Visible to the public Development of a Secure, Heterogeneous Cloud Robotics Infrastructure: Implementing a Mesh VPN and Robotic File System Security Practices

TitleDevelopment of a Secure, Heterogeneous Cloud Robotics Infrastructure: Implementing a Mesh VPN and Robotic File System Security Practices
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsHorton, M., Samanta, B., Reid, C., Chen, L., Kadlec, C.
Conference NameSoutheastCon 2018
Date Publishedapr
Keywordsandroid, Android (operating system), cloud computing, Cloud Robotics, composability, compositionality, control engineering computing, file organisation, Heterogeneous, heterogeneous cloud robotics infrastructure, heterogeneous mobile robotic platforms, human factors, Internet of Things, ios, iOS (operating system), iOS Security, IoT, Linux, mesh VPN, Metrics, Microsoft Windows (operating systems), mobile robots, multipoint-to-multipoint virtual private network, onboard processing power, open-source system, OpenVPN, Operating Systems Security, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Robot Operating System, robot programming, Robot sensing systems, robotic file system security practices, ROS, secure cloud robotics infrastructure, security, security of data, Servers, TurtleBot, Ubuntu, UFW, Virtual private networks, vpn, Windows, Windows Operating System Security

Robotics and the Internet of Things (IoT) are enveloping our society at an exponential rate due to lessening costs and better availability of hardware and software. Additionally, Cloud Robotics and Robot Operating System (ROS) can offset onboard processing power. However, strong and fundamental security practices have not been applied to fully protect these systems., partially negating the benefits of IoT. Researchers are therefore tasked with finding ways of securing communications and systems. Since security and convenience are oftentimes at odds, securing many heterogeneous components without compromising performance can be daunting. Protecting systems from attacks and ensuring that connections and instructions are from approved devices, all while maintaining the performance is imperative. This paper focuses on the development of security best practices and a mesh framework with an open-source, multipoint-to-multipoint virtual private network (VPN) that can tie Linux, Windows, IOS., and Android devices into one secure fabric, with heterogeneous mobile robotic platforms running ROSPY in a secure cloud robotics infrastructure.

Citation Keyhorton_development_2018