RISC-V is free and open standard instruction set architecture following reduced instruction set computer principle. Because of its openness and scalability, RISC-V has been adapted not only for embedded CPUs such as mobile and IoT market, but also for heavy-workload CPUs such as the data center or super computing field. On top of it, Robotics is also a good application of RISC-V because security and reliability become crucial issues of robotics system. These problems could be solved by enthusiastic open source community members as they have shown on open source operating system. However, running RISC-V on local FPGA becomes harder than before because now RISC-V foundation are focusing on cloud-based FPGA environment. We have experienced that recently released OS and toolchains for RISC-V are not working well on the previous CPU image for local FPGA. In this paper we design the local FPGA platform for RISC-V processor and run the robotics application on mainstream Robot Operating System on top of the RISC-V processor. This platform allow us to explore the architecture space of RISC-V CPU for robotics application, and get the insight of the RISC-V CPU architecture for optimal performance and the secure system.
Robot Operating System (ROS) is becoming more and more important and is used widely by developers and researchers in various domains. One of the most important fields where it is being used is the self-driving cars industry. However, this framework is far from being totally secure, and the existing security breaches do not have robust solutions. In this paper we focus on the camera vulnerabilities, as it is often the most important source for the environment discovery and the decision-making process. We propose an unsupervised anomaly detection tool for detecting suspicious frames incoming from camera flows. Our solution is based on spatio-temporal autoencoders used to truthfully reconstruct the camera frames and detect abnormal ones by measuring the difference with the input. We test our approach on a real-word dataset, i.e. flows coming from embedded cameras of self-driving cars. Our solution outperforms the existing works on different scenarios.
Industrial robots are playing an important role in now a day industrial productions. However, due to the increasing in robot hardware modules and the rapid expansion of software modules, the reliability of operating systems for industrial robots is facing severe challenges, especially for the light-weight edge computing platforms. Based on current technologies on resource security isolation protection and access control, a novel resource management model for real-time edge system of multiple robot arms is proposed on light-weight edge devices. This novel resource management model can achieve the following functions: mission-critical resource classification, resource security access control, and multi-level security data isolation transmission. We also propose a fault location and isolation model on each lightweight edge device, which ensures the reliability of the entire system. Experimental results show that the robot operating system can meet the requirements of hierarchical management and resource access control. Compared with the existing methods, the fault location and isolation model can effectively locate and deal with the faults generated by the system.
With the wide application of modern robots, more concerns have been raised on security and privacy of robotic systems and applications. Although the Robot Operating System (ROS) is commonly used on different robots, there have been few work considering the security aspects of ROS. As ROS does not employ even the basic permission control mechanism, applications can access any resources without limitation, which could result in equipment damage, harm to human, as well as privacy leakage. In this paper we propose an access control mechanism for ROS based on an extended policy-based access control (PBAC) model. Specifically, we extend ROS to add an additional node dedicated for access control so that it can provide user identity and permission management services. The proposed mechanism also allows the administrator to revoke a permission dynamically. We implemented the proposed method in ROS and demonstrated its applicability and performance through several case studies.
To bring a uniform development platform which seamlessly combines hardware components and software architecture of various developers across the globe and reduce the complexity in producing robots which help people in their daily ergonomics. ROS has come out to be a game changer. It is disappointing to see the lack of penetration of technology in different verticals which involve protection, defense and security. By leveraging the power of ROS in the field of robotic automation and computer vision, this research will pave path for identification of suspicious activity with autonomously moving bots which run on ROS. The research paper proposes and validates a flow where ROS and computer vision algorithms like YOLO can fall in sync with each other to provide smarter and accurate methods for indoor and limited outdoor patrolling. Identification of age,`gender, weapons and other elements which can disturb public harmony will be an integral part of the research and development process. The simulation and testing reflects the efficiency and speed of the designed software architecture.
With the growing use of the Robot Operating System (ROS), it can be argued that it has become a de-facto framework for developing robotic solutions. ROS is used to build robotic applications for industrial automation, home automation, medical and even automatic robotic surveillance. However, whenever ROS is utilized, security is one of the main concerns that needs to be addressed in order to ensure a secure network communication of robots. Cyber-attacks may hinder evolution and adaptation of most ROS-enabled robotic systems for real-world use over the Internet. Thus, it is important to address and prevent security threats associated with the use of ROS-enabled applications. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for securing ROS-enabled robotic system by integrating ROS with the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol. We manage to secure robots' network communications by providing authentication and data encryption, therefore preventing man-in-the-middle and hijacking attacks. We also perform real-world experiments to assess how the performance of a ROS-enabled robotic surveillance system is affected by the proposed approach.
The Robot Operating System (ROS) are being deployed for multiple life critical activities such as self-driving cars, drones, and industries. However, the security has been persistently neglected, especially the image flows incoming from camera robots. In this paper, we perform a structured security assessment of robot cameras using ROS. We points out a relevant number of security flaws that can be used to take over the flows incoming from the robot cameras. Furthermore, we propose an intrusion detection system to detect abnormal flows. Our defense approach is based on images comparisons and unsupervised anomaly detection method. We experiment our approach on robot cameras embedded on a self-driving car.
The usage of robot is rapidly growth in our society. The communication link and applications connect the robots to their clients or users. This communication link and applications are normally connected through some kind of network connections. This network system is amenable of being attached and vulnerable to the security threats. It is a critical part for ensuring security and privacy for robotic platforms. The paper, also discusses about several cyber-physical security threats that are only for robotic platforms. The peer to peer applications use in the robotic platforms for threats target integrity, availability and confidential security purposes. A Remote Administration Tool (RAT) was introduced for specific security attacks. An impact oriented process was performed for analyzing the assessment outcomes of the attacks. Tests and experiments of attacks were performed in simulation environment which was based on Gazbo Turtlebot simulator and physically on the robot. A software tool was used for simulating, debugging and experimenting on ROS platform. Integrity attacks performed for modifying commands and manipulated the robot behavior. Availability attacks were affected for Denial-of-Service (DoS) and the robot was not listened to Turtlebot commands. Integrity and availability attacks resulted sensitive information on the robot.
In recent years, humanoid robots have become quite ubiquitous finding wide applicability in many different fields, spanning from education to entertainment and assistance. They can be considered as more complex cyber-physical systems (CPS) and, as such, they are exposed to the same vulnerabilities. This can be very dangerous for people acting that close with these robots, since attackers by exploiting their vulnerabilities, can not only violate people's privacy, but, more importantly, they can command the robot behavior causing them bodily harm, thus leading to devastating consequences. In this paper, we propose a solution not yet investigated in this field, which relies on the use of secure enclaves, which in our opinion could represent a valuable solution for coping with most of the possible attacks, while suggesting developers to adopt such a precaution during the robot design phase.
Robots are becoming more and more prevalent in many real world scenarios. Housekeeping, medical aid, human assistance are a few common implementations of robots. Military and Security are also major areas where robotics is being researched and implemented. Robots with the purpose of surveillance in war zones and terrorist scenarios need specific functionalities to perform their tasks with precision and efficiency. In this paper, we present a model of Military Surveillance Robot developed using Robot Operating System. The map generation based on Kinect sensor is presented and some test case scenarios are discussed with results.
While the introduction of the softwarelization technologies such as SDN and NFV transfers main focus of network management from hardware to software, the network operators still have to care for a lot of network and computing equipment located in the network center. Toward fully automated network management, we believe that robotic approach will be significant, meaning that robot will care for the physical equipment on behalf of human. This paper explains our experience and insight gained throughout development of a network management robot. We utilize ROS(Robot Operating System) which is a powerful platform for robot development and secures the ease of development and expandability. Our roadmap of the network management robot is also shown as well as three use cases such as environmental monitoring, operator assistance and autonomous maintenance of the equipment. Finally, the paper briefly explains experimental results conducted in a commercial network center.
Robotics and the Internet of Things (IoT) are enveloping our society at an exponential rate due to lessening costs and better availability of hardware and software. Additionally, Cloud Robotics and Robot Operating System (ROS) can offset onboard processing power. However, strong and fundamental security practices have not been applied to fully protect these systems., partially negating the benefits of IoT. Researchers are therefore tasked with finding ways of securing communications and systems. Since security and convenience are oftentimes at odds, securing many heterogeneous components without compromising performance can be daunting. Protecting systems from attacks and ensuring that connections and instructions are from approved devices, all while maintaining the performance is imperative. This paper focuses on the development of security best practices and a mesh framework with an open-source, multipoint-to-multipoint virtual private network (VPN) that can tie Linux, Windows, IOS., and Android devices into one secure fabric, with heterogeneous mobile robotic platforms running ROSPY in a secure cloud robotics infrastructure.