Phishing attacks are the most common form of attacks that can happen over the internet. This method involves attackers attempting to collect data of a user without his/her consent through emails, URLs, and any other link that leads to a deceptive page where a user is persuaded to commit specific actions that can lead to the successful completion of an attack. These attacks can allow an attacker to collect vital information of the user that can often allow the attacker to impersonate the victim and get things done that only the victim should have been able to do, such as carry out transactions, or message someone else, or simply accessing the victim's data. Many studies have been carried out to discuss possible approaches to prevent such attacks. This research work includes three machine learning algorithms to predict any websites' phishing status. In the experimentation these models are trained using URL based features and attempted to prevent Zero-Day attacks by using proposed software proposal that differentiates the legitimate websites and phishing websites by analyzing the website's URL. From observations, the random forest classifier performed with a precision of 97%, a recall 99%, and F1 Score is 97%. Proposed model is fast and efficient as it only works based on the URL and it does not use other resources for analysis, as was the case for past studies.
Microarchitectural Side-Channel Attacks (SCAs) have emerged recently to compromise the security of computer systems by exploiting the existing processors' hardware vulnerabilities. In order to detect such attacks, prior studies have proposed the deployment of low-level features captured from built-in Hardware Performance Counter (HPC) registers in modern microprocessors to implement accurate Machine Learning (ML)-based SCAs detectors. Though effective, such attack detection techniques have mainly focused on binary classification models offering limited insights on identifying the type of attacks. In addition, while existing SCAs detectors required prior knowledge of attacks applications to detect the pattern of side-channel attacks using a variety of microarchitectural features, detecting unknown (zero-day) SCAs at run-time using the available HPCs remains a major challenge. In response, in this work we first identify the most important HPC features for SCA detection using an effective feature reduction method. Next, we propose Phased-Guard, a two-level machine learning-based framework to accurately detect and classify both known and unknown attacks at run-time using the most prominent low-level features. In the first level (SCA Detection), Phased-Guard using a binary classification model detects the existence of SCAs on the target system by determining the critical scenarios including system under attack and system under no attack. In the second level (SCA Identification) to further enhance the security against side-channel attacks, Phased-Guard deploys a multiclass classification model to identify the type of SCA applications. The experimental results indicate that Phased-Guard by monitoring only the victim applications' microarchitectural HPCs data, achieves up to 98 % attack detection accuracy and 99.5% SCA identification accuracy significantly outperforming the state-of-the-art solutions by up to 82 % in zero-day attack detection at the cost of only 4% performance overhead for monitoring.
To ensure quality of service and user experience, large Internet companies often monitor various Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of their systems so that they can detect anomalies and identify failure in real time. However, due to a large number of various KPIs and the lack of high-quality labels, existing KPI anomaly detection approaches either perform well only on certain types of KPIs or consume excessive resources. Therefore, to realize generic and practical KPI anomaly detection in the real world, we propose a KPI anomaly detection framework named iRRCF-Active, which contains an unsupervised and white-box anomaly detector based on Robust Random Cut Forest (RRCF), and an active learning component. Specifically, we novelly propose an improved RRCF (iRRCF) algorithm to overcome the drawbacks of applying original RRCF in KPI anomaly detection. Besides, we also incorporate the idea of active learning to make our model benefit from high-quality labels given by experienced operators. We conduct extensive experiments on a large-scale public dataset and a private dataset collected from a large commercial bank. The experimental resulta demonstrate that iRRCF-Active performs better than existing traditional statistical methods, unsupervised learning methods and supervised learning methods. Besides, each component in iRRCF-Active has also been demonstrated to be effective and indispensable.
Research on the design of data center infrastructure is increasing, both from academia and industry, due to the rapid development of cloud-based applications such as search engines, social networks, and large-scale computing. On a large scale, data centers can consist of hundreds to thousands of servers that require systems with high-performance requirements and low downtime. To meet the network's needs in a dynamic data center, infrastructure of applications and services are growing. It takes a process of designing a network topology so that it can guarantee availability and security. One way to surmount this is by implementing the zero trust security model based on micro-segmentation. Zero trust is a security idea based on the principle of "never trust, always verify" in which no concepts of trust and untrust in network traffic. The zero trust security model implemented network traffic in the form of untrust. Micro-segmentation is a way to achieve zero trust by dividing a network into smaller logical segments to restrict the traffic. In this research, data center network performance based on software-defined networking with zero trust security model using micro-segmentation has been evaluated using a testbed simulation of Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure by measuring the round trip time, jitter, and packet loss during experiments. Performance evaluation results show that micro-segmentation adds an average round trip time of 4 μs and jitter of 11 μs without packet loss so that the security can be improved without significantly affecting network performance on the data center.
This article presents the modeling results of the ability to improve the accuracy of predicting the state of information security in the space of parameters of its threats. Information security of the protected object is considered as a dynamic system. Security threats to the protected object are used as the security system parameters most qualitatively and fully describing its behavior. The number of threats considered determines the dimension of the security state space. Based on the dynamic properties of changes in information security threats, the space region of the security system possible position at the moments of subsequent measurements of its state (a comprehensive security audit) is predicted. The corrected state of the information security system is considered to be the intersection of the area of subsequent measurement of the state of the system (integrated security audit) with the previously predicted area of the parameter space. Such a way to increase the accuracy of determining the state of a dynamic system in the space of its parameters can be called dynamic recurrent correction method. It is possible to use this method if the comprehensive security audit frequency is significantly higher than the frequency of monitoring changes in the dynamics of specific threats to information security. In addition, the data of the audit results and the errors of their receipt must be statistically independent with the results of monitoring changes in the dynamics of specific threats to information security. Improving the accuracy of the state of information security assessment in the space of the parameters of its threats can be used for various applications, including clarification of the communication channels characteristics, increasing the availability and efficiency of the telecommunications network, if it is an object of protection.
Cross-site scripting (XSS) is an often-occurring major attack that developers should consider when developing web applications. We develop a system that can provide practical exercises for learning how to create web applications that are secure against XSS. Our system utilizes free software and virtual machines, allowing low-cost, safe, and practical exercises. By using two virtual machines as the web server and the attacker host, the learner can conduct exercises demonstrating both XSS countermeasures and XSS attacks. In our system, learners use a web browser to learn and perform exercises related to XSS. Experimental evaluations confirm that the proposed system can support learning of XSS countermeasures.
Internet is the most widely used technology in the current era of information technology and it is embedded in daily life activities. Due to its extensive use in everyday life, it has many applications such as social media (Face book, WhatsApp, messenger etc.,) and other online applications such as online businesses, e-counseling, advertisement on websites, e-banking, e-hunting websites, e-doctor appointment and e-doctor opinion. The above mentioned applications of internet technology makes things very easy and accessible for human being in limited time, however, this technology is vulnerable to various security threats. A vital and severe threat associated with this technology or a particular application is “Phishing attack” which is used by attacker to usurp the network security. Phishing attacks includes fake E-mails, fake websites, fake applications which are used to steal their credentials or usurp their security. In this paper, a detailed overview of various phishing attacks, specifically their background knowledge, and solutions proposed in literature to address these issues using various techniques such as anti-phishing, honey pots and firewalls etc. Moreover, installation of intrusion detection systems (IDS) and intrusion detection and prevention system (IPS) in the networks to allow the authentic traffic in an operational network. In this work, we have conducted end use awareness campaign to educate and train the employs in order to minimize the occurrence probability of these attacks. The result analysis observed for this survey was quite excellent by means of its effectiveness to address the aforementioned issues.
Traffic identification becomes more important yet more challenging as related encryption techniques are rapidly developing nowadays. In difference to recent deep learning methods that apply image processing to solve such encrypted traffic problems, in this paper, we propose a method named Payload Encoding Representation from Transformer (PERT) to perform automatic traffic feature extraction using a state-of-the-art dynamic word embedding technique. Based on this, we further provide a traffic classification framework in which unlabeled traffic is utilized to pre-train an encoding network that learns the contextual distribution of traffic payload bytes. Then, the downward classification reuses the pre-trained network to obtain an enhanced classification result. By implementing experiments on a public encrypted traffic data set and our captured Android HTTPS traffic, we prove the proposed method can achieve an obvious better effectiveness than other compared baselines. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time the encrypted traffic classification with the dynamic word embedding alone with its pre-training strategy has been addressed.
This paper deals with the design and development of a Li-Fi (light fidelity) simplex communication system for data exchange between Android mobile devices. Li-Fi is an up-to-date technology in the modern world, since it uses visible light for data exchange, allowing for high-speed communication. The paper includes a brief review of Li-Fi technology, a review of the literature used, and a study of technological methods for implementing such systems, based on scientific sources. We propose the algorithms for data exchange, packet formation, and encryption-decryption. The paper presents the developed mobile application and the transceiver device, the development results, as well as experiments with the developed prototype. The results show that Li-Fi technology is workable and is a good alternative to existing communication methods.
Increased availability of mobile cameras has led to more opportunities for people to record videos of significantly more of their lives. Many times people want to share these videos, but only to certain people who were co-present. Since the videos may be of a large event where the attendees are not necessarily known, we need a method for proving co-presence without revealing information before co-presence is proven. In this demonstration, we present a privacy-preserving method for comparing the similarity of two videos without revealing the contents of either video. This technique leverages the Similarity of Simultaneous Observation technique for detecting hidden webcams and modifies the existing algorithms so that they are computationally feasible to run under fully homomorphic encryption scheme on modern mobile devices. The demonstration will consist of a variety of devices preloaded with our software. We will demonstrate the video sharing software performing comparisons in real time. We will also make the software available to Android devices via a QR code so that participants can record and exchange their own videos.
Enterprises round the globe have been searching for a way to securely empower AndroidTM devices for work but have spurned away from the Android platform due to ongoing fragmentation and security concerns. Discrepant vulnerabilities have been reported in Android smartphones since Android Lollipop release. Smartphones can be easily hacked by installing a malicious application, visiting an infectious browser, receiving a crafted MMS, interplaying with plug-ins, certificate forging, checksum collisions, inter-process communication (IPC) abuse and much more. To highlight this issue a manual analysis of Android vulnerabilities is performed, by using data available in National Vulnerability Database NVD and Android Vulnerability website. This paper includes the vulnerabilities that risked the dual persona support in Android 5 and above, till Dec 2017. In our security threat analysis, we have identified a comprehensive list of Android vulnerabilities, vulnerable Android versions, manufacturers, and information regarding complete and partial patches released. So far, there is no published research work that systematically presents all the vulnerabilities and vulnerability assessment for dual persona feature of Android's smartphone. The data provided in this paper will open ways to future research and present a better Android security model for dual persona.
The concept of the adversary model has been widely applied in the context of cryptography. When designing a cryptographic scheme or protocol, the adversary model plays a crucial role in the formalization of the capabilities and limitations of potential attackers. These models further enable the designer to verify the security of the scheme or protocol under investigation. Although being well established for conventional cryptanalysis attacks, adversary models associated with attackers enjoying the advantages of machine learning techniques have not yet been developed thoroughly. In particular, when it comes to composed hardware, often being security-critical, the lack of such models has become increasingly noticeable in the face of advanced, machine learning-enabled attacks. This paper aims at exploring the adversary models from the machine learning perspective. In this regard, we provide examples of machine learning-based attacks against hardware primitives, e.g., obfuscation schemes and hardware root-of-trust, claimed to be infeasible. We demonstrate that this assumption becomes however invalid as inaccurate adversary models have been considered in the literature.
An acoustic fingerprint is a condensed and powerful digital signature of an audio signal which is used for audio sample identification. A fingerprint is the pattern of a voice or audio sample. A large number of algorithms have been developed for generating such acoustic fingerprints. These algorithms facilitate systems that perform song searching, song identification, and song duplication detection. In this study, a comprehensive and powerful survey of already developed algorithms is conducted. Four major music fingerprinting algorithms are evaluated for identifying and analyzing the potential hurdles that can affect their results. Since the background and environmental noise reduces the efficiency of music fingerprinting algorithms, behavioral analysis of fingerprinting algorithms is performed using audio samples of different languages and under different environmental conditions. The results of music fingerprint classification are more successful when deep learning techniques for classification are used. The testing of the acoustic feature modeling and music fingerprinting algorithms is performed using the standard dataset of iKala, MusicBrainz and MIR-1K.
By the multi-layer nonlinear mapping and the semantic feature extraction of the deep learning, a deep learning network is proposed for video face detection to overcome the challenge of detecting faces rapidly and accurately in video with changeable background. Particularly, a pre-training procedure is used to initialize the network parameters to avoid falling into the local optimum, and the greedy layer-wise learning is introduced in the pre-training to avoid the training error transfer in layers. Key to the network is that the probability of neurons models the status of human brain neurons which is a continuous distribution from the most active to the least active and the hidden layer’s neuron number decreases layer-by-layer to reduce the redundant information of the input data. Moreover, the skin color detection is used to accelerate the detection speed by generating candidate regions. Experimental results show that, besides the faster detection speed and robustness against face rotation, the proposed method possesses lower false detection rate and lower missing detection rate than traditional algorithms.
Modern critical infrastructures are increasingly turning into distributed, complex Cyber-Physical systems that need proactive protection and fast restoration to mitigate physical or cyber incidents or attacks. Addressing the need for early stage threat detection against physical intrusion, the paper presents two physical security sensors developed within the DEFENDER project for detecting the intrusion of drones and humans using video analytics. The continuous stream of media data obtained from the region of vulnerability and proximity is processed using Region based Fully Connected Neural Network deep-learning model. The novelty of the pro-posed system relies in the processing of multi-threaded media input streams for achieving real-time threat identification. The video analytics solution has been validated using NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 for drone detection and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Max-Q Design for detecting human intruders. The experimental test bed for the validation of the proposed system has been constructed to include environments and situations that are commonly faced by critical infrastructure operators such as the area of protection, tradeoff between angle of coverage against distance of coverage.