

Visible to the public TWC: Small: Automated Protocol Design and Refinement

Online security relies on communication protocols that establish trust and authentication. New protocols are created regularly, such as when Software-as-a-Service companies expose their software through new Web services. In the ideal case, network engineers and protocol experts collaborate to develop a protocol: one responsible for its efficiency and the other for its security. Unfortunately, this ideal is rarely realized.


Visible to the public TWC SBE: Medium: Collaborative: Building a Privacy-Preserving Social Networking Platform from a Technological and Sociological Perspective

Social networks provide many benefits, but also give rise to serious concerns regarding privacy. Indeed, since privacy protections are not intrinsically incorporated into the underlying technological framework, user data is still accessible to the social network and is open to misuse. While there have been efforts to incorporate privacy into social networks, existing solutions are not sufficiently lightweight, transparent, and functional, and therefore have achieved only limited adoption.


Visible to the public STARSS: Small: Collaborative: Practical and Scalable Security Verification of Security-Aware Hardware Architectures

Computers form the backbone of any modern society, and often process large amounts of sensitive and private information. To help secure the software, and the sensitive data, a number of secure hardware-software and processor architectures have been proposed. These architectures incorporate novel protection and defense mechanisms directly in the hardware where they cannot be modified or bypassed, unlike software protections.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Privacy Preserving Outlier Detection and Recognition

Big data analytics can revolutionize innovation and productivity across diverse domains. However, this requires sharing or joint analysis of data, which is often inhibited due to privacy and security concerns. While techniques have been developed to enable the safe use of data for analysis, none of these work for the critical task of outlier detection. Outlier detection is one of the most fundamental data analysis tasks, useful in applications as far ranging as homeland security, to medical informatics, to financial fraud.


Visible to the public SaTC: STARSS: ICM: Invariant Carrying Machine for Hardware Assurance

Design of complex semiconductor circuits and systems requires many steps, involves hundreds of engineers, and is typically distributed across multiple locations and organizations worldwide. The conventional processes and tools for design of semiconductors can ensure the correctness, that is, the resulting product does what it is supposed to do. However, these processes do not provide confidence about whether the chip is altered such that it provides unauthorized access or control.


Visible to the public EAGER: Understanding the Strategic Values of Privacy Practices in Organizations

As companies collect consumer data in increasingly larger quantity and mine the data more deeply, trade-offs arise with respect to companies' practices about information privacy. A company may choose practices that augment targeted advertisements or services. However, the financial rewards associated with privacy practices are highly uncertain, since they are affected by a company's competition with rivals.


Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Strengthening Wi-Fi Network Wide

Wi-Fi has emerged as the technology of choice for Internet access. Thus, virtually every smartphone or tablet is now equipped with a Wi-Fi card. Concurrently, and as a means to maximize spectral efficiency, Wi-Fi radios are becoming increasingly complex and sensitive to wireless channel conditions. The prevalence of Wi-Fi networks, along with their adaptive behaviors, makes them an ideal target for denial of service attacks at a large, infrastructure level.


Visible to the public TWC: TTP Option: Medium: Collaborative: Identifying and Mitigating Trust Violations in the Smartphone Ecosystem

The adoption of smartphones has steadily increased in the past few years, and smartphones have become the tool with which millions of users handle confidential information, such as financial and health-related data. As a result, these devices have become attractive targets for cybercriminals, who attempt to violate the trust assumptions underlying the smartphone platform in order to compromise the security and privacy of users.


Visible to the public EAGER: Cybersecurity Transition To Practice (TTP) Acceleration

The 2011 Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development Plan cites "Accelerating Transition to Practice (TTP)" as one of five strategic objectives in the Cyber Security and Information Assurance (CSIA) Program Component Area. TTP remains a strategic objective of Agencies which fund cybersecurity research, including NSF. However, the NSF cybersecurity portfolio contains only a small amount of security research that has been transitioned into operational activities.


Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Seal: Secure Engine for AnaLytics - From Secure Similarity Search to Secure Data Analytics

Many organizations and individuals rely on the cloud to store their data and process their analytical queries. But such data may contain sensitive information. Not only do users want to conceal their data on a cloud, they may also want to hide analytical queries over their data, results of such queries, and data access patterns from a cloud service provider (that may be compromised either from within or by a third party).