Visible to the public Using identity and trust with key management for achieving security in Ad hoc Networks

TitleUsing identity and trust with key management for achieving security in Ad hoc Networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsKhatri, P.
Conference NameAdvance Computing Conference (IACC), 2014 IEEE International
Date PublishedFeb
ISBN Number978-1-4799-2572-8
KeywordsAd hoc networks, Artificial neural networks, central authority, certificate, data communication, data integrity, data secrecy, experience based trust factor, identity model, Key Management, MANET, mobile ad hoc network, mobile ad hoc networks, modified DSR routing protocol, physical identity, Protocols, Public key, Routing protocols, Secret key, secure data transfer, security, self certification scheme, Servers, shared wireless channel, telecommunication security, trust factor, trust model, trusted communication, wireless channels

Communication in Mobile Ad hoc network is done over a shared wireless channel with no Central Authority (CA) to monitor. Responsibility of maintaining the integrity and secrecy of data, nodes in the network are held responsible. To attain the goal of trusted communication in MANET (Mobile Ad hoc Network) lot of approaches using key management has been implemented. This work proposes a composite identity and trust based model (CIDT) which depends on public key, physical identity, and trust of a node which helps in secure data transfer over wireless channels. CIDT is a modified DSR routing protocol for achieving security. Trust Factor of a node along with its key pair and identity is used to authenticate a node in the network. Experience based trust factor (TF) of a node is used to decide the authenticity of a node. A valid certificate is generated for authentic node to carry out the communication in the network. Proposed method works well for self certification scheme of a node in the network.

Citation Key6779333