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Liang, Y., He, D., Chen, D..  2019.  Poisoning Attack on Load Forecasting. 2019 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT Asia). :1230—1235.

Short-term load forecasting systems for power grids have demonstrated high accuracy and have been widely employed for commercial use. However, classic load forecasting systems, which are based on statistical methods, are subject to vulnerability from training data poisoning. In this paper, we demonstrate a data poisoning strategy that effectively corrupts the forecasting model even in the presence of outlier detection. To the best of our knowledge, poisoning attack on short-term load forecasting with outlier detection has not been studied in previous works. Our method applies to several forecasting models, including the most widely-adapted and best-performing ones, such as multiple linear regression (MLR) and neural network (NN) models. Starting with the MLR model, we develop a novel closed-form solution to quickly estimate the new MLR model after a round of data poisoning without retraining. We then employ line search and simulated annealing to find the poisoning attack solution. Furthermore, we use the MLR attacking solution to generate a numerical solution for other models, such as NN. The effectiveness of our algorithm has been tested on the Global Energy Forecasting Competition (GEFCom2012) data set with the presence of outlier detection.

Khurana, N., Mittal, S., Piplai, A., Joshi, A..  2019.  Preventing Poisoning Attacks On AI Based Threat Intelligence Systems. 2019 IEEE 29th International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP). :1—6.

As AI systems become more ubiquitous, securing them becomes an emerging challenge. Over the years, with the surge in online social media use and the data available for analysis, AI systems have been built to extract, represent and use this information. The credibility of this information extracted from open sources, however, can often be questionable. Malicious or incorrect information can cause a loss of money, reputation, and resources; and in certain situations, pose a threat to human life. In this paper, we use an ensembled semi-supervised approach to determine the credibility of Reddit posts by estimating their reputation score to ensure the validity of information ingested by AI systems. We demonstrate our approach in the cybersecurity domain, where security analysts utilize these systems to determine possible threats by analyzing the data scattered on social media websites, forums, blogs, etc.

Peruma, A., Malachowsky, S., Krutz, D..  2018.  Providing an Experiential Cybersecurity Learning Experience through Mobile Security Labs. 2018 IEEE/ACM 1st International Workshop on Security Awareness from Design to Deployment (SEAD). :51—54.

The reality of today's computing landscape already suffers from a shortage of cybersecurity professionals, and this gap only expected to grow. We need to generate interest in this STEM topic early in our student's careers and provide teachers the resources they need to succeed in addressing this gap. To address this shortfall we present Practical LAbs in Security for Mobile Applications (PLASMA), a public set of educational security labs to enable instruction in creation of secure Android apps. These labs include example vulnerable applications, information about each vulnerability, steps for how to repair the vulnerabilities, and information about how to confirm that the vulnerability has been properly repaired. Our goal is for instructors to use these activities in their mobile, security, and general computing courses ranging from secondary school to university settings. Another goal of this project is to foster interest in security and computing through demonstrating its importance. Initial feedback demonstrates the labs' positive effects in enhancing student interest in cybersecurity and acclaim from instructors. All project activities may be found on the project website:

Deng, Y., Lu, D., Chung, C., Huang, D., Zeng, Z..  2018.  Personalized Learning in a Virtual Hands-on Lab Platform for Computer Science Education. 2018 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). :1—8.

This Innovate Practice full paper presents a cloud-based personalized learning lab platform. Personalized learning is gaining popularity in online computer science education due to its characteristics of pacing the learning progress and adapting the instructional approach to each individual learner from a diverse background. Among various instructional methods in computer science education, hands-on labs have unique requirements of understanding learner's behavior and assessing learner's performance for personalization. However, it is rarely addressed in existing research. In this paper, we propose a personalized learning platform called ThoTh Lab specifically designed for computer science hands-on labs in a cloud environment. ThoTh Lab can identify the learning style from student activities and adapt learning material accordingly. With the awareness of student learning styles, instructors are able to use techniques more suitable for the specific student, and hence, improve the speed and quality of the learning process. With that in mind, ThoTh Lab also provides student performance prediction, which allows the instructors to change the learning progress and take other measurements to help the students timely. For example, instructors may provide more detailed instructions to help slow starters, while assigning more challenging labs to those quick learners in the same class. To evaluate ThoTh Lab, we conducted an experiment and collected data from an upper-division cybersecurity class for undergraduate students at Arizona State University in the US. The results show that ThoTh Lab can identify learning style with reasonable accuracy. By leveraging the personalized lab platform for a senior level cybersecurity course, our lab-use study also shows that the presented solution improves students engagement with better understanding of lab assignments, spending more effort on hands-on projects, and thus greatly enhancing learning outcomes.

Qin, Maoyuan, Hu, Wei, Mu, Dejun, Tai, Yu.  2018.  Property Based Formal Security Verification for Hardware Trojan Detection. 2018 IEEE 3rd International Verification and Security Workshop (IVSW). :62—67.

The design of modern computer hardware heavily relies on third-party intellectual property (IP) cores, which may contain malicious hardware Trojans that could be exploited by an adversary to leak secret information or take control of the system. Existing hardware Trojan detection methods either require a golden reference design for comparison or extensive functional testing to identify suspicious signals. In this paper, we propose a new formal verification method to verify the security of hardware designs. The proposed solution formalizes fine grained gate level information flow model for proving security properties of hardware designs in the Coq theorem prover environment. Compare with existing register transfer level (RTL) information flow security models, our model only needs to translate a small number of logic primitives to their formal representations without the need of supporting the rich RTL HDL semantics or dealing with complex conditional branch or loop structures. As a result, a gate level information flow model can be created at much lower complexity while achieving significantly higher precision in modeling the security behavior of hardware designs. We use the AES-T1700 benchmark from Trust-HUB to demonstrate the effectiveness of our solution. Experimental results show that our method can detect and pinpoint the Trojan.

Basu, Kanad, Elnaggar, Rana, Chakrabarty, Krishnendu, Karri, Ramesh.  2019.  PREEMPT: PReempting Malware by Examining Embedded Processor Traces. 2019 56th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC). :1—6.

Anti-virus software (AVS) tools are used to detect Malware in a system. However, software-based AVS are vulnerable to attacks. A malicious entity can exploit these vulnerabilities to subvert the AVS. Recently, hardware components such as Hardware Performance Counters (HPC) have been used for Malware detection. In this paper, we propose PREEMPT, a zero overhead, high-accuracy and low-latency technique to detect Malware by re-purposing the embedded trace buffer (ETB), a debug hardware component available in most modern processors. The ETB is used for post-silicon validation and debug and allows us to control and monitor the internal activities of a chip, beyond what is provided by the Input/Output pins. PREEMPT combines these hardware-level observations with machine learning-based classifiers to preempt Malware before it can cause damage. There are many benefits of re-using the ETB for Malware detection. It is difficult to hack into hardware compared to software, and hence, PREEMPT is more robust against attacks than AVS. PREEMPT does not incur performance penalties. Finally, PREEMPT has a high True Positive value of 94% and maintains a low False Positive value of 2%.

Zhang, Jiliang, Qu, Gang.  2020.  Physical Unclonable Function-Based Key Sharing via Machine Learning for IoT Security. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 67:7025—7033.

In many industry Internet of Things applications, resources like CPU, memory, and battery power are limited and cannot afford the classic cryptographic security solutions. Silicon physical unclonable function (PUF) is a lightweight security primitive that exploits manufacturing variations during the chip fabrication process for key generation and/or device authentication. However, traditional weak PUFs such as ring oscillator (RO) PUF generate chip-unique key for each device, which restricts their application in security protocols where the same key is required to be shared in resource-constrained devices. In this article, in order to address this issue, we propose a PUF-based key sharing method for the first time. The basic idea is to implement one-to-one input-output mapping with lookup table (LUT)-based interstage crossing structures in each level of inverters of RO PUF. Individual customization on configuration bits of interstage crossing structure and different RO selections with challenges bring high flexibility. Therefore, with the flexible configuration of interstage crossing structures and challenges, crossover RO PUF can generate the same shared key for resource-constrained devices, which enables a new application for lightweight key sharing protocols.

Bakht, Humayun, Eding, Samuel.  2018.  Policy-Based Approach for Securing Message Dissemination in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 2018 IEEE 16th Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, 16th Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, 4th Intl Conf on Big Data Intelligence and Computing and Cyber Science and Technology Congress(DASC/PiCom/DataCom/CyberSciTech). :1040—1045.

Mobile ad hoc networks present numerous advantages compared to traditional networks. However, due to the fact that they do not have any central management point and are highly dynamic, mobile ad hoc networks display many issues. The one study in this paper is the one related to security. A policy based approach for securing messages dissemination in mobile ad hoc network is proposed in order to tackle that issue.

Chauhan, Gargi K, Patel, Saurabh M.  2018.  Public String Based Threshold Cryptography (PSTC) for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET). 2018 Second International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS). :1—5.
Communication is an essential part of everyday life, both as a social interaction and collaboration to achieve goals. Wireless technology has effectively release the users to roam more freely to achieving collaboration and communication. The principle attraction of mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) are their set-up less and decentralized action. However, mobile ad hoc networks are seen as relatively easy targets for attackers. Security in mobile ad hoc network is provided by encrypting the data when exchanging messages and key management. Cryptography is therefore vital to ensure privacy of message and robustness against disruption. The proposed scheme public string based threshold cryptography (PSTC) describes the new scheme based on threshold cryptography that provides reasonably secure and robust cryptography scheme for mobile ad hoc networks. The scheme is implemented and simulated in ns-2. The scheme is based on trust value and analyze against Denial of Service attack as node found the attacker, the node reject all packet from that attacker. In proposed scheme whole network is compromised only when all nodes of network is compromised because threshold nodes only sharing public string not the master private key. The scheme provides confidentiality and integrity. The default threshold value selected is 2 according to time and space analysis.
Tomar, Ravi, Awasthi, Yogesh.  2019.  Prevention Techniques Employed in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks. 2019 International Conference on Advanced Science and Engineering (ICOASE). :192—197.
The paper emphasizes the various aspects of ad-hoc networks. The different types of attacks that affect the system and are prevented by various algorithms mentioned in this paper. Since Ad-hoc wireless networks have no infrastructure and are always unreliable therefore they are subject to many attacks. The black hole attack is seen as one of the dangerous attacks of them. In this attack the malicious node usually absorbs each data packets that are similar to separate holes in everything. Likewise all packets in the network are dropped. For this reason various prevention measures should be employed in the form of routing finding first then the optimization followed by the classification.
Kumar, Sushil, Mann, Kulwinder Singh.  2019.  Prevention of DoS Attacks by Detection of Multiple Malicious Nodes in VANETs. 2019 International Conference on Automation, Computational and Technology Management (ICACTM). :89—94.

Vehicular Adhoc Network (VANET), a specialized form of MANET in which safety is the major concern as critical information related to driver's safety and assistance need to be disseminated between the vehicle nodes. The security of the nodes can be increased, if the network availability is increased. The availability of the network is decreased, if there is Denial of Service Attacks (DoS) in the network. In this paper, a packet detection algorithm for the prevention of DoS attacks is proposed. This algorithm will be able to detect the multiple malicious nodes in the network which are sending irrelevant packets to jam the network and that will eventually stop the network to send the safety messages. The proposed algorithm was simulated in NS-2 and the quantitative values of packet delivery ratio, packet loss ratio, network throughput proves that the proposed algorithm enhance the security of the network by detecting the DoS attack well in time.

Zhang, Kewang, Zahng, Qiong.  2018.  Preserve Location Privacy for Cyber-Physical Systems with Addresses Hashing at Data Link Layer. 2018 IEEE 20th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 16th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 4th International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS). :1028–1032.
Due to their low complexity and robustness in nature, wireless sensor networks are a key component in cyber-physical system. The integration of wireless sensor network in cyber-physical system provides immense benefits in distributed controlled environment. However, the open nature of the wireless medium makes resource-constrained WSN vulnerable to unauthorized interception and detection. Privacy is becoming one of the major issues that jeopardize the successful deployment of WSN. In this paper, we propose a scheme named HASHA to provide location privacy. Different from previous approaches, HASHA protect nodes' location privacy at data link layer. It is well known that payload at data link layer frame is well protected through cryptosystem, but addresses at data link layer leaves unprotected. The adversaries can identify nodes in the network easily by capturing frames and check the source and destination addresses. If both addresses are well protected and unknown to the adversaries, they cannot identify nodes of the targeted networks, rendering it very difficult to launch traffic analysis and locate subjects. Simulation and analytical results demonstrate that our scheme provides stronger privacy protection and requires much less energy.
Miao, Xu, Han, Guangjie, He, Yu, Wang, Hao, Jiang, Jinfang.  2018.  A Protecting Source-Location Privacy Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture and Storage (NAS). :1–5.
An exciting network called smart IoT has great potential to improve the level of our daily activities and the communication. Source location privacy is one of the critical problems in the wireless sensor network (WSN). Privacy protections, especially source location protection, prevent sensor nodes from revealing valuable information about targets. In this paper, we first discuss about the current security architecture and attack modes. Then we propose a scheme based on cloud for protecting source location, which is named CPSLP. This proposed CPSLP scheme transforms the location of the hotspot to cause an obvious traffic inconsistency. We adopt multiple sinks to change the destination of packet randomly in each transmission. The intermediate node makes routing path more varied. The simulation results demonstrate that our scheme can confuse the detection of adversary and reduce the capture probability.
Adilbekov, Ulugbek, Adilova, Anar, Saginbekov, Sain.  2018.  Providing Location Privacy Using Fake Sources in Wireless Sensor Networks. 2018 IEEE 12th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT). :1–4.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) consist of low-cost, resource-constrained sensor nodes and a designated node called a sink which collects data from the sensor nodes. A WSN can be used in numerous applications such as subject tracking and monitoring, where it is often desirable to keep the location of the subject private. Without location privacy protection, an adversary can locate the subject. In this paper, we propose an algorithm that tries to keep the subject location private from a global adversary, which can see the entire network traffic, in an energy efficient way.
Changazi, Sabir Ali, Shafi, Imran, Saleh, Khaled, Islam, M Hasan, Hussainn, Syed Muzammil, Ali, Atif.  2019.  Performance Enhancement of Snort IDS through Kernel Modification. 2019 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (ICICT). :155–161.
Performance and improved packet handling capacity against high traffic load are important requirements for an effective intrusion detection system (IDS). Snort is one of the most popular open-source intrusion detection system which runs on Linux. This research article discusses ways of enhancing the performance of Snort by modifying Linux key parameters related to NAPI packet reception mechanism within the Linux kernel networking subsystem. Our enhancement overcomes the current limitations related to NAPI throughput. We experimentally demonstrate that current default budget B value of 300 does not yield the best performance of Snort throughput. We show that a small budget value of 14 gives the best Snort performance in terms of packet loss both at Kernel subsystem and at the application level. Furthermore, we compare our results to those reported in the literature, and we show that our enhancement through tuning certain parameters yield superior performance.
Criswell, John, Zhou, Jie, Gravani, Spyridoula, Hu, Xiaoyu.  2019.  PrivAnalyzer: Measuring the Efficacy of Linux Privilege Use. 2019 49th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN). :593–604.
Operating systems such as Linux break the power of the root user into separate privileges (which Linux calls capabilities) and give processes the ability to enable privileges only when needed and to discard them permanently when the program no longer needs them. However, there is no method of measuring how well the use of such facilities reduces the risk of privilege escalation attacks if the program has a vulnerability. This paper presents PrivAnalyzer, an automated tool that measures how effectively programs use Linux privileges. PrivAnalyzer consists of three components: 1) AutoPriv, an existing LLVM-based C/C++ compiler which uses static analysis to transform a program that uses Linux privileges into a program that safely removes them when no longer needed, 2) ChronoPriv, a new LLVM C/C++ compiler pass that performs dynamic analysis to determine for how long a program retains various privileges, and 3) ROSA, a new bounded model checker that can model the damage a program can do at each program point if an attacker can exploit the program and abuse its privileges. We use PrivAnalyzer to determine how long five privileged open source programs retain the ability to cause serious damage to a system and find that merely transforming a program to drop privileges does not significantly improve security. However, we find that simple refactoring can considerably increase the efficacy of Linux privileges. In two programs that we refactored, we reduced the percentage of execution in which a device file can be read and written from 97% and 88% to 4% and 1%, respectively.
Sun, Pan Jun.  2019.  Privacy Protection and Data Security in Cloud Computing: A Survey, Challenges, and Solutions. IEEE Access. 7:147420–147452.
Privacy and security are the most important issues to the popularity of cloud computing service. In recent years, there are many research schemes of cloud computing privacy protection based on access control, attribute-based encryption (ABE), trust and reputation, but they are scattered and lack unified logic. In this paper, we systematically review and analyze relevant research achievements. First, we discuss the architecture, concepts and several shortcomings of cloud computing, and propose a framework of privacy protection; second, we discuss and analyze basic ABE, KP-ABE (key policy attribute-based encryption), CP-ABE (ciphertext policy attribute-based encryption), access structure, revocation mechanism, multi-authority, fine-grained, trace mechanism, proxy re-encryption (PRE), hierarchical encryption, searchable encryption (SE), trust, reputation, extension of tradition access control and hierarchical key; third, we propose the research challenge and future direction of the privacy protection in the cloud computing; finally, we point out corresponding privacy protection laws to make up for the technical deficiencies.
Bao, Shihan, Lei, Ao, Cruickshank, Haitham, Sun, Zhili, Asuquo, Philip, Hathal, Waleed.  2019.  A Pseudonym Certificate Management Scheme Based on Blockchain for Internet of Vehicles. 2019 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech). :28–35.
Research into the established area of ITS is evolving into the Internet of Vehicles (IoV), itself a fast-moving research area, fuelled in part by rapid changes in computing and communication technologies. Using pseudonym certificate is a popular way to address privacy issues in IoV. Therefore, the certificate management scheme is considered as a feasible technique to manage system and maintain the lifecycle of certificate. In this paper, we propose an efficient pseudonym certificate management scheme in IoV. The Blockchain concept is introduced to simplify the network structure and distributed maintenance of the Certificate Revocation List (CRL). The proposed scheme embeds part of the certificate revocation functions within the security and privacy applications, aiming to reduce the communication overhead and shorten the processing time cost. Extensive simulations and analysis show the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed scheme, in which the Blockchain structure costs fewer network resources and gives a more economic solution to against further cybercrime attacks.
Al-Haj, Ali, Farfoura, Mahmoud.  2019.  Providing Security for E-Government Document Images Using Digital Watermarking in the Frequency Domain. 2019 5th International Conference on Information Management (ICIM). :77—81.

Many countries around the world have realized the benefits of the e-government platform in peoples' daily life, and accordingly have already made partial implementations of the key e-government processes. However, before full implementation of all potential services can be made, governments demand the deployment of effective information security measures to ensure secrecy and privacy of their citizens. In this paper, a robust watermarking algorithm is proposed to provide copyright protection for e-government document images. The proposed algorithm utilizes two transforms: the Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT) and the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed e-government document images watermarking algorithm performs considerably well compared to existing relevant algorithms.

Sieu, Brandon, Gavrilova, Marina.  2019.  Person Identification from Visual Aesthetics Using Gene Expression Programming. 2019 International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW). :279–286.
The last decade has witnessed an increase in online human interactions, covering all aspects of personal and professional activities. Identification of people based on their behavior rather than physical traits is a growing industry, spanning diverse spheres such as online education, e-commerce and cyber security. One prominent behavior is the expression of opinions, commonly as a reaction to images posted online. Visual aesthetic is a soft, behavioral biometric that refers to a person's sense of fondness to a certain image. Identifying individuals using their visual aesthetics as discriminatory features is an emerging domain of research. This paper introduces a new method for aesthetic feature dimensionality reduction using gene expression programming. The advantage of this method is that the resulting system is capable of using a tree-based genetic approach for feature recombination. Reducing feature dimensionality improves classifier accuracy, reduces computation runtime, and minimizes required storage. The results obtained on a dataset of 200 Flickr users evaluating 40000 images demonstrates a 94% accuracy of identity recognition based solely on users' aesthetic preferences. This outperforms the best-known method by 13.5%.
Foreman, Zackary, Bekman, Thomas, Augustine, Thomas, Jafarian, Haadi.  2019.  PAVSS: Privacy Assessment Vulnerability Scoring System. 2019 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI). :160–165.
Currently, the guidelines for business entities to collect and use consumer information from online sources is guided by the Fair Information Practice Principles set forth by the Federal Trade Commission in the United States. These guidelines are inadequate, outdated, and provide little protection for consumers. Moreover, there are many techniques to anonymize the stored data that was collected by large companies and governments. However, what does not exist is a framework that is capable of evaluating and scoring the effects of this information in the event of a data breach. In this work, a framework for scoring and evaluating the vulnerability of private data is presented. This framework is created to be used in parallel with currently adopted frameworks that are used to score and evaluate other areas of deficiencies within the software, including CVSS and CWSS. It is dubbed the Privacy Assessment Vulnerability Scoring System (PAVSS) and quantifies the privacy-breach vulnerability an individual takes on when using an online platform. This framework is based on a set of hypotheses about user behavior, inherent properties of an online platform, and the usefulness of available data in performing a cyber attack. The weight each of these metrics has within our model is determined by surveying cybersecurity experts. Finally, we test the validity of our user-behavior based hypotheses, and indirectly our model by analyzing user posts from a large twitter data set.
André, Étienne, Lime, Didier, Ramparison, Mathias, Stoelinga, Mariëlle.  2019.  Parametric Analyses of Attack-Fault Trees. 2019 19th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD). :33—42.

Risk assessment of cyber-physical systems, such as power plants, connected devices and IT-infrastructures has always been challenging: safety (i.e., absence of unintentional failures) and security (i. e., no disruptions due to attackers) are conditions that must be guaranteed. One of the traditional tools used to help considering these problems is attack trees, a tree-based formalism inspired by fault trees, a well-known formalism used in safety engineering. In this paper we define and implement the translation of attack-fault trees (AFTs) to a new extension of timed automata, called parametric weighted timed automata. This allows us to parametrize constants such as time and discrete costs in an AFT and then, using the model-checker IMITATOR, to compute the set of parameter values such that a successful attack is possible. Using the different sets of parameter values computed, different attack and fault scenarios can be deduced depending on the budget, time or computation power of the attacker, providing helpful data to select the most efficient counter-measure.

Godquin, Tanguy, Barbier, Morgan, Gaber, Chrystel, Grimault, Jean-Luc, Bars, Jean-Marie Le.  2019.  Placement optimization of IoT security solutions for edge computing based on graph theory. 2019 IEEE 38th International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC). :1—7.

In this paper, we propose a new method for optimizing the deployment of security solutions within an IoT network. Our approach uses dominating sets and centrality metrics to propose an IoT security framework where security functions are optimally deployed among devices. An example of such a solution is presented based on EndToEnd like encryption. The results reveal overall increased security within the network with minimal impact on the traffic.

Dattana, Vishal, Gupta, Kishu, Kush, Ashwani.  2019.  A Probability based Model for Big Data Security in Smart City. 2019 4th MEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC). :1—6.

Smart technologies at hand have facilitated generation and collection of huge volumes of data, on daily basis. It involves highly sensitive and diverse data like personal, organisational, environment, energy, transport and economic data. Data Analytics provide solution for various issues being faced by smart cities like crisis response, disaster resilience, emergence management, smart traffic management system etc.; it requires distribution of sensitive data among various entities within or outside the smart city,. Sharing of sensitive data creates a need for efficient usage of smart city data to provide smart applications and utility to the end users in a trustworthy and safe mode. This shared sensitive data if get leaked as a consequence can cause damage and severe risk to the city's resources. Fortification of critical data from unofficial disclosure is biggest issue for success of any project. Data Leakage Detection provides a set of tools and technology that can efficiently resolves the concerns related to smart city critical data. The paper, showcase an approach to detect the leakage which is caused intentionally or unintentionally. The model represents allotment of data objects between diverse agents using Bigraph. The objective is to make critical data secure by revealing the guilty agent who caused the data leakage.

Parra, Pablo, Polo, Oscar R., Fernández, Javier, Da Silva, Antonio, Sanchez Prieto, Sebastian, Martinez, Agustin.  2018.  A Platform-Aware Model-Driven Embedded Software Engineering Process Based on Annotated Analysis Models. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing. :1—1.

In this work a platform-aware model-driven engineering process for building component-based embedded software systems using annotated analysis models is described. The process is supported by a framework, called MICOBS, that allows working with different component technologies and integrating different tools that, independently of the component technology, enable the analysis of non-functional properties based on the principles of composability and compositionality. An actor, called Framework Architect, is responsible for this integration. Three other actors take a relevant part in the analysis process. The Component Provider supplies the components, while the Component Tester is in charge of their validation. The latter also feeds MICOBS with the annotated analysis models that characterize the extra-functional properties of the components for the different platforms on which they can be deployed. The Application Architect uses these components to build new systems, performing the trade-off between different alternatives. At this stage, and in order to verify that the final system meets the extra-functional requirements, the Application Architect uses the reports generated by the integrated analysis tools. This process has been used to support the validation and verification of the on-board application software for the Instrument Control Unit of the Energetic Particle Detector of the Solar Orbiter mission.