Visible to the public Hand Motion with Eyes-free Interaction for Authentication in Virtual Reality

TitleHand Motion with Eyes-free Interaction for Authentication in Virtual Reality
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsLu, Yujun, Gao, BoYu, Long, Jinyi, Weng, Jian
Conference Name2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW)
Keywordsauthentication, composability, cryptography, Cyber physical system, Eyes-free interaction, feature extraction, H.1.2 [Human-centered Computing], Hand motion recognition, Interaction Paradigms, J.8 [Applied Computing], pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, security, social interaction, Support vector machines, Task Analysis, Trajectory, virtual machine, virtual machine security, virtual reality
AbstractDesigning an authentication method is a crucial component to secure privacy in information systems. Virtual Reality (VR) is a new interaction platform, in which the users can interact with natural behaviours (e.g. hand, gaze, head, etc.). In this work, we propose a novel authentication method in which user can perform hand motion in an eyes-free manner. We evaluate the usability and security between eyes-engage and eyes-free input with a pilot study. The initial result revealed our purposed method can achieve a trade-off between usability and security, showing a new way to behaviour-based authentication in VR.
Citation Keylu_hand_2020