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Abusnaina, A., Khormali, A., Alasmary, H., Park, J., Anwar, A., Mohaisen, A..  2019.  Adversarial Learning Attacks on Graph-based IoT Malware Detection Systems. 2019 IEEE 39th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS). :1296—1305.

IoT malware detection using control flow graph (CFG)-based features and deep learning networks are widely explored. The main goal of this study is to investigate the robustness of such models against adversarial learning. We designed two approaches to craft adversarial IoT software: off-the-shelf methods and Graph Embedding and Augmentation (GEA) method. In the off-the-shelf adversarial learning attack methods, we examine eight different adversarial learning methods to force the model to misclassification. The GEA approach aims to preserve the functionality and practicality of the generated adversarial sample through a careful embedding of a benign sample to a malicious one. Intensive experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed method, showing that off-the-shelf adversarial attack methods are able to achieve a misclassification rate of 100%. In addition, we observed that the GEA approach is able to misclassify all IoT malware samples as benign. The findings of this work highlight the essential need for more robust detection tools against adversarial learning, including features that are not easy to manipulate, unlike CFG-based features. The implications of the study are quite broad, since the approach challenged in this work is widely used for other applications using graphs.

Khandelwal, S., Rana, S., Pandey, K., Kaushik, P..  2018.  Analysis of Hyperparameter Tuning in Neural Style Transfer. 2018 Fifth International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC). :36–41.

Most of the notable artworks of all time are hand drawn by great artists. But, now with the advancement in image processing and huge computation power, very sophisticated synthesised artworks are being produced. Since mid-1990's, computer graphics engineers have come up with algorithms to produce digital paintings, but the results were not visually appealing. Recently, neural networks have been used to do this task and the results seen are like never before. One such algorithm for this purpose is the neural style transfer algorithm, which imparts the pattern from one image to another, producing marvellous pieces of art. This research paper focuses on the roles of various parameters involved in the neural style transfer algorithm. An extensive analysis of how these parameters influence the output, in terms of time, performance and quality of the style transferred image produced is also shown in the paper. A concrete comparison has been drawn on the basis of different time and performance metrics. Finally, optimal values for these discussed parameters have been suggested.

Ramapatruni, S., Narayanan, S. N., Mittal, S., Joshi, A., Joshi, K..  2019.  Anomaly Detection Models for Smart Home Security. 2019 IEEE 5th Intl Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud (BigDataSecurity), IEEE Intl Conference on High Performance and Smart Computing, (HPSC) and IEEE Intl Conference on Intelligent Data and Security (IDS). :19–24.
Recent years have seen significant growth in the adoption of smart homes devices. These devices provide convenience, security, and energy efficiency to users. For example, smart security cameras can detect unauthorized movements, and smoke sensors can detect potential fire accidents. However, many recent examples have shown that they open up a new cyber threat surface. There have been several recent examples of smart devices being hacked for privacy violations and also misused so as to perform DDoS attacks. In this paper, we explore the application of big data and machine learning to identify anomalous activities that can occur in a smart home environment. A Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is trained on network level sensor data, created from a test bed with multiple sensors and smart devices. The generated HMM model is shown to achieve an accuracy of 97% in identifying potential anomalies that indicate attacks. We present our approach to build this model and compare with other techniques available in the literature.
Kumari, K. A., Sadasivam, G. S., Gowri, S. S., Akash, S. A., Radhika, E. G..  2018.  An Approach for End-to-End (E2E) Security of 5G Applications. 2018 IEEE 4th International Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud (BigDataSecurity), IEEE International Conference on High Performance and Smart Computing, (HPSC) and IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data and Security (IDS). :133–138.
As 5G transitions from an industrial vision to a tangible, next-generation mobile technology, security remains key business driver. Heterogeneous environment, new networking paradigms and novel use cases makes 5G vulnerable to new security threats. This in turn necessitates a flexible and dependable security mechanism. End-to-End (E2E) data protection provides better security, avoids repeated security operations like encryption/decryption and provides differentiated security based on the services. E2E security deals with authentication, integrity, key management and confidentiality. The attack surface of a 5G system is larger as 5G aims for a heterogeneous networked society. Hence attack resistance needs to be a design consideration when defining new 5G protocols. This framework has been designed for accessing the manifold applications with high security and trust by offering E2E security for various services. The proposed framework is evaluated based on computation complexity, communication complexity, attack resistance rate and security defensive rate. The protocol is also evaluated for correctness, and resistance against passive, active and dictionary attacks using random oracle model and Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols and Applications (AVISPA) tool.
Dong, C., Liu, Y., Zhang, Y., Shi, P., Shao, X., Ma, C..  2018.  Abnormal Bus Data Detection of Intelligent and Connected Vehicle Based on Neural Network. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE). :171–176.
In the paper, our research of abnormal bus data analysis of intelligent and connected vehicle aims to detect the abnormal data rapidly and accurately generated by the hackers who send malicious commands to attack vehicles through three patterns, including remote non-contact, short-range non-contact and contact. The research routine is as follows: Take the bus data of 10 different brands of intelligent and connected vehicles through the real vehicle experiments as the research foundation, set up the optimized neural network, collect 1000 sets of the normal bus data of 15 kinds of driving scenarios and the other 300 groups covering the abnormal bus data generated by attacking the three systems which are most common in the intelligent and connected vehicles as the training set. In the end after repeated amendments, with 0.5 seconds per detection, the intrusion detection system has been attained in which for the controlling system the abnormal bus data is detected at the accuracy rate of 96% and the normal data is detected at the accuracy rate of 90%, for the body system the abnormal one is 87% and the normal one is 80%, for the entertainment system the abnormal one is 80% and the normal one is 65%.
Mousavi, M. Z., Kumar, S..  2019.  Analysis of key Factors for Organization Information Security. 2019 International Conference on Machine Learning, Big Data, Cloud and Parallel Computing (COMITCon). :514—518.
Protecting sensitive information from illegal access and misuse is crucial to all organizations. An inappropriate Information Security (IS) policy and procedures are not only a suitable environment for an outsider attack but also a good chance for the insiders' misuse. In this paper, we will discuss the roles of an organization in information security and how human behavior affects the Information Security System (ISS). How an organization can create and instill an effective information security culture in an organization to improve their information safeguards. The findings in this review can be used to further researches and will be useful for organizations to improve their information security structure (ISC).
Romdhane, R. B., Hammami, H., Hamdi, M., Kim, T..  2019.  At the cross roads of lattice-based and homomorphic encryption to secure data aggregation in smart grid. 2019 15th International Wireless Communications Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC). :1067—1072.

Various research efforts have focused on the problem of customer privacy protection in the smart grid arising from the large deployment of smart energy meters. In fact, the deployed smart meters distribute accurate profiles of home energy use, which can reflect the consumers' behaviour. This paper proposes a privacy-preserving lattice-based homomorphic aggregation scheme. In this approach, the smart household appliances perform the data aggregation while the smart meter works as relay node. Its role is to authenticate the exchanged messages between the home area network appliances and the related gateway. Security analysis show that our scheme guarantees consumer privacy and messages confidentiality and integrity in addition to its robustness against several attacks. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed approach in terms of communication complexity.

Sun, Y., Wang, J., Lu, Z..  2019.  Asynchronous Parallel Surrogate Optimization Algorithm Based on Ensemble Surrogating Model and Stochastic Response Surface Method. :74—84.
{Surrogate model-based optimization algorithm remains as an important solution to expensive black-box function optimization. The introduction of ensemble model enables the algorithm to automatically choose a proper model integration mode and adapt to various parameter spaces when dealing with different problems. However, this also significantly increases the computational burden of the algorithm. On the other hand, utilizing parallel computing resources and improving efficiency of black-box function optimization also require combination with surrogate optimization algorithm in order to design and realize an efficient parallel parameter space sampling mechanism. This paper makes use of parallel computing technology to speed up the weight updating related computation for the ensemble model based on Dempster-Shafer theory, and combines it with stochastic response surface method to develop a novel parallel sampling mechanism for asynchronous parameter optimization. Furthermore, it designs and implements corresponding parallel computing framework and applies the developed algorithm to quantitative trading strategy tuning in financial market. It is verified that the algorithm is both feasible and effective in actual application. The experiment demonstrates that with guarantee of optimizing performance, the parallel optimization algorithm can achieve excellent accelerating effect.
Dung, L. T., Tran, H. T. K., Hoa, N. T. T., Choi, S..  2019.  Analysis of Local Secure Connectivity of Legitimate User in Stochastic Wireless Networks. 2019 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Signal Processing, Telecommunications Computing (SigTelCom). :155—159.
In this paper, we investigate the local secure connectivity in terms of the probability of existing a secure wireless connection between two legitimate users and the isolated security probability of a legitimate user in stochastic wireless networks. Specifically, the closed-form expressions of the probability that there is a secure wireless communication between two legitimate users are derived first. Then, based on these equations, the corresponding isolated secure probability are given. The characteristics of local secure connectivity are examined in four scenarios combined from two wireless channel conditions (deterministic/Rayleigh fading) and two eavesdropper configurations (non-colluding/colluding). All the derived mathematical equations are validated by the Monte-Carlo simulation. The obtained numerical results in this paper reveal some interesting features of the impact of eavesdropper collusion, wireless channel fading, and density ratio on the secure connection probability and the isolated security probability of legitimate user in stochastic networks.
Agadakos, I., Ciocarlie, G. F., Copos, B., Emmi, M., George, J., Leslie, N., Michaelis, J..  2019.  Application of Trust Assessment Techniques to IoBT Systems. MILCOM 2019 - 2019 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :833—840.

Continued advances in IoT technology have prompted new investigation into its usage for military operations, both to augment and complement existing military sensing assets and support next-generation artificial intelligence and machine learning systems. Under the emerging Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT) paradigm, current operational conditions necessitate the development of novel security techniques, centered on establishment of trust for individual assets and supporting resilience of broader systems. To advance current IoBT efforts, a collection of prior-developed cybersecurity techniques is reviewed for applicability to conditions presented by IoBT operational environments (e.g., diverse asset ownership, degraded networking infrastructure, adversary activities) through use of supporting case study examples. The research techniques covered focus on two themes: (1) Supporting trust assessment for known/unknown IoT assets; (2) ensuring continued trust of known IoT assets and IoBT systems.

Singh, M., Butakov, S., Jaafar, F..  2018.  Analyzing Overhead from Security and Administrative Functions in Virtual Environment. 2018 International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon). :1—6.
The paper provides an analysis of the performance of an administrative component that helps the hypervisor to manage the resources of guest operating systems under fluctuation workload. The additional administrative component provides an extra layer of security to the guest operating systems and system as a whole. In this study, an administrative component was implemented by using Xen-hypervisor based para-virtualization technique and assigned some additional roles and responsibilities that reduce hypervisor workload. The study measured the resource utilizations of an administrative component when excessive input/output load passes passing through the system. Performance was measured in terms of bandwidth and CPU utilisation Based on the analysis of administrative component performance recommendations have been provided with the goal to improve system availability. Recommendations included detection of the performance saturation point that indicates the necessity to start load balancing procedures for the administrative component in the virtualized environment.
Jaiswal, M., Malik, Y., Jaafar, F..  2018.  Android gaming malware detection using system call analysis. 2018 6th International Symposium on Digital Forensic and Security (ISDFS). :1—5.
Android operating systems have become a prime target for attackers as most of the market is currently dominated by Android users. The situation gets worse when users unknowingly download or sideload cloning applications, especially gaming applications that look like benign games. In this paper, we present, a dynamic Android gaming malware detection system based on system call analysis to classify malicious and legitimate games. We performed the dynamic system call analysis on normal and malicious gaming applications while applications are in execution state. Our analysis reveals the similarities and differences between benign and malware game system calls and shows how dynamically analyzing the behavior of malicious activity through system calls during runtime makes it easier and is more effective to detect malicious applications. Experimental analysis and results shows the efficiency and effectiveness of our approach.
Ibrahim, M., Alsheikh, A..  2018.  Assessing Level of Resilience Using Attack Graphs. 2018 10th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI). :1–6.
Cyber-Physical-Systems are subject to cyber-attacks due to existing vulnerabilities in the various components constituting them. System Resiliency is concerned with the extent the system is able to bounce back to a normal state under attacks. In this paper, two communication Networks are analyzed, formally described, and modeled using Architecture Analysis & Design Language (AADL), identifying their architecture, connections, vulnerabilities, resources, possible attack instances as well as their pre-and post-conditions. The generated network models are then verified against a security property using JKind model checker integrated tool. The union of the generated attack sequences/scenarios resulting in overall network compromise (given by its loss of stability) is the Attack graph. The generated Attack graph is visualized graphically using Unity software, and then used to assess the worst Level of Resilience for both networks.
Li, H., Patnaik, S., Sengupta, A., Yang, H., Knechtel, J., Yu, B., Young, E. F. Y., Sinanoglu, O..  2019.  Attacking Split Manufacturing from a Deep Learning Perspective. 2019 56th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC). :1–6.
The notion of integrated circuit split manufacturing which delegates the front-end-of-line (FEOL) and back-end-of-line (BEOL) parts to different foundries, is to prevent overproduction, piracy of the intellectual property (IP), or targeted insertion of hardware Trojans by adversaries in the FEOL facility. In this work, we challenge the security promise of split manufacturing by formulating various layout-level placement and routing hints as vector- and image-based features. We construct a sophisticated deep neural network which can infer the missing BEOL connections with high accuracy. Compared with the publicly available network-flow attack [1], for the same set of ISCAS-85benchmarks, we achieve 1.21× accuracy when splitting on M1 and 1.12× accuracy when splitting on M3 with less than 1% running time.
Apruzzese, G., Colajanni, M., Ferretti, L., Marchetti, M..  2019.  Addressing Adversarial Attacks Against Security Systems Based on Machine Learning. 2019 11th International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon). 900:1—18.

Machine-learning solutions are successfully adopted in multiple contexts but the application of these techniques to the cyber security domain is complex and still immature. Among the many open issues that affect security systems based on machine learning, we concentrate on adversarial attacks that aim to affect the detection and prediction capabilities of machine-learning models. We consider realistic types of poisoning and evasion attacks targeting security solutions devoted to malware, spam and network intrusion detection. We explore the possible damages that an attacker can cause to a cyber detector and present some existing and original defensive techniques in the context of intrusion detection systems. This paper contains several performance evaluations that are based on extensive experiments using large traffic datasets. The results highlight that modern adversarial attacks are highly effective against machine-learning classifiers for cyber detection, and that existing solutions require improvements in several directions. The paper paves the way for more robust machine-learning-based techniques that can be integrated into cyber security platforms.

Kim, Y., Ahn, S., Thang, N. C., Choi, D., Park, M..  2019.  ARP Poisoning Attack Detection Based on ARP Update State in Software-Defined Networks. 2019 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN). :366—371.

Recently, the novel networking technology Software-Defined Networking(SDN) and Service Function Chaining(SFC) are rapidly growing, and security issues are also emerging for SDN and SFC. However, the research about security and safety on a novel networking environment is still unsatisfactory, and the vulnerabilities have been revealed continuously. Among these security issues, this paper addresses the ARP Poisoning attack to exploit SFC vulnerability, and proposes a method to defend the attack. The proposed method recognizes the repetitive ARP reply which is a feature of ARP Poisoning attack, and detects ARP Poisoning attack. The proposed method overcomes the limitations of the existing detection methods. The proposed method also detects the presence of an attack more accurately.

Ajjimaporn, P., Gibbons, M., Stoick, B., Straub, J..  2019.  Automated Student Assessment for Cybersecurity Courses. 2019 14th Annual Conference System of Systems Engineering (SoSE). :93—95.

The need for cybersecurity knowledge and skills is constantly growing as our lives become more integrated with the digital world. In order to meet this demand, educational institutions must continue to innovate within the field of cybersecurity education and make this educational process as effective and efficient as possible. We seek to accomplish this goal by taking an existing cybersecurity educational technology and adding automated grading and assessment functionality to it. This will reduce costs and maximize scalability by reducing or even eliminating the need for human graders.

Bilanová, Z., Perháč, J..  2019.  About possibilities of applying logical analysis of natural language in computer science. 2019 IEEE 13th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI). :251–256.
This paper deals with the comparison of the most popular methods of a logical analysis of natural language Montague intensional logic and Transparent intensional logic. At first, these logical apparatuses are compared in terms of their founding theoretical principles. Later, the selected sentence is examined through the logical analysis. The aim of the paper is to identify a more expressive logical method, which will be a suitable basis for the future design of an algorithm for the automated translation of the natural language into a formal representation of its meaning through a semantic machine.
Zhao, Xinghan, Gao, Xiangfei.  2018.  An AI Software Test Method Based on Scene Deductive Approach. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C). :14—20.
Artificial intelligence (AI) software has high algorithm complexity, and the scale and dimension of the input and output parameters are high, and the test oracle isn't explicit. These features make a lot of difficulties for the design of test cases. This paper proposes an AI software testing method based on scene deductive approach. It models the input, output parameters and the environment, uses the random algorithm to generate the inputs of the test cases, then use the algorithm of deductive approach to make the software testing automatically, and use the test assertions to verify the results of the test. After description of the theory, this paper uses intelligent tracking car as an example to illustrate the application of this method and the problems needing attention. In the end, the paper describes the shortcoming of this method and the future research directions.
El-Zoghby, Ayman M., Mosharafa, Ahmed, Azer, Marianne A..  2018.  Anonymous Routing Protocols in MANETs, a Security Comparative Analysis. 2018 14th International Computer Engineering Conference (ICENCO). :254—259.

A Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is considered a type of network which is wireless and has no fixed infrastructure composed of a set if nodes in self organized fashion which are randomly, frequently and unpredictably mobile. MANETs can be applied in both military and civil environments ones because of its numerous applications. This is due to their special characteristics and self-configuration capability. This is due to its dynamic nature, lack of fixed infrastructure, and the no need of being centrally managed; a special type of routing protocols such as Anonymous routing protocols are needed to hide the identifiable information of communicating parties, while preserving the communication secrecy. This paper provides an examination of a comprehensive list of anonymous routing protocols in MANET, focusing their security and performance capabilities.

Mintu, Singh, Gursharan, Malhi, Simarjit Singh, Mahajan, Makul, Batra, Salil, Bath, Ranbir Singh.  2019.  Anatomization of Detection and Performance Measures Techniques for Flooding Attacks using Routing Protocols in MANETs. 2019 International Conference on Automation, Computational and Technology Management (ICACTM). :160—167.
Mobile ad-hoc network (MANETS) is generally appropriate in different territories like military tactical network, educational, home and entertainment and emergency operations etc. The MANETSs are simply the disintegration and designing kind of system in this portable hubs coming up and out the system whenever. Because of decentralized creation of the network, security, routing and Standard of service are the three noteworthy issues. MANETSs are helpless against security attack in light of the decentralized validation. The mobile hubs can enter or out the system and at some point malicious hubs enter the system, which are capable to trigger different dynamic and inactive attack. The flooding attack is the dynamic sort of attack in which malicious hubs transfers flooding packets on the medium. Because of this, medium gets over-burden and packets drop may happen inside the system. This decreases the throughput and increased packet loss. In this paper we illustrated different techniques and proposed various methods responsible for flooding attack. Our commitment in this paper is that we have investigated various flooding attacks in MANETs, their detection techniques with performance measure parameters.
Vi, Bao Ngoc, Noi Nguyen, Huu, Nguyen, Ngoc Tran, Truong Tran, Cao.  2019.  Adversarial Examples Against Image-based Malware Classification Systems. 2019 11th International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE). :1—5.

Malicious software, known as malware, has become urgently serious threat for computer security, so automatic mal-ware classification techniques have received increasing attention. In recent years, deep learning (DL) techniques for computer vision have been successfully applied for malware classification by visualizing malware files and then using DL to classify visualized images. Although DL-based classification systems have been proven to be much more accurate than conventional ones, these systems have been shown to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks. However, there has been little research to consider the danger of adversarial attacks to visualized image-based malware classification systems. This paper proposes an adversarial attack method based on the gradient to attack image-based malware classification systems by introducing perturbations on resource section of PE files. The experimental results on the Malimg dataset show that by a small interference, the proposed method can achieve success attack rate when challenging convolutional neural network malware classifiers.

Jiang, Jianguo, Li, Song, Yu, Min, Li, Gang, Liu, Chao, Chen, Kai, Liu, Hui, Huang, Weiqing.  2019.  Android Malware Family Classification Based on Sensitive Opcode Sequence. 2019 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC). :1—7.

Android malware family classification is an advanced task in Android malware analysis, detection and forensics. Existing methods and models have achieved a certain success for Android malware detection, but the accuracy and the efficiency are still not up to the expectation, especially in the context of multiple class classification with imbalanced training data. To address those challenges, we propose an Android malware family classification model by analyzing the code's specific semantic information based on sensitive opcode sequence. In this work, we construct a sensitive semantic feature-sensitive opcode sequence using opcodes, sensitive APIs, STRs and actions, and propose to analyze the code's specific semantic information, generate a semantic related vector for Android malware family classification based on this feature. Besides, aiming at the families with minority, we adopt an oversampling technique based on the sensitive opcode sequence. Finally, we evaluate our method on Drebin dataset, and select the top 40 malware families for experiments. The experimental results show that the Total Accuracy and Average AUC (Area Under Curve, AUC) reach 99.50% and 98.86% with 45. 17s per Android malware, and even if the number of malware families increases, these results remain good.

Wang, Yufeng, Shi, Wanjiao, Jin, Qun, Ma, Jianhua.  2019.  An Accurate False Data Detection in Smart Grid Based on Residual Recurrent Neural Network and Adaptive threshold. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Energy Internet (ICEI). :499—504.
Smart grids are vulnerable to cyber-attacks, which can cause significant damage and huge economic losses. Generally, state estimation (SE) is used to observe the operation of the grid. State estimation of the grid is vulnerable to false data injection attack (FDIA), so diagnosing this type of malicious attack has a major impact on ensuring reliable operation of the power system. In this paper, we present an effective FDIA detection method based on residual recurrent neural network (R2N2) prediction model and adaptive judgment threshold. Specifically, considering the data contains both linear and nonlinear components, the R2N2 model divides the prediction process into two parts: the first part uses the linear model to fit the state data; the second part predicts the nonlinearity of the residuals of the linear prediction model. The adaptive judgment threshold is inferred through fitting the Weibull distribution with the sum of squared errors between the predicted values and observed values. The thorough simulation results demonstrate that our scheme performs better than other prediction based FDIA detection schemes.
Flores, Pedro, Farid, Munsif, Samara, Khalid.  2019.  Assessing E-Security Behavior among Students in Higher Education. 2019 Sixth HCT Information Technology Trends (ITT). :253–258.
This study was conducted in order to assess the E-security behavior of students in a large higher educational institutions in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Specifically, it sought to determine the current state of students' E-security behavior in the aspects of malware, password usage, data handling, phishing, social engineering, and online scam. An E- Security Behavior Survey Instrument (EBSI) was used to determine the status of security behavior of the participants in doing their computing activities. To complement the survey tool, focus group discussions were conducted to elicit specific experiences and insights of the participants relative to E-security. The results of the study shows that the overall E-security behavior among students in higher education in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is moderately favorable. Specifically, the investigation reveals that the students favorably behave when it comes to phishing, social engineering, and online scam. However, they uncertainly behave on malware issues, password usage, and data handling.