Visible to the public A Support Vector Machine with Particle Swarm Optimization Grey Wolf Optimizer for Network Intrusion Detection

TitleA Support Vector Machine with Particle Swarm Optimization Grey Wolf Optimizer for Network Intrusion Detection
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsChen, Chen, Song, Li, Bo, Cao, Shuo, Wang
Conference Name2021 International Conference on Big Data Analysis and Computer Science (BDACS)
Date Publishedjun
KeywordsClassification algorithms, composability, grey wolf optimizer algorithm, IDS, Intrusion detection, Learning systems, Metrics, network intrusion detection, parameter optimization, particle swarm optimization, particle swarm optimization algorithm, Predictive Metrics, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, security, support vector machine, support vector machine classification, Support vector machines, swarm intelligence
AbstractSupport Vector Machine (SVM) is a relatively novel classification technology, which has shown higher performance than traditional learning methods in many applications. Therefore, some security researchers have proposed an intrusion detection method based on SVM. However, the SVM algorithm is very sensitive to the choice of kernel function and parameter adjustment. Once the parameter selection is unscientific, it will lead to poor classification accuracy. To solve this problem, this paper presents a Grey Wolf Optimizer Algorithm based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSOGWO) algorithm to improve the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) based on SVM. This method uses PSOGWO algorithm to optimize the parameters of SVM to improve the overall performance of intrusion detection based on SVM. The "optimal detection model" of SVM classifier is determined by the fusion of PSOGWO algorithm and SVM. The comparison experiments based on NSL-KDD dataset show that the intrusion detection method based on PSOGWO-SVM achieves the optimization of the parameters of SVM, and has improved significantly in terms of detection rate, convergence speed and model balance. This shows that the method has better performance for network intrusion detection.
Citation Keychen_support_2021