of research have already focused on the efficiency of the algorithms, few of them emphasized the different orientation and demerits between the two algorithms. Motivated by this emerging research challenge, we have conducted a comprehensive survey on the two popular privacy protection algorithms, namely K-Anonymity Algorithm and Differential Privacy Algorithm. Based on their principles, implementations, and algorithm orientations, we have done the evaluations of these two algorithms. Several expectations and comparisons are also conducted based on the current cloud computing privacy environment and its future requirements.

Widodo, Budiardjo, Eko K., Wibowo, Wahyu C., Achsan, Harry T.Y..  2019.  An Approach for Distributing Sensitive Values in k-Anonymity. 2019 International Workshop on Big Data and Information Security (IWBIS). :109—114.

k-anonymity is a popular model in privacy preserving data publishing. It provides privacy guarantee when a microdata table is released. In microdata, sensitive attributes contain high-sensitive and low sensitive values. Unfortunately, study in anonymity for distributing sensitive value is still rare. This study aims to distribute evenly high-sensitive value to quasi identifier group. We proposed an approach called Simple Distribution of Sensitive Value. We compared our method with systematic clustering which is considered as very effective method to group quasi identifier. Information entropy is used to measure the diversity in each quasi identifier group and in a microdata table. Experiment result show our method outperformed systematic clustering when high-sensitive value is distributed.

Cheng, Chen, Xiaoli, Liu, Linfeng, Wei, Longxin, Lin, Xiaofeng, Wu.  2019.  Algorithm for k-anonymity based on ball-tree and projection area density partition. 2019 14th International Conference on Computer Science Education (ICCSE). :972—975.

K-anonymity is a popular model used in microdata publishing to protect individual privacy. This paper introduces the idea of ball tree and projection area density partition into k-anonymity algorithm.The traditional kd-tree implements the division by forming a super-rectangular, but the super-rectangular has the area angle, so it cannot guarantee that the records on the corner are most similar to the records in this area. In this paper, the super-sphere formed by the ball-tree is used to address this problem. We adopt projection area density partition to increase the density of the resulting recorded points. We implement our algorithm with the Gotrack dataset and the Adult dataset in UCI. The experimentation shows that the k-anonymity algorithm based on ball-tree and projection area density partition, obtains more anonymous groups, and the generalization rate is lower. The smaller the K is, the more obvious the result advantage is. The result indicates that our algorithm can make data usability even higher.

Aktaş, Mehmet Fatih, Soljanin, Emina.  2019.  Anonymity Mixes as (Partial) Assembly Queues: Modeling and Analysis. 2019 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW). :1—5.
Anonymity platforms route the traffic over a network of special routers that are known as mixes and implement various traffic disruption techniques to hide the communicating users' identities. Batch mixes in particular anonymize communicating peers by allowing message exchange to take place only after a sufficient number of messages (a batch) accumulate, thus introducing delay. We introduce a queueing model for batch mix and study its delay properties. Our analysis shows that delay of a batch mix grows quickly as the batch size gets close to the number of senders connected to the mix. We then propose a randomized batch mixing strategy and show that it achieves much better delay scaling in terms of the batch size. However, randomization is shown to reduce the anonymity preserving capabilities of the mix. We also observe that queueing models are particularly useful to study anonymity metrics that are more practically relevant such as the time-to-deanonymize metric.
Li, Xincheng, Liu, Yali, Yin, Xinchun.  2019.  An Anonymous Conditional Privacy-Preserving Authentication Scheme for VANETs. 2019 IEEE 21st International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 17th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 5th International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS). :1763—1770.
Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) have been growing rapidly because it can improve traffic safety and efficiency in transportation. In VANETs, messages are broadcast in wireless environment, which is vulnerable to be attacked in many ways. Accordingly, it is essential to authenticate the legitimation of vehicles to guarantee the performance of services. In this paper, we propose an anonymous conditional privacy-preserving authentication scheme based on message authentication code (MAC) for VANETs. With verifiable secret sharing (VSS), vehicles can obtain a group key for message generation and authentication after a mutual authentication phase. Security analysis and performance evaluation show that the proposed scheme satisfies basic security and privacy-preserving requirements and has a better performance compared with some existing schemes in terms of computational cost and communication overhead.
Fan, Chun-I, Tseng, Yi-Fan, Cheng, Chen-Hsi, Kuo, Hsin-Nan, Huang, Jheng-Jia, Shih, Yu-Tse.  2019.  Anonymous Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol for LTE Networks. 2019 2nd International Conference on Communication Engineering and Technology (ICCET). :68—71.
In 2008, 3GPP proposed the Long Term Evolution (LTE) in version 8. The standard is used in high-speed wireless communication standard for mobile terminal in telecommunication. It supports subscribers to access internet via specific base station after authentication. These authentication processes were defined in standard TS33.401 and TS33.102 by 3GPP. Authenticated processing standard inherits the authentication and key agreement protocol in RFC3310 and has been changed into authenticated scheme suitable for LTE. In the origin LTE authenticated scheme, subscribers need to transfer its International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) with plaintext. The IMSI might be intercepted and traced by fake stations. In this work, we propose a new scheme with a pseudo IMSI so that fake stations cannot get the real IMSI and trace the subscriber. The subscriber can keep anonymous and be confirmed by the base station for the legality. The pseudo identity is unlinkable to the subscriber. Not only does the proposed scheme enhance the security but also it just has some extra costs for signature generation and verification as compared to the original scheme.