Visible to the public Mobile augmented reality based on cloud computing

TitleMobile augmented reality based on cloud computing
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsHuang, Bai-Ruei, Lin, Chang Hong, Lee, Chia-Han
Conference Nameand Identification Anti-counterfeiting, Security
Date PublishedAug. 2012
ISBN Number978-1-4673-2145-7
KeywordsAndroid smart phone, augmented reality, book spine matching, Books, Cameras, Chunghwa Telecoms hicloud, cloud computing, Databases, edge detection, fast corner detection, feature comparisons, Human Behavior, image capturing, image corner detection, image matching, image preprocessing, image resizing, mobile augmented reality rendering system, mobile computing, mobile device, Mobile handsets, performance evaluation, privacy, pubcrawl, rendering (computer graphics), resilience, Scalability, Servers, smart phones, transmission cost reduction
AbstractIn this paper, we implemented a mobile augmented reality system based on cloud computing. This system uses a mobile device with a camera to capture images of book spines and sends processed features to the cloud. In the cloud, the features are compared with the database and the information of the best matched book would be sent back to the mobile device. The information will then be rendered on the display via augmented reality. In order to reduce the transmission cost, the mobile device is used to perform most of the image processing tasks, such as the preprocessing, resizing, corner detection, and augmented reality rendering. On the other hand, the cloud is used to realize routine but large quantity feature comparisons. Using the cloud as the database also makes the future extension much more easily. For our prototype system, we use an Android smart phone as our mobile device, and Chunghwa Telecoms hicloud as the cloud.
Citation Keyhuang_mobile_2012