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Found 1750 results

Psiaki, Mark L, Humphreys, Todd E.  2016.  GNSS Spoofing and Detection. Proceedings of the IEEE. 104:1258–1270.
Xiong, Xiaobin, Ames, Aaron D, Goldman, Daniel I.  2017.  A Stability Region Criterion for Flat-footed BipedalWalking on Deformable Granular Terrain. Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on.
Hubicki, Christian M, Goldman, Daniel I.  2017.  Robotic Jumping on Granular Media. 10th Southeast Meeting on Soft Materials.
Hubicki, Christian M, Goldman, Daniel I.  2017.  Optimizing Robotic Jumping on Granular Media. 15th Annual Northeastern Granular Materials Workshop.
Hubicki, Christian M, Aguilar, Jeffrey J, Goldman, Daniel I, Ames, Aaron D.  2016.  Tractable terrain-aware motion planning on granular media: An impulsive jumping study. Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on. :3887–3892.
D. Orol, J. Das, L. Vacek, I. Orr, M. Paret, C. J. Taylor, V. Kumar.  2017.  An aerial phytobiopsy system: Design, evaluation, and lessons learned. 2017 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS). :188-195.
Taheri, Ehsan, Kolmanovsky, Ilya, Girard, Anouck.  2017.  Low-thrust trajectory optimization for multi-asteroid mission: an indirect approach. Proceedings of 27th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting. :687–700.
Taheri, Ehsan, Kolmanovsky, Ilya, Atkins, Ella.  2017.  Shaping velocity coordinates for generating low-thrust trajectories. Proceedings of 27th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting. :701–711.
Park, Yongjoo, Cafarella, Michael, Mozafari, Barzan.  2016.  Visualization-aware sampling for very large databases. Proceedings of 32nd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE). :755–766.
Park, Yongjoo, Tajik, Ahmad Shahab, Cafarella, Michael, Mozafari, Barzan.  2017.  Database learning: Toward a database that becomes smarter every time. Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Management of Data. :587–602.
Li, Nan I, Kolmanovsky, Ilya, Girard, Anouck.  2016.  A Reference Governor for Nonlinear Systems Based on Quadratic Programming. Proceedings of ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference.
Mozafari, Barzan.  2017.  Approximate query engines: Commercial challenges and research opportunities. Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Management of Data. :521–524.
Li, Nan, Zhang, Mengxuan, Yildiz, Yildiray, Kolmanovsky, Ilya, Girard, Anouck R.  2017.  Game theory based traffic modeling for calibration of automated driving algorithms. Proceedings of Workshop on Development, Testing and Verification of ADAS and ADF.