Visible to the public The Study and Application of Security Control Plan Incorporating Frequency Stability (SCPIFS) in CPS-Featured Interconnected Asynchronous Grids

TitleThe Study and Application of Security Control Plan Incorporating Frequency Stability (SCPIFS) in CPS-Featured Interconnected Asynchronous Grids
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsHan, Y., Zhang, W., Wei, J., Liu, X., Ye, S.
Conference Name2019 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT Asia)
Date PublishedMay 2019
ISBN Number978-1-7281-3520-5
KeywordsADMM, bulk power imbalance shock, CPS, Cyber physical system, Cyber-physical systems, frequency control, frequency stability, frequency stability constrains, frequency stability domain, Generators, HVDC power transmission, HVDC tie-line, HVDC tie-line transferred power, HVDC transmission, interconnected asynchronous grids, interconneted grids, load shedding, McCormick envelope method, Metrics, optimisation, power engineering computing, power grids, power system interconnection, power system security, power system stability, power transmission planning, pubcrawl, Real-time Systems, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, SCPIFS, security, Security Control, security control plan, security control strategy, Stability analysis, Time Frequency Analysis

The CPS-featured modern asynchronous grids interconnected with HVDC tie-lines facing the hazards from bulk power imbalance shock. With the aid of cyber layer, the SCPIFS incorporates the frequency stability constrains is put forwarded. When there is bulk power imbalance caused by HVDC tie-lines block incident or unplanned loads increasing, the proposed SCPIFS ensures the safety and frequency stability of both grids at two terminals of the HVDC tie-line, also keeps the grids operate economically. To keep frequency stability, the controllable variables in security control strategy include loads, generators outputs and the power transferred in HVDC tie-lines. McCormick envelope method and ADMM are introduced to solve the proposed SCPIFS optimization model. Case studies of two-area benchmark system verify the safety and economical benefits of the SCPFS. HVDC tie-line transferred power can take the advantage of low cost generator resource of both sides utmost and avoid the load shedding via tuning the power transferred through the operating tie-lines, thus the operation of both connected asynchronous grids is within the limit of frequency stability domain.

Citation Keyhan_study_2019