The globalized supply chain in the semiconductor industry raises several security concerns such as IC overproduction, intellectual property piracy and design tampering. Logic locking has emerged as a Design-for-Trust countermeasure to address these issues. Original logic locking proposals provide a high degree of output corruption – i.e., errors on circuit outputs – unless it is unlocked with the correct key. This is a prerequisite for making a manufactured circuit unusable without the designer’s intervention. Since the introduction of SAT-based attacks – highly efficient attacks for retrieving the correct key from an oracle and the corresponding locked design – resulting design-based countermeasures have compromised output corruption for the benefit of better resilience against such attacks. Our proposed logic locking scheme, referred to as SKG-Lock, aims to thwart SAT-based attacks while maintaining significant output corruption. The proposed provable SAT-resilience scheme is based on the novel concept of decoy key-inputs. Compared with recent related works, SKG-Lock provides higher output corruption, while having high resistance to evaluated attacks.
FPGAs are becoming a common sight in cloud environments and new usage paradigms, such as FPGA-as-a-Service, have emerged. This development poses a challenge to traditional FPGA security models, as these are assuming trust between the user and the hardware owner. Currently, the user cannot keep bitstream nor data protected from the hardware owner in an FPGA-as-a-service setting. This paper proposes a security model where the chip manufacturer takes the role of root-of-trust to remedy these security problems. We suggest that the chip manufacturer creates a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), used for user bitstream protection and data encryption, on each device. The chip manufacturer, rather than the hardware owner, also controls certain security-related peripherals. This allows the user to take control over a predefined part of the programmable logic and set up a protected enclave area. Hence, all user data can be provided in encrypted form and only be revealed inside the enclave area. In addition, our model enables secure and concurrent multi-tenant usage of remote FPGAs. To also consider the needs of the hardware owner, our solution includes bitstream certification and affirming that uploaded bitstreams have been vetted against maliciousness.
Cyber physical systems (CPS) is a dominant technology in today's world due to its vast variety of applications. But in recent times, the alarmingly increasing breach of privacy and security in CPS is a matter of grave concern. Security and trust of CPS has become the need of the hour. Hardware Trojans are one such a malicious attack which compromises on the security of the CPS by changing its functionality or denial of services or leaking important information. This paper proposes the detection of Hardware Trojans at the system level in AES-256 decryption algorithm implemented in Atmel XMega Controller (Target Board) using a combination of side-channel power analysis and machine learning. Power analysis is done with help of ChipWhisperer-Lite board. The power traces of the golden algorithm (Hardware Trojan free) and Hardware Trojan infected algorithms are obtained and used to train the machine learning model using the 80/20 rule. The proposed machine learning model obtained an accuracy of 97%-100% for all the Trojans inserted.
Internet of Things (IoT) is experiencing significant growth in the safety-critical applications which have caused new security challenges. These devices are becoming targets for different types of physical attacks, which are exacerbated by their diversity and accessibility. Therefore, there is a strict necessity to support embedded software developers to identify and remediate the vulnerabilities and create resilient applications against such attacks. In this paper, we propose a hardware security vulnerability assessment based on fault injection of an embedded application. In our security assessment, we apply a fault injection attack by using our clock glitch generator on a critical medical IoT device. Furthermore, we analyze the potential risks of ignoring these attacks in this embedded application. The results will inform the embedded software developers of various security risks and the required steps to improve the security of similar MCU-based applications. Our hardware security assessment approach is easy to apply and can lead to secure embedded IoT applications against fault attacks.
The design of modern computer hardware heavily relies on third-party intellectual property (IP) cores, which may contain malicious hardware Trojans that could be exploited by an adversary to leak secret information or take control of the system. Existing hardware Trojan detection methods either require a golden reference design for comparison or extensive functional testing to identify suspicious signals. In this paper, we propose a new formal verification method to verify the security of hardware designs. The proposed solution formalizes fine grained gate level information flow model for proving security properties of hardware designs in the Coq theorem prover environment. Compare with existing register transfer level (RTL) information flow security models, our model only needs to translate a small number of logic primitives to their formal representations without the need of supporting the rich RTL HDL semantics or dealing with complex conditional branch or loop structures. As a result, a gate level information flow model can be created at much lower complexity while achieving significantly higher precision in modeling the security behavior of hardware designs. We use the AES-T1700 benchmark from Trust-HUB to demonstrate the effectiveness of our solution. Experimental results show that our method can detect and pinpoint the Trojan.
Modern multicore System-on-Chips (SoCs) are regularly designed with third-party Intellectual Properties (IPs) and software tools to manage the complexity and development cost. This approach naturally introduces major security concerns, especially for those SoCs used in critical applications and cyberinfrastructure. Despite approaches like split manufacturing, security testing and hardware metering, this remains an open and challenging problem. In this work, we propose a dynamic intrusion detection approach to address the security challenge. The proposed runtime system (SoCINT) systematically gathers information about untrusted IPs and strictly enforces the access policies. SoCINT surpasses the-state-of-the-art monitoring systems by supporting hardware tracing, for more robust analysis, together with providing smart counterintelligence strategies. SoCINT is implemented in an open source processor running on a commercial FPGA platform. The evaluation results validate our claims by demonstrating resilience against attacks exploiting erroneous or malicious IPs.
The globalization of supply chain makes semiconductor chips susceptible to various security threats. Design obfuscation techniques have been widely investigated to thwart intellectual property (IP) piracy attacks. Key distribution among IP providers, system integration team, and end users remains as a challenging problem. This work proposes an orthogonal obfuscation method, which utilizes an orthogonal matrix to authenticate obfuscation keys, rather than directly examining each activation key. The proposed method hides the keys by using an orthogonal obfuscation algorithm to increasing the key retrieval time, such that the primary keys for IP cores will not be leaked. The simulation results show that the proposed method reduces the key retrieval time by 36.3% over the baseline. The proposed obfuscation methods have been successfully applied to ISCAS'89 benchmark circuits. Experimental results indicate that the orthogonal obfuscation only increases the area by 3.4% and consumes 4.7% more power than the baseline1.