Writing style is a combination of consistent decisions associated with a specific author at different levels of language production, including lexical, syntactic, and structural. In this paper, we introduce a style-aware neural model to encode document information from three stylistic levels and evaluate it in the domain of authorship attribution. First, we propose a simple way to jointly encode syntactic and lexical representations of sentences. Subsequently, we employ an attention-based hierarchical neural network to encode the syntactic and semantic structure of sentences in documents while rewarding the sentences which contribute more to capturing the writing style. Our experimental results, based on four benchmark datasets, reveal the benefits of encoding document information from all three stylistic levels when compared to the baseline methods in the literature.
In cloud computing environments with many virtual machines, containers, and other systems, an epidemic of malware can be crippling and highly threatening to business processes. In this vision paper, we introduce a hierarchical approach to performing malware detection and analysis using several recent advances in machine learning on graphs, hypergraphs, and natural language. We analyze individual systems and their logs, inspecting and understanding their behavior with attentional sequence models. Given a feature representation of each system's logs using this procedure, we construct an attributed network of the cloud with systems and other components as vertices and propose an analysis of malware with inductive graph and hypergraph learning models. With this foundation, we consider the multicloud case, in which multiple clouds with differing privacy requirements cooperate against the spread of malware, proposing the use of federated learning to perform inference and training while preserving privacy. Finally, we discuss several open problems that remain in defending cloud computing environments against malware related to designing robust ecosystems, identifying cloud-specific optimization problems for response strategy, action spaces for malware containment and eradication, and developing priors and transfer learning tasks for machine learning models in this area.
Aiming at the problem that one-dimensional parameter optimization in insider threat detection using deep learning will lead to unsatisfactory overall performance of the model, an insider threat detection method based on adaptive optimization DBN by grid search is designed. This method adaptively optimizes the learning rate and the network structure which form the two-dimensional grid, and adaptively selects a set of optimization parameters for threat detection, which optimizes the overall performance of the deep learning model. The experimental results show that the method has good adaptability. The learning rate of the deep belief net is optimized to 0.6, the network structure is optimized to 6 layers, and the threat detection rate is increased to 98.794%. The training efficiency and the threat detection rate of the deep belief net are improved.
Deep learning has been successfully applied to the ordinary image super-resolution (SR). However, since the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images are often disturbed by multiplicative noise known as speckle and more blurry than ordinary images, there are few deep learning methods for the SAR image SR. In this paper, a deep generative adversarial network (DGAN) is proposed to reconstruct the pseudo high-resolution (HR) SAR images. First, a generator network is constructed to remove the noise of low-resolution SAR image and generate HR SAR image. Second, a discriminator network is used to differentiate between the pseudo super-resolution images and the realistic HR images. The adversarial objective function is introduced to make the pseudo HR SAR images closer to real SAR images. The experimental results show that our method can maintain the SAR image content with high-level noise suppression. The performance evaluation based on peak signal-to-noise-ratio and structural similarity index shows the superiority of the proposed method to the conventional CNN baselines.
Classifying malware programs is a research area attracting great interest for Anti-Malware industry. In this research, we propose a system that visualizes malware programs as images and distinguishes those using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). We study the performance of several well-established CNN based algorithms such as AlexNet, ResNet and VGG16 using transfer learning approaches. We also propose a computationally efficient CNN-based architecture for classification of malware programs. In addition, we study the performance of these CNNs as feature extractors by using Support Vector Machine (SVM) and K-nearest Neighbors (kNN) for classification purposes. We also propose fusion methods to boost the performance further. We make use of the publicly available database provided by Microsoft Malware Classification Challenge (BIG 2015) for this study. Our overall performance is 99.4% for a set of 2174 test samples comprising 9 different classes thereby setting a new benchmark.
Cybersecurity competitions have been shown to be an effective approach for promoting student engagement through active learning in cybersecurity. Players can gain hands-on experience in puzzle-based or capture-the-flag type tasks that promote learning. However, novice players with limited prior knowledge in cybersecurity usually found difficult to have a clue to solve a problem and get frustrated at the early stage. To enhance student engagement, it is important to study the experiences of novices to better understand their learning needs. To achieve this goal, we conducted a 4-month longitudinal case study which involves 11 undergraduate students participating in a college-level cybersecurity competition, National Cyber League (NCL) competition. The competition includes two individual games and one team game. Questionnaires and in-person interviews were conducted before and after each game to collect the players' feedback on their experience, learning challenges and needs, and information about their motivation, interests and confidence level. The collected data demonstrate that the primary concern going into these competitions stemmed from a lack of knowledge regarding cybersecurity concepts and tools. Players' interests and confidence can be increased by going through systematic training.
The task of attack attribution, i.e., identifying the entity responsible for an attack, is complicated and usually requires the involvement of an experienced security expert. Prior attempts to automate attack attribution apply various machine learning techniques on features extracted from the malware's code and behavior in order to identify other similar malware whose authors are known. However, the same malware can be reused by multiple actors, and the actor who performed an attack using a malware might differ from the malware's author. Moreover, information collected during an incident may contain many clues about the identity of the attacker in addition to the malware used. In this paper, we propose a method of attack attribution based on textual analysis of threat intelligence reports, using state of the art algorithms and models from the fields of machine learning and natural language processing (NLP). We have developed a new text representation algorithm which captures the context of the words and requires minimal feature engineering. Our approach relies on vector space representation of incident reports derived from a small collection of labeled reports and a large corpus of general security literature. Both datasets have been made available to the research community. Experimental results show that the proposed representation can attribute attacks more accurately than the baselines' representations. In addition, we show how the proposed approach can be used to identify novel previously unseen threat actors and identify similarities between known threat actors.
Machine learning is a major area in artificial intelligence, which enables computer to learn itself explicitly without programming. As machine learning is widely used in making decision automatically, attackers have strong intention to manipulate the prediction generated my machine learning model. In this paper we study about the different types of attacks and its countermeasures on machine learning model. By research we found that there are many security threats in various algorithms such as K-nearest-neighbors (KNN) classifier, random forest, AdaBoost, support vector machine (SVM), decision tree, we revisit existing security threads and check what are the possible countermeasures during the training and prediction phase of machine learning model. In machine learning model there are 2 types of attacks that is causative attack which occurs during the training phase and exploratory attack which occurs during the prediction phase, we will also discuss about the countermeasures on machine learning model, the countermeasures are data sanitization, algorithm robustness enhancement, and privacy preserving techniques.
Most of the data manipulation attacks on deep neural networks (DNNs) during the training stage introduce a perceptible noise that can be catered by preprocessing during inference, or can be identified during the validation phase. There-fore, data poisoning attacks during inference (e.g., adversarial attacks) are becoming more popular. However, many of them do not consider the imperceptibility factor in their optimization algorithms, and can be detected by correlation and structural similarity analysis, or noticeable (e.g., by humans) in multi-level security system. Moreover, majority of the inference attack rely on some knowledge about the training dataset. In this paper, we propose a novel methodology which automatically generates imperceptible attack images by using the back-propagation algorithm on pre-trained DNNs, without requiring any information about the training dataset (i.e., completely training data-unaware). We present a case study on traffic sign detection using the VGGNet trained on the German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmarks dataset in an autonomous driving use case. Our results demonstrate that the generated attack images successfully perform misclassification while remaining imperceptible in both “subjective” and “objective” quality tests.
Machine learning (ML) classifiers are vulnerable to adversarial examples. An adversarial example is an input sample which is slightly modified to induce misclassification in an ML classifier. In this work, we investigate white-box and grey-box evasion attacks to an ML-based malware detector and conduct performance evaluations in a real-world setting. We compare the defense approaches in mitigating the attacks. We propose a framework for deploying grey-box and black-box attacks to malware detection systems.
Deep machine learning techniques have shown promising results in network traffic classification, however, the robustness of these techniques under adversarial threats is still in question. Deep machine learning models are found vulnerable to small carefully crafted adversarial perturbations posing a major question on the performance of deep machine learning techniques. In this paper, we propose a black-box adversarial attack on network traffic classification. The proposed attack successfully evades deep machine learning-based classifiers which highlights the potential security threat of using deep machine learning techniques to realize autonomous networks.
Wide adoption of artificial neural networks in various domains has led to an increasing interest in defending adversarial attacks against them. Preprocessing defense methods such as pixel discretization are particularly attractive in practice due to their simplicity, low computational overhead, and applicability to various systems. It is observed that such methods work well on simple datasets like MNIST, but break on more complicated ones like ImageNet under recently proposed strong white-box attacks. To understand the conditions for success and potentials for improvement, we study the pixel discretization defense method, including more sophisticated variants that take into account the properties of the dataset being discretized. Our results again show poor resistance against the strong attacks. We analyze our results in a theoretical framework and offer strong evidence that pixel discretization is unlikely to work on all but the simplest of the datasets. Furthermore, our arguments present insights why some other preprocessing defenses may be insecure.
In this work, we applied a deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with Xception model to perform malware image classification. The Xception model is a recently developed special CNN architecture that is more powerful with less over- fitting problems than the current popular CNN models such as VGG16. However only a few use cases of the Xception model can be found in literature, and it has never been used to solve the malware classification problem. The performance of our approach was compared with other methods including KNN, SVM, VGG16 etc. The experiments on two datasets (Malimg and Microsoft Malware Dataset) demonstrated that the Xception model can achieve the highest training accuracy than all other approaches including the champion approach, and highest validation accuracy than all other approaches including VGG16 model which are using image-based malware classification (except the champion solution as this information was not provided). Additionally, we proposed a novel ensemble model to combine the predictions from .bytes files and .asm files, showing that a lower logloss can be achieved. Although the champion on the Microsoft Malware Dataset achieved a bit lower logloss, our approach does not require any features engineering, making it more effective to adapt to any future evolution in malware, and very much less time consuming than the champion's solution.
With the ever-growing occurrence of networking attacks, robust network security systems are essential to prevent and mitigate their harming effects. In recent years, machine learning-based systems have gain popularity for network security applications, usually considering the application of shallow models, where a set of expert handcrafted features are needed to pre-process the data before training. The main problem with this approach is that handcrafted features can fail to perform well given different kinds of scenarios and problems. Deep Learning models can solve this kind of issues using their ability to learn feature representations from input raw or basic, non-processed data. In this paper we explore the power of deep learning models on the specific problem of detection and classification of malware network traffic, using different representations for the input data. As a major advantage as compared to the state of the art, we consider raw measurements coming directly from the stream of monitored bytes as the input to the proposed models, and evaluate different raw-traffic feature representations, including packet and flow-level ones. Our results suggest that deep learning models can better capture the underlying statistics of malicious traffic as compared to classical, shallow-like models, even while operating in the dark, i.e., without any sort of expert handcrafted inputs.