Visible to the public From Secure Business Process Modeling to Design-Level Security Verification

TitleFrom Secure Business Process Modeling to Design-Level Security Verification
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsRamadan, Q., Salnitriy, M., Strüber, D., Jürjens, J., Giorgini, P.
Conference Name2017 ACM/IEEE 20th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS)
Date PublishedSept. 2017
ISBN Number978-1-5386-3492-9
KeywordsAir gaps, air traffic management system, BPMN, business data processing, business process modeling security, composability, design-level security verification, formal specification, formal verification, Human Behavior, human factors, Metrics, Model transformation, Modeling, organisational aspects, organizational aspects, procedural system descriptions, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, SecBPMN2, security, security engineering framework, security of data, security requirements, socio-technical systems, Stakeholders, system design, system developers, Systems architecture, UML, UMLsec policies, Unified modeling language

Tracing and integrating security requirements throughout the development process is a key challenge in security engineering. In socio-technical systems, security requirements for the organizational and technical aspects of a system are currently dealt with separately, giving rise to substantial misconceptions and errors. In this paper, we present a model-based security engineering framework for supporting the system design on the organizational and technical level. The key idea is to allow the involved experts to specify security requirements in the languages they are familiar with: business analysts use BPMN for procedural system descriptions; system developers use UML to design and implement the system architecture. Security requirements are captured via the language extensions SecBPMN2 and UMLsec. We provide a model transformation to bridge the conceptual gap between SecBPMN2 and UMLsec. Using UMLsec policies, various security properties of the resulting architecture can be verified. In a case study featuring an air traffic management system, we show how our framework can be practically applied.

Citation Keyramadan_secure_2017