Visible to the public A software-defined networking framework for IoT based on 6LoWPAN

TitleA software-defined networking framework for IoT based on 6LoWPAN
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsLasso, F. F. J., Clarke, K., Nirmalathas, A.
Conference Name2018 Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS)
ISBN Number978-1-5386-3395-3
Keywords6LoWPAN, 6LoWPAN networks, composability, Internet of Things, IoT, low power wireless network, management complexity, networking framework, personal area networks, power consumption, Power demand, Protocols, pubcrawl, Random access memory, Resiliency, SD-WSN6Lo, software defined networking, software-defined networking, software-defined wireless management, Task Analysis, telecommunication power management, Wireless communication, Wireless Sensor Network, Wireless sensor networks

The software defined networking framework facilitates flexible and reliable internet of things networks by moving the network intelligence to a centralized location while enabling low power wireless network in the edge. In this paper, we present SD-WSN6Lo, a novel software-defined wireless management solution for 6LoWPAN networks that aims to reduce the management complexity in WSN's. As an example of the technique, a simulation of controlling the power consumption of sensor nodes is presented. The results demonstrate improved energy consumption of approximately 15% on average per node compared to the baseline condition.

Citation Keylasso_software-defined_2018