Visible to the public Trust Evaluation Strategy Based on Grey System Theory for Medical Big Data

TitleTrust Evaluation Strategy Based on Grey System Theory for Medical Big Data
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsXin, Yang, Qian, Zhenwei, Jiang, Rong, Song, Yang
Conference Name2019 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Educational Informatization (CSEI)
KeywordsAccess Control, AHP method, analytic hierarchy process, analytic hierarchy process (AHP), Big Data, composability, compositionality, Computer Theory and Trust, decision fuzzy, evaluation process, fuzzy set theory, grey system theory, grey systems, Indexes, Medical Big Data, Medical diagnostic imaging, medical information systems, Medical services, privacy, pubcrawl, Sensitivity, statistical analysis, Task Analysis, traditional evaluation method, trust evaluation, trust evaluation index weight, trust evaluation strategy, trust evaluation weight system, trust gray evaluation model
AbstractThe performance of the trust evaluation strategy depends on the accuracy and rationality of the trust evaluation weight system. Trust is a difficult to accurate measurement and quantitative cognition in the heart, the trust of the traditional evaluation method has a strong subjectivity and fuzziness and uncertainty. This paper uses the AHP method to determine the trust evaluation index weight, and combined with grey system theory to build trust gray evaluation model. The use of gray assessment based on the whitening weight function in the evaluation process reduces the impact of the problem that the evaluation result of the trust evaluation is not easy to accurately quantify when the decision fuzzy and the operating mechanism are uncertain.
Citation Keyxin_trust_2019