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Mutalemwa, Lilian C., Shin, Seokjoo.  2018.  Realizing Source Location Privacy in Wireless Sensor Networks Through Agent Node Routing. 2018 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :1283–1285.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are used in sensitive applications such as in asset monitoring applications. Due to the sensitivity of information in these applications, it is important to ensure that flow of data between sensor nodes is secure and does not expose any information about the source node or the monitored assets. This paper proposes a scheme to preserve the source location privacy based on random routing techniques. To achieve high privacy, the proposed scheme randomly sends packet to sink node through tactically positioned agent nodes. The position of agent nodes is designed to guarantee that successive packets are routed through highly random and perplexing routing paths as compared to other routing schemes. Simulation results demonstrate that proposed scheme provides longer safety period and higher privacy against both, patient and cautious adversaries.
Adilbekov, Ulugbek, Adilova, Anar, Saginbekov, Sain.  2018.  Providing Location Privacy Using Fake Sources in Wireless Sensor Networks. 2018 IEEE 12th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT). :1–4.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) consist of low-cost, resource-constrained sensor nodes and a designated node called a sink which collects data from the sensor nodes. A WSN can be used in numerous applications such as subject tracking and monitoring, where it is often desirable to keep the location of the subject private. Without location privacy protection, an adversary can locate the subject. In this paper, we propose an algorithm that tries to keep the subject location private from a global adversary, which can see the entire network traffic, in an energy efficient way.
Peng, Ruxiang, Li, Weishi, Yang, Tao, Huafeng, Kong.  2019.  An Internet of Vehicles Intrusion Detection System Based on a Convolutional Neural Network. 2019 IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel Distributed Processing with Applications, Big Data Cloud Computing, Sustainable Computing Communications, Social Computing Networking (ISPA/BDCloud/SocialCom/SustainCom). :1595–1599.
With the continuous development of the Internet of Vehicles, vehicles are no longer isolated nodes, but become a node in the car network. The open Internet will introduce traditional security issues into the Internet of Things. In order to ensure the safety of the networked cars, we hope to set up an intrusion detection system (IDS) on the vehicle terminal to detect and intercept network attacks. In our work, we designed an intrusion detection system for the Internet of Vehicles based on a convolutional neural network, which can run in a low-powered embedded vehicle terminal to monitor the data in the car network in real time. Moreover, for the case of packet encryption in some car networks, we have also designed a separate version for intrusion detection by analyzing the packet header. Experiments have shown that our system can guarantee high accuracy detection at low latency for attack traffic.
Xie, Kun, Li, Xiaocan, Wang, Xin, Xie, Gaogang, Xie, Dongliang, Li, Zhenyu, Wen, Jigang, Diao, Zulong.  2019.  Quick and Accurate False Data Detection in Mobile Crowd Sensing. IEEE INFOCOM 2019 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications. :2215—2223.

With the proliferation of smartphones, a novel sensing paradigm called Mobile Crowd Sensing (MCS) has emerged very recently. However, the attacks and faults in MCS cause a serious false data problem. Observing the intrinsic low dimensionality of general monitoring data and the sparsity of false data, false data detection can be performed based on the separation of normal data and anomalies. Although the existing separation algorithm based on Direct Robust Matrix Factorization (DRMF) is proven to be effective, requiring iteratively performing Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) for low-rank matrix approximation would result in a prohibitively high accumulated computation cost when the data matrix is large. In this work, we observe the quick false data location feature from our empirical study of DRMF, based on which we propose an intelligent Light weight Low Rank and False Matrix Separation algorithm (LightLRFMS) that can reuse the previous result of the matrix decomposition to deduce the one for the current iteration step. Our algorithm can largely speed up the whole iteration process. From a theoretical perspective, we validate that LightLRFMS only requires one round of SVD computation and thus has very low computation cost. We have done extensive experiments using a PM 2.5 air condition trace and a road traffic trace. Our results demonstrate that LightLRFMS can achieve very good false data detection performance with the same highest detection accuracy as DRMF but with up to 10 times faster speed thanks to its lower computation cost.

Tomić, Ivana, Breza, Michael J., Jackson, Greg, Bhatia, Laksh, McCann, Julie A..  2018.  Design and Evaluation of Jamming Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData). :687—694.

There is a growing movement to retrofit ageing, large scale infrastructures, such as water networks, with wireless sensors and actuators. Next generation Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) are a tight integration of sensing, control, communication, computation and physical processes. The failure of any one of these components can cause a failure of the entire CPS. This represents a system design challenge to address these interdependencies. Wireless communication is unreliable and prone to cyber-attacks. An attack upon the wireless communication of CPS would prevent the communication of up-to-date information from the physical process to the controller. A controller without up-to-date information is unable to meet system's stability and performance guarantees. We focus on design approach to make CPSs secure and we evaluate their resilience to jamming attacks aimed at disrupting the system's wireless communication. We consider classic time-triggered control scheme and various resource-aware event-triggered control schemes. We evaluate these on a water network test-bed against three jamming strategies: constant, random, and protocol aware. Our test-bed results show that all schemes are very susceptible to constant and random jamming. We find that time-triggered control schemes are just as susceptible to protocol aware jamming, where some event-triggered control schemes are completely resilient to protocol aware jamming. Finally, we further enhance the resilience of an event-triggered control scheme through the addition of a dynamical estimator that estimates lost or corrupted data.

Madhan, E.S., Ghosh, Uttam, Tosh, Deepak K., Mandal, K., Murali, E., Ghosh, Soumalya.  2019.  An Improved Communications in Cyber Physical System Architecture, Protocols and Applications. 2019 16th Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON). :1–6.
In recent trends, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet of Things interpret an evolution of computerized integration connectivity. The specific research challenges in CPS as security, privacy, data analytics, participate sensing, smart decision making. In addition, The challenges in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) includes secure architecture, energy efficient protocols and quality of services. In this paper, we present an architectures of CPS and its protocols and applications. We propose software related mobile sensing paradigm namely Mobile Sensor Information Agent (MSIA). It works as plug-in based for CPS middleware and scalable applications in mobile devices. The working principle MSIA is acts intermediary device and gathers data from a various external sensors and its upload to cloud on demand. CPS needs tight integration between cyber world and man-made physical world to achieve stability, security, reliability, robustness, and efficiency in the system. Emerging software-defined networking (SDN) can be integrated as the communication infrastructure with CPS infrastructure to accomplish such system. Thus we propose a possible SDN-based CPS framework to improve the performance of the system.
Li, Kai, Kurunathan, Harrison, Severino, Ricardo, Tovar, Eduardo.  2018.  Cooperative Key Generation for Data Dissemination in Cyber-Physical Systems. 2018 ACM/IEEE 9th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS). :331–332.
Securing wireless communication is significant for privacy and confidentiality of sensing data in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). However, due to broadcast nature of radio channels, disseminating sensory data is vulnerable to eavesdropping and message modification. Generating secret keys by extracting the shared randomness in a wireless fading channel is a promising way to improve the communication security. In this poster, we present a novel secret key generation protocol for securing real-time data dissemination in CPS, where the sensor nodes cooperatively generate a shared key by estimating the quantized fading channel randomness. A 2-hop wireless sensor network testbed is built and preliminary experimental results show that the quantization intervals and distance between the nodes lead to a secret bit mismatch.
Manikandan, G., Suresh, K., Annabel, L. Sherly Puspha.  2019.  Performance Analysis of Cluster based Secured Key Management Schemes in WSN. 2019 International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT). :944–948.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) utilizes many dedicated sensors for large scale networks in order to record and monitor the conditions over the environment. Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks (CBWSNs) elucidates essential challenges like routing, load balancing, and lifetime of a network and so on. Conversely, security relies a major challenge in CBWSNs by limiting its resources or not forwarding the data to the other clusters. Wireless Sensor Networks utilize different security methods to offer secure information transmission. Encryption of information records transferred into various organizations thus utilizing a very few systems are the normal practices to encourage high information security. For the most part, such encoded data and also the recovery of unique data depend on symmetric or asymmetric key sets. Collectively with the evolution of security advances, unfruitful or unauthorized endeavors have been made by different illicit outsiders to snip the transmitted information and mystery keys deviously, bother the transmission procedure or misshape the transmitted information and keys. Sometimes, the limitations made in the correspondence channel, transmitting and receiving devices might weaken information security and discontinue a critical job to perform. Thus, in this paper we audit the current information security design and key management framework in WSN. Based on this audit and recent security holes, this paper recommends a plausible incorporated answer for secure transmission of information and mystery keys to address these confinements. Thus, consistent and secure clusters is required to guarantee appropriate working of CBWSNs.
Rehman, Ateeq Ur, Jiang, Aimin, Rehman, Abdul, Paul, Anand.  2019.  Weighted Based Trustworthiness Ranking in Social Internet of Things by using Soft Set Theory. 2019 IEEE 5th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC). :1644–1648.

Internet of Things (IoT) is an evolving research area for the last two decades. The integration of the IoT and social networking concept results in developing an interdisciplinary research area called the Social Internet of Things (SIoT). The SIoT is dominant over the traditional IoT because of its structure, implementation, and operational manageability. In the SIoT, devices interact with each other independently to establish a social relationship for collective goals. To establish trustworthy relationships among the devices significantly improves the interaction in the SIoT and mitigates the phenomenon of risk. The problem is to choose a trustworthy node who is most suitable according to the choice parameters of the node. The best-selected node by one node is not necessarily the most suitable node for other nodes, as the trustworthiness of the node is independent for everyone. We employ some theoretical characterization of the soft-set theory to deal with this kind of decision-making problem. In this paper, we developed a weighted based trustworthiness ranking model by using soft set theory to evaluate the trustworthiness in the SIoT. The purpose of the proposed research is to reduce the risk of fraudulent transactions by identifying the most trusted nodes.

Sámano-Robles, Ramiro.  2019.  MAC-PRY Cross-Layer Design for Secure Wireless Avionics Intra-Communications. 2019 Eighth International Conference on Emerging Security Technologies (EST). :1–7.
This paper presents a framework for medium access control (MAC) and physical (PRY) cross-layer security design of wireless avionics intra-communications (WAICs). The paper explores the different options based on the latest results of MAC-PRY cross-layer design and the available standard technologies for WAICs. Particular emphasis is given to solutions based on multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems and recent developments towards a wireless technology with ultra-low latency and high reliability in the context of 5G and machine-type traffic support. One major objective is to improve WAICs technology and thus match the real-time, reliability and safety critical performance of the internal aeronautics bus technologies (e.g., ARINC 664). The main identified vulnerabilities and potential solutions are explored, as well as their impact on system design complexity and feasibility for wireless networks on-board aircraft. The solutions are presented in the context of the European project SCOTT (secure connected trustable things) using the recently released reference architecture for trusted IoT systems. Other aspects of SCOTT such as trust, privacy, security classes, and safety are also discussed here for the aeronautics domain.
Wang, Haiyan.  2019.  The LDPC Code and Rateless Code for Wireless Sensor Network. 2019 2nd International Conference on Safety Produce Informatization (IICSPI). :389–393.
This paper gives a concept of wireless sensor network and describe the encoding algorithm and decoding algorithm along with the implementation of LDPC code and Rateless code. Compare the performances of those two code in WSN environment by making simulation in a Rayleigh channel in matlab and derive results and conclusions from the simulation.
La Manna, Michele, Perazzo, Pericle, Rasori, Marco, Dini, Gianluca.  2019.  fABElous: An Attribute-Based Scheme for Industrial Internet of Things. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP). :33–38.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a technological vision in which constrained or embedded devices connect together through the Internet. This enables common objects to be empowered with communication and cooperation capabilities. Industry can take an enormous advantage of IoT, leading to the so-called Industrial IoT. In these systems, integrity, confidentiality, and access control over data are key requirements. An emerging approach to reach confidentiality and access control is Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE), which is a technique able to enforce cryptographically an access control over data. In this paper, we propose fABElous, an ABE scheme suitable for Industrial IoT applications which aims at minimizing the overhead of encryption on communication. fABElous ensures data integrity, confidentiality, and access control, while reducing the communication overhead of 35% with respect to using ABE techniques naively.
Kim, MyeongHyun, Lee, JoonYoung, Yu, SungJin, Park, KiSung, Park, YoHan, Park, YoungHo.  2019.  A Secure Authentication and Key Establishment Scheme for Wearable Devices. 2019 28th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN). :1—2.
With the rapid development of micro-electronics and Information and Communication Technology (ICT), users can utilize various service such as Internet of Things(IoT), smart-healthcare and smart-home using wearable devices. However, the sensitive information of user are revealed by attackers because the medical services are provided through open channel. Therefore, secure mutual authentication and key establishment are essential to provide secure services for legitimate users in Wireless Body Area Networks(WBAN). In 2019, Gupta et al. proposed a lightweight anonymous user authentication and key establishment scheme for wearable devices. We demonstrate that their scheme cannot withstand user impersonation, session key disclosure and wearable device stolen attacks. We also propose a secure and lightweight mutual authentication and key establishment scheme using wearable devices to resolve the security shortcomings of Gupta et al.'s scheme. The proposed scheme can be suitable to resource-limited environments.
Yue, Tongxu, Wang, Chuang, Zhu, Zhi-xiang.  2019.  Hybrid Encryption Algorithm Based on Wireless Sensor Networks. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA). :690–694.
Based on the analysis of existing wireless sensor networks(WSNs) security vulnerability, combining the characteristics of high encryption efficiency of the symmetric encryption algorithm and high encryption intensity of asymmetric encryption algorithm, a hybrid encryption algorithm based on wireless sensor networks is proposed. Firstly, by grouping plaintext messages, this algorithm uses advanced encryption standard (AES) of symmetric encryption algorithm and elliptic curve encryption (ECC) of asymmetric encryption algorithm to encrypt plaintext blocks, then uses data compression technology to get cipher blocks, and finally connects MAC address and AES key encrypted by ECC to form a complete ciphertext message. Through the description and implementation of the algorithm, the results show that the algorithm can reduce the encryption time, decryption time and total running time complexity without losing security.
Kobayashi, Hiroyuki.  2019.  CEPHEID: the infrastructure-less indoor localization using lighting fixtures' acoustic frequency fingerprints. IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. 1:6842–6847.
This paper deals with a new indoor localization scheme called “CEPHEID” by using ceiling lighting fixtures. It is based on the fact that each lighting fixture has its own characteristic flickering pattern. Then, the author proposes a technique to identify individual light by using simple instruments and DNN classifier. Thanks to the less requirements for hardware, CEPHEID can be implemented by a few simple discrete electronic components and an ordinary smartphone. A prototype “CEPHEID dongle” is also introduced in this paper. Finally, the validity of the author's method is examined by indoor positioning experiments.
Gauniyal, Rishav, Jain, Sarika.  2019.  IoT Security in Wireless Devices. 2019 3rd International conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA). :98—102.

IoT is evolving as a combination of interconnected devices over a particular network. In the proposed paper, we discuss about the security of IoT system in the wireless devices. IoT security is the platform in which the connected devices over the network are safeguarded over internet of things framework. Wireless devices play an eminent role in this kind of networks since most of the time they are connected to the internet. Accompanied by major users cannot ensure their end to end security in the IoT environment. However, connecting these devices over the internet via using IoT increases the chance of being prone to the serious issues that may affect the system and its data if they are not protected efficiently. In the proposed paper, the security of IoT in wireless devices will be enhanced by using ECC. Since the issues related to security are becoming common these days, an attempt has been made in this proposed paper to enhance the security of IoT networks by using ECC for wireless devices.

Munsyi, Sudarsono, Amang, Harun Al Rasvid, M. Udin.  2018.  An Implementation of Data Exchange in Environmental Monitoring Using Authenticated Attribute-Based Encryption with Revocation. 2018 International Electronics Symposium on Knowledge Creation and Intelligent Computing (IES-KCIC). :359—366.
Internet of things era grown very rapidly in Industrial Revolution 4.0, there are many researchers use the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technology to obtain the data for environmental monitoring. The data obtained from WSN will be sent to the Data Center, where users can view and collect all of data from the Data Center using end devices such as personal computer, laptop, and mobile phone. The Data Center would be very dangerous, because everyone can intercept, track and even modify the data. Security requirement to ensure the confidentiality all of stored data in the data center and give the authenticity in data has not changed during the collection process. Ciphertext Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE) can become a solution to secure the confidentiality for all of data. Only users with appropriate rule of policy can get the original data. To guarantee there is no changes during the collection process of the data then require the time stamp digital signature for securing the data integrity. To protect the confidentiality and data integrity, we propose a security mechanism using CP-ABE with user revocation and Time Stamp Digital Signature using Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) 384 bits. Our system can do the revocation for the users who did the illegal access. Our system is not only securing the data but also providing the guarantee that is no changes during the collection process of the data from the Data Center.
Rudolph, Hendryk, Lan, Tian, Strehl, Konrad, He, Qinwei, Lan, Yuanliang.  2019.  Simulating the Efficiency of Thermoelectrical Generators for Sensor Nodes. 2019 4th IEEE Workshop on the Electronic Grid (eGRID). :1—6.

In order to be more environmentally friendly, a lot of parts and aspects of life become electrified to reduce the usage of fossil fuels. This can be seen in the increased number of electrical vehicles in everyday life. This of course only makes a positive impact on the environment, if the electricity is produced environmentally friendly and comes from renewable sources. But when the green electrical power is produced, it still needs to be transported to where it's needed, which is not necessarily near the production site. In China, one of the ways to do this transport is to use High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) technology. This of course means, that the current has to be converted to DC before being transported to the end user. That implies that the converter stations are of great importance for the grid security. Therefore, a precise monitoring of the stations is necessary. Ideally, this could be accomplished with wireless sensor nodes with an autarkic energy supply. A role in this energy supply could be played by a thermoelectrical generator (TEG). But to assess the power generated in the specific environment, a simulation would be highly desirable, to evaluate the power gained from the temperature difference in the converter station. This paper proposes a method to simulate the generated power by combining a model for the generator with a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model converter.

Maria Verzegnassi, Enrico Giulio, Tountas, Konstantinos, Pados, Dimitris A., Cuomo, Francesca.  2019.  Data Conformity Evaluation: A Novel Approach for IoT Security. 2019 IEEE 5th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT). :842—846.

We consider the problem of attack detection for IoT networks based only on passively collected network parameters. For the first time in the literature, we develop a blind attack detection method based on data conformity evaluation. Network parameters collected passively, are converted to their conformity values through iterative projections on refined L1-norm tensor subspaces. We demonstrate our algorithmic development in a case study for a simulated star topology network. Type of attack, affected devices, as well as, attack time frame can be easily identified.

Chen, Yanping, Ma, Long, Xia, Hong, Gao, Cong, Wang, Zhongmin, Yu, Zhong.  2019.  Trust-Based Distributed Kalman Filter Estimation Fusion under Malicious Cyber Attacks. 2019 IEEE 21st International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 17th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 5th International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS). :2255—2260.

We consider distributed Kalman filter for dynamic state estimation over wireless sensor networks. It is promising but challenging when network is under cyber attacks. Since the information exchange between nodes, the malicious attacks quickly spread across the entire network, which causing large measurement errors and even to the collapse of sensor networks. Aiming at the malicious network attack, a trust-based distributed processing frame is proposed. Which allows neighbor nodes to exchange information, and a series of trusted nodes are found using truth discovery. As a demonstration, distributed Cooperative Localization is considered, and numerical results are provided to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach by considering random, false data injection and replay attacks.

Zhang, Suman, Qin, Cai, Wang, Chaowei, Wang, Weidong, Zhang, Yinghai.  2018.  Slot Assignment Algorithm Based on Hash Function for Multi-target RFID System. 2018 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC). :583—587.

Multi-tag identification technique has been applied widely in the RFID system to increase flexibility of the system. However, it also brings serious tags collision issues, which demands the efficient anti-collision schemes. In this paper, we propose a Multi-target tags assignment slots algorithm based on Hash function (MTSH) for efficient multi-tag identification. The proposed algorithm can estimate the number of tags and dynamically adjust the frame length. Specifically, according to the number of tags, the proposed algorithm is composed of two cases. when the number of tags is small, a hash function is constructed to map the tags into corresponding slots. When the number of tags is large, the tags are grouped and randomly mapped into slots. During the tag identification, tags will be paired with a certain matching rate and then some tags will exit to improve the efficiency of the system. The simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm outperforms the traditional anti-collision algorithms in terms of the system throughput, stability and identification efficiency.

Tsiota, Anastasia, Xenakis, Dionysis, Passas, Nikos, Merakos, Lazaros.  2019.  Multi-Tier and Multi-Band Heterogeneous Wireless Networks with Black Hole Attacks. 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM). :1—6.

Wireless networks are currently proliferated by multiple tiers and heterogeneous networking equipment that aims to support multifarious services ranging from distant monitoring and control of wireless sensors to immersive virtual reality services. The vast collection of heterogeneous network equipment with divergent radio capabilities (e.g. multi-GHz operation) is vulnerable to wireless network attacks, raising questions on the service availability and coverage performance of future multi-tier wireless networks. In this paper, we study the impact of black hole attacks on service coverage of multi-tier heterogeneous wireless networks and derive closed form expressions when network nodes are unable to identify and avoid black hole nodes. Assuming access to multiple bands, the derived expressions can be readily used to assess the performance gains following from the employment of different association policies and the impact of black hole attacks in multi-tier wireless networks.

Pruthi, Vardaan, Mittal, Kanika, Sharma, Nikhil, Kaushik, Ila.  2019.  Network Layers Threats its Countermeasures in WSNs. 2019 International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS). :156—163.

WSN can be termed as a collection of dimensionally diffused nodes which are capable of surveilling and analyzing their surroundings. The sensors are delicate, transportable and small in size while being economical at the same time. However, the diffused nature of these networks also exposes them to a variety of security hazards. Hence, ensuring a reliable file exchange in these networks is not an easy job due to various security requirements that must be fulfilled. In this paper we concentrate mainly on network layer threats and their security countermeasures to overcome the scope of intruders to access the information without having any authentication on the network layer. Various network layer intrusions that are discussed here include Sinkhole Attack, Sybil Attack, Wormhole Attack, Selective Forwarding Attack, Blackhole Attack And Hello Flood Attack.

Kaushik, Ila, Sharma, Nikhil, Singh, Nanhay.  2019.  Intrusion Detection and Security System for Blackhole Attack. 2019 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSPC). :320—324.

Communication is considered as an essential part of our lives. Different medium was used for exchange of information, but due to advancement in field of technology, different network setup came into existence. One of the most suited in wireless field is Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). These networks are set up by self-organizing nodes which operate over radio environment. Since communication is done more rapidly, they are confined to many attacks which operate at different layers. In order to have efficient communication, some security measure must be introduced in the network ho have secure communication. In this paper, we describe various attacks functioning at different layers also one of the common network layer attack called Blackhole Attack with its mitigation technique using Intrusion Detection System (IDS) over network simulator ns2 has been discussed.

Dhas, Y. Justin, Jeyanthi, P..  2019.  A Review on Internet of Things Protocol and Service Oriented Middleware. 2019 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP). :0104–0108.
This paper surveys a review of Internet of Things (IoT) protocols, Service oriented Middleware in IoT. The modern development of IoT, expected to create many divorce application in health care without human intervention. Various protocols are involved in the applications development. Researchers are doing research for desirable protocol with all functionalities. Middleware for an IoT provides interoperability between the devices or applications. The engineering of an IoT dependent on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), it operates as middleware. We survey the existing SOA based IoT middleware and its functionalities.