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Li, Guanyu, Zhang, Menghao, Liu, Chang, Kong, Xiao, Chen, Ang, Gu, Guofei, Duan, Haixin.  2019.  NETHCF: Enabling Line-rate and Adaptive Spoofed IP Traffic Filtering. 2019 IEEE 27th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP). :1–12.
In this paper, we design NETHCF, a line-rate in-network system for filtering spoofed traffic. NETHCF leverages the opportunity provided by programmable switches to design a novel defense against spoofed IP traffic, and it is highly efficient and adaptive. One key challenge stems from the restrictions of the computational model and memory resources of programmable switches. We address this by decomposing the HCF system into two complementary components-one component for the data plane and another for the control plane. We also aggregate the IP-to-Hop-Count (IP2HC) mapping table for efficient memory usage, and design adaptive mechanisms to handle end-to-end routing changes, IP popularity changes, and network activity dynamics. We have built a prototype on a hardware Tofino switch, and our evaluation demonstrates that NETHCF can achieve line-rate and adaptive traffic filtering with low overheads.
Sun, Peiqi, Cui, Aijiao.  2019.  A New Pay-Per-Use Scheme for the Protection of FPGA IP. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). :1—5.
Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are widely applied in various fields for its merit of reconfigurability. The reusable intellectual property (IP) design blocks are usually adopted in the more complex FPGA designs to shorten design cycle. IP infringement hence becomes a concern. In this paper, we propose a new pay-per-use scheme using the lock and key mechanism for the protection of FPGA IP. Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) is adopted to generate a unique ID for each IP instance. An extra Finite State Machine (FSM) is introduced for the secure retrieval of PUF information by the FPGA IP vendor. The lock is implemented on the original FSM. Only when the FPGA developer can provide a correct license, can the FSM be unlocked and start normal operation. The FPGA IP can hence be protected from illegal use or distribution. The scheme is applied on some benchmarks and the experimental results show that it just incurs acceptably low overhead while it can resist typical attacks.
Babay, Amy, Tantillo, Thomas, Aron, Trevor, Platania, Marco, Amir, Yair.  2018.  Network-Attack-Resilient Intrusion-Tolerant SCADA for the Power Grid. 2018 48th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN). :255–266.
As key components of the power grid infrastructure, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are likely to be targeted by nation-state-level attackers willing to invest considerable resources to disrupt the power grid. We present Spire, the first intrusion-tolerant SCADA system that is resilient to both system-level compromises and sophisticated network-level attacks and compromises. We develop a novel architecture that distributes the SCADA system management across three or more active sites to ensure continuous availability in the presence of simultaneous intrusions and network attacks. A wide-area deployment of Spire, using two control centers and two data centers spanning 250 miles, delivered nearly 99.999% of all SCADA updates initiated over a 30-hour period within 100ms. This demonstrates that Spire can meet the latency requirements of SCADA for the power grid.
Khuntia, Sucharita, Kumar, P. Syam.  2018.  New Hidden Policy CP-ABE for Big Data Access Control with Privacy-preserving Policy in Cloud Computing. 2018 9th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). :1—7.
Cloud offers flexible and cost effective storage for big data but the major challenge is access control of big data processing. CP-ABE is a desirable solution for data access control in cloud. However, in CP-ABE the access policy may leak user's private information. To address this issue, Hidden Policy CP-ABE schemes proposed but those schemes still causing data leakage problem because the access policies are partially hidden and create more computational cost. In this paper, we propose a New Hidden Policy Ciphertext Policy Attribute Based Encryption (HP-CP-ABE) to ensure Big Data Access Control with Privacy-preserving Policy in Cloud. In proposed method, we used Multi Secret Sharing Scheme(MSSS) to reduce the computational overhead, while encryption and decryption process. We also applied mask technique on each attribute in access policy and embed the access policy in ciphertext, to protect user's private information from access policy. The security analysis shows that HP-CP-ABE is more secure and preserve the access policy privacy. Performance evaluation shows that our schemes takes less computational cost than existing scheme.
Abuella, Hisham, Ekin, Sabit.  2019.  A New Paradigm for Non-contact Vitals Monitoring using Visible Light Sensing. 2019 16th Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON). :1–2.
Typical techniques for tracking vital signs require body contact and most of these techniques are intrusive in nature. Body-contact methods might irritate the patient's skin and he/she might feel uncomfortable while sensors are touching his/her body. In this study, we present a new wireless (non-contact) method for monitoring human vital signs (breathing and heartbeat). We have demonstrated for the first time1 that vitals signs can be measured wirelessly through visible light signal reflected from a human subject, also referred to as visible light sensing (VLS). In this method, the breathing and heartbeat rates are measured without any body-contact device, using only a simple photodetector and a light source (e.g., LED). The light signal reflected from human subject is modulated by the physical motions during breathing and heartbeats. Signal processing tools such as filtering and Fourier transform are used to convert these small variations in the received light signal power to vitals data.We implemented the VLS-based non-contact vital signs monitoring system by using an off-the-shelf light source, a photodetector and a signal acquisition and processing unit. We observed more than 94% of accuracy as compared to a contact-based FDA (The Food and Drug Administration) approved devices. Additional evaluations are planned to assess the performance of the developed vitals monitoring system, e.g., different subjects, environments, etc. Non-contact vitals monitoring system can be used in various areas and scenarios such as medical facilities, residential homes, security and human-computer-interaction (HCI) applications.
Li, Tao, Ren, Yongzhen, Ren, Yongjun, Wang, Lina, Wang, Lingyun, Wang, Lei.  2019.  NMF-Based Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Filtering on Cloud Computing. 2019 International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData). :476–481.
The security of user personal information on cloud computing is an important issue for the recommendation system. In order to provide high quality recommendation services, privacy of user is often obtained by untrusted recommendation systems. At the same time, malicious attacks often use the recommendation results to try to guess the private data of user. This paper proposes a hybrid algorithm based on NMF and random perturbation technology, which implements the recommendation system and solves the protection problem of user privacy data in the recommendation process on cloud computing. Compared with the privacy protection algorithm of SVD, the elements of the matrix after the decomposition of the new algorithm are non-negative elements, avoiding the meaninglessness of negative numbers in the matrix formed by texts, images, etc., and it has a good explanation for the local characteristics of things. Experiments show that the new algorithm can produce recommendation results with certain accuracy under the premise of protecting users' personal privacy on cloud computing.
Xiong, Leilei, Grijalva, Santiago.  2019.  N-1 RTU Cyber-Physical Security Assessment Using State Estimation. 2019 IEEE Power Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). :1–5.
Real-time supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems use remote terminal units (RTUs) to monitor and manage the flow of power at electrical substations. As their connectivity to different utility and private networks increases, RTUs are becoming more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Some attacks seek to access RTUs to directly control power system devices with the intent to shed load or cause equipment damage. Other attacks (such as denial-of-service) target network availability and seek to block, delay, or corrupt communications between the RTU and the control center. In the most severe case, when communications are entirely blocked, the loss of an RTU can cause the power system to become unobservable. It is important to understand how losing an RTU impacts the system state (bus voltage magnitudes and angles). The system state is determined by the state estimator and serves as the input to other critical EMS applications. There is currently no systematic approach for assessing the cyber-physical impact of losing RTUs. This paper proposes a methodology for N-1 RTU cyber-physical security assessment that could benefit power system control and operation. We demonstrate our approach on the IEEE 14-bus system as well as on a synthetic 200-bus system.
Chai, Yadeng, Liu, Yong.  2019.  Natural Spoken Instructions Understanding for Robot with Dependency Parsing. 2019 IEEE 9th Annual International Conference on CYBER Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems (CYBER). :866–871.
This paper presents a method based on syntactic information, which can be used for intent determination and slot filling tasks in a spoken language understanding system including the spoken instructions understanding module for robot. Some studies in recent years attempt to solve the problem of spoken language understanding via syntactic information. This research is a further extension of these approaches which is based on dependency parsing. In this model, the input for neural network are vectors generated by a dependency parsing tree, which we called window vector. This vector contains dependency features that improves performance of the syntactic-based model. The model has been evaluated on the benchmark ATIS task, and the results show that it outperforms many other syntactic-based approaches, especially in terms of slot filling, it has a performance level on par with some state of the art deep learning algorithms in recent years. Also, the model has been evaluated on FBM3, a dataset of the RoCKIn@Home competition. The overall rate of correctly understanding the instructions for robot is quite good but still not acceptable in practical use, which is caused by the small scale of FBM3.
Niedermaier, Matthias, Fischer, Florian, Merli, Dominik, Sigl, Georg.  2019.  Network Scanning and Mapping for IIoT Edge Node Device Security. 2019 International Conference on Applied Electronics (AE). :1—6.

The amount of connected devices in the industrial environment is growing continuously, due to the ongoing demands of new features like predictive maintenance. New business models require more data, collected by IIoT edge node sensors based on inexpensive and low performance Microcontroller Units (MCUs). A negative side effect of this rise of interconnections is the increased attack surface, enabled by a larger network with more network services. Attaching badly documented and cheap devices to industrial networks often without permission of the administrator even further increases the security risk. A decent method to monitor the network and detect “unwanted” devices is network scanning. Typically, this scanning procedure is executed by a computer or server in each sub-network. In this paper, we introduce network scanning and mapping as a building block to scan directly from the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) edge node devices. This module scans the network in a pseudo-random periodic manner to discover devices and detect changes in the network structure. Furthermore, we validate our approach in an industrial testbed to show the feasibility of this approach.

Rezaei, Aref, Farzinvash, Leili, Farzamnia, Ali.  2019.  A Novel Steganography Algorithm using Edge Detection and MPC Algorithm. 2019 16th International ISC (Iranian Society of Cryptology) Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCISC). :49—54.

With the rapid development of the Internet, preserving the security of confidential data has become a challenging issue. An effective method to this end is to apply steganography techniques. In this paper, we propose an efficient steganography algorithm which applies edge detection and MPC algorithm for data concealment in digital images. The proposed edge detection scheme partitions the given image, namely cover image, into blocks. Next, it identifies the edge blocks based on the variance of their corner pixels. Embedding the confidential data in sharp edges causes less distortion in comparison to the smooth areas. To diminish the imposed distortion by data embedding in edge blocks, we employ LSB and MPC algorithms. In the proposed scheme, the blocks are split into some groups firstly. Next, a full tree is constructed per group using the LSBs of its pixels. This tree is converted into another full tree in some rounds. The resultant tree is used to modify the considered LSBs. After the accomplishment of the data embedding process, the final image, which is called stego image, is derived. According to the experimental results, the proposed algorithm improves PSNR with at least 5.4 compared to the previous schemes.

Das, Subhajit, Mondal, Satyendra Nath, Sanyal, Manas.  2019.  A Novel Approach of Image Encryption Using Chaos and Dynamic DNA Sequence. 2019 Amity International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AICAI). :876–880.
In this paper, an image encryption scheme based on dynamic DNA sequence and two dimension logistic map is proposed. Firstly two different pseudo random sequences are generated using two dimension Sine-Henon alteration map. These sequences are used for altering the positions of each pixel of plain image row wise and column wise respectively. Secondly each pixels of distorted image and values of random sequences are converted into a DNA sequence dynamically using one dimension logistic map. Reversible DNA operations are applied between DNA converted pixel and random values. At last after decoding the results of DNA operations cipher image is obtained. Different theoretical analyses and experimental results proved the effectiveness of this algorithm. Large key space proved that it is possible to protect different types of attacks using our proposed encryption scheme.
Vikram, A., Kalaivani, S., Gopinath, G..  2019.  A Novel Encryption Algorithm based on DNA Cryptography. 2019 International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES). :1004–1009.
The process of information security entails securing the information by transferring it through the networks preventing the data from attacks. This way of securing the information is known as cryptography. The perspective of converting the plain-text into non-understandable format is known as cryptography that could be possible using certain cryptography algorithms. The security could not be offered by the conventional cryptographic algorithms that lacks in their security for the huge amount of growing data, which could be easily broken by the intruders for their malicious activities. This gives rise to the new cryptographic algorithm known as DNA computing that could strengthen the information security, which does not provide any intruders to get authorized to confidential data. The proposed DNA symmetric cryptography enhances information security. The results reveal that encryption process carried out on plain-text is highly secured.
Kasodhan, Rashmi, Gupta, Neetesh.  2019.  A New Approach of Digital Signature Verification based on BioGamal Algorithm. 2019 3rd International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC). :10–15.
In recent times, online services are playing a crucial role in our day-to-day life applications. Inspite of their advantage, it also have certain security challenges in the communication network. Security aspects consists of authentication of users, confidentiality of data/information as well as integrity of data. In order to achieve all these parameters, the sensitive information must be digitally signed by the original sender and later verified by the intended recipient. Therefore, research on digital signatures should be further developed to improve the data security and authenticity of the transferred data. In this paper, a secured digital signature algorithm is designed. The design of secure digital signature uses the concept of hybridization of secure hash code, DNA encryption/decryption technique and elgamal encryption/decryption techniques. The use of SHA algorithm generates a secure hash code and hybridization of encryption algorithm reduces the computational complexity and this research method is then compared with existing PlayGamal algorithm with respect to encryption/decryption time complexity.
Puteaux, Pauline, Puech, William.  2018.  Noisy Encrypted Image Correction based on Shannon Entropy Measurement in Pixel Blocks of Very Small Size. 2018 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO). :161–165.
Many techniques have been presented to protect image content confidentiality. The owner of an image encrypts it using a key and transmits the encrypted image across a network. If the recipient is authorized to access the original content of the image, he can reconstruct it losslessly. However, if during the transmission the encrypted image is noised, some parts of the image can not be deciphered. In order to localize and correct these errors, we propose an approach based on the local Shannon entropy measurement. We first analyze this measure as a function of the block-size. We provide then a full description of our blind error localization and removal process. Experimental results show that the proposed approach, based on local entropy, can be used in practice to correct noisy encrypted images, even with blocks of very small size.
Pruthi, Vardaan, Mittal, Kanika, Sharma, Nikhil, Kaushik, Ila.  2019.  Network Layers Threats its Countermeasures in WSNs. 2019 International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS). :156—163.

WSN can be termed as a collection of dimensionally diffused nodes which are capable of surveilling and analyzing their surroundings. The sensors are delicate, transportable and small in size while being economical at the same time. However, the diffused nature of these networks also exposes them to a variety of security hazards. Hence, ensuring a reliable file exchange in these networks is not an easy job due to various security requirements that must be fulfilled. In this paper we concentrate mainly on network layer threats and their security countermeasures to overcome the scope of intruders to access the information without having any authentication on the network layer. Various network layer intrusions that are discussed here include Sinkhole Attack, Sybil Attack, Wormhole Attack, Selective Forwarding Attack, Blackhole Attack And Hello Flood Attack.

Ito, Toshitaka, Itotani, Yuri, Wakabayashi, Shin'ichi, Nagayama, Shinobu, Inagi, Masato.  2018.  A Nearest Neighbor Search Engine Using Distance-Based Hashing. 2018 International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT). :150—157.
This paper proposes an FPGA-based nearest neighbor search engine for high-dimensional data, in which nearest neighbor search is performed based on distance-based hashing. The proposed hardware search engine implements a nearest neighbor search algorithm based on an extension of flexible distance-based hashing (FDH, for short), which finds an exact solution with high probability. The proposed engine is a parallel processing and pipelined circuit so that search results can be obtained in a short execution time. Experimental results show the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed engine.
Ahsan, Ramoza, Bashir, Muzammil, Neamtu, Rodica, Rundensteiner, Elke A., Sarkozy, Gabor.  2019.  Nearest Neighbor Subsequence Search in Time Series Data. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). :2057—2066.
Continuous growth in sensor data and other temporal sequence data necessitates efficient retrieval and similarity search support on these big time series datasets. However, finding exact similarity results, especially at the granularity of subsequences, is known to be prohibitively costly for large data sets. In this paper, we thus propose an efficient framework for solving this exact subsequence similarity match problem, called TINN (TIme series Nearest Neighbor search). Exploiting the range interval diversity properties of time series datasets, TINN captures similarity at two levels of abstraction, namely, relationships among subsequences within each long time series and relationships across distinct time series in the data set. These relationships are compactly organized in an augmented relationship graph model, with the former relationships encoded in similarity vectors at TINN nodes and the later captured by augmented edge types in the TINN Graph. Query processing strategy deploy novel pruning techniques on the TINN Graph, including node skipping, vertical and horizontal pruning, to significantly reduce the number of time series as well as subsequences to be explored. Comprehensive experiments on synthetic and real world time series data demonstrate that our TINN model consistently outperforms state-of-the-art approaches while still guaranteeing to retrieve exact matches.
Jaiswal, Supriya, Ballal, Makarand Sudhakar.  2019.  A Novel Online Technique for Fixing the Accountability of Harmonic Injector in Distribution Network. 2019 Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (i-PACT). 1:1—7.

Harmonic distortions come into existence in the power system not only due to nonlinear loads of consumers but also due to custom power devices used by power utilities. These distortions are harmful to the power networks as these produce over heating of appliances, reduction in their life expectancy, increment in electricity bill, false tripping, etc. This paper presents an effective, simple and direct approach to identify the problematic cause either consumer load or utility source or both responsible for harmonics injection in the power system. This technique does not require mathematical model, historical data and expert knowledge. The online methodology is developed in the laboratory and tested for different polluted loads and source conditions. Experimental results are found satisfactory. This proposed technique has substantial potential to determine the problematic cause without any power interruption by plug and play operation just like CCTV.

Bakhtin, Vadim V., Isaeva, Ekaterina V..  2019.  New TSBuilder: Shifting towards Cognition. 2019 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus). :179–181.
The paper reviews a project on the automation of term system construction. TSBuilder (Term System Builder) was developed in 2014 as a multilayer Rosenblatt's perceptron for supervised machine learning, namely 1-3 word terms identification in natural language texts and their rigid categorization. The program is being modified to reduce the rigidity of categorization which will bring text mining more in line with human thinking.We are expanding the range of parameters (semantical, morphological, and syntactical) for categorization, removing the restriction of the term length of three words, using convolution on a continuous sequence of terms, and present the probabilities of a term falling into different categories. The neural network will not assign a single category to a term but give N answers (where N is the number of predefined classes), each of which O ∈ [0, 1] is the probability of the term to belong to a given class.
Nambiar, Sindhya K, Leons, Antony, Jose, Soniya, Arunsree.  2019.  Natural Language Processing Based Part of Speech Tagger using Hidden Markov Model. 2019 Third International conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC). :782–785.
In various natural language processing applications, PART-OF-SPEECH (POS) tagging is performed as a preprocessing step. For making POS tagging accurate, various techniques have been explored. But in Indian languages, not much work has been done. This paper describes the methods to build a Part of speech tagger by using hidden markov model. Supervised learning approach is implemented in which, already tagged sentences in malayalam is used to build hidden markov model.
Kadebu, Prudence, Thada, Vikas, Chiurunge, Panashe.  2018.  Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning Towards Security Requirements Classification. 2018 3rd International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I). :135–140.
Security Requirements classification is an important area to the Software Engineering community in order to build software that is secure, robust and able to withstand attacks. This classification facilitates proper analysis of security requirements so that adequate security mechanisms are incorporated in the development process. Machine Learning techniques have been used in Security Requirements classification to aid in the process that lead to ensuring that correct security mechanisms are designed corresponding to the Security Requirements classifications made to eliminate the risk of security being incorporated in the late stages of development. However, these Machine Learning techniques have been found to have problems including, handcrafting of features, overfitting and failure to perform well with high dimensional data. In this paper we explore Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning to determine if this can be applied to Security Requirements classification.
Ascia, Giuseppe, Catania, Vincenzo, Monteleone, Salvatore, Palesi, Maurizio, Patti, Davide, Jose, John.  2019.  Networks-on-Chip based Deep Neural Networks Accelerators for IoT Edge Devices. 2019 Sixth International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security (IOTSMS). :227—234.
The need for performing deep neural network inferences on resource-constrained embedded devices (e.g., Internet of Things nodes) requires specialized architectures to achieve the best trade-off among performance, energy, and cost. One of the most promising architectures in this context is based on massive parallel and specialized cores interconnected by means of a Network-on-Chip (NoC). In this paper, we extensively evaluate NoC-based deep neural network accelerators by exploring the design space spanned by several architectural parameters including, network size, routing algorithm, local memory size, link width, and number of memory interfaces. We show how latency is mainly dominated by the on-chip communication whereas energy consumption is mainly accounted by memory (both on-chip and off-chip). The outcome of the analysis, thus, pushes toward a research line devoted to the optimization of the on-chip communication fabric and the memory subsystem for performance improvement and energy efficiency, respectively.
Lian, Mengyun, Wang, Jian, Lu, Jinzhi.  2018.  A New Hardware Logic Circuit for Evaluating Multi-Processor Chip Security. 2018 Eighth International Conference on Instrumentation Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control (IMCCC). :1571—1574.
NoC (Network-on-Chip) is widely considered and researched by academic communities as a new inter-core interconnection method that replaces the bus. Nowadays, the complexity of on-chip systems is increasing, requiring better communication performance and scalability. Therefore, the optimization of communication performance has become one of the research hotspots. While the NoC is rapidly developing, it is threatened by hardware Trojans inserted during the design or manufacturing processes. This leads to that the attackers can exploit NoC's vulnerability to attack the on-chip systems. To solve the problem, we design and implement a replay-type hardware Trojan inserted into the NoC, aiming to provide a benchmark test set to promote the defense strategies for NoC hardware security. The experiment proves that the power consumption of the designed Trojan accounts for less than one thousandth of the entire NoC power consumption and area. Besides, simulation experiments reveal that this replaytype hardware Trojan can reduce the network throughput.
Al-Saleh, Mohammed I., Al-Sharif, Ziad A., Alawneh, Luay.  2019.  Network Reconnaissance Investigation: A Memory Forensics Approach. 2019 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems (ICICS).

Perpetrators utilize different network reconnaissance techniques in order to discover vulnerabilities and conduct their attacks. Port scanning can be leveraged to conclude open ports, available services, and even running operating systems along with their versions. Even though these techniques are effective, their aggressiveness for information gain could leave an apparent sign of attack, which can be observed by the variety of security controls deployed at the network perimeter of an organization. However, not all such attacks can be stopped nor the corresponding security controls can defend against insiders. In this paper, we tackle the problem of reconnaissance detection using a different approach. We utilize the rich information that is kept in memory (or RAM). We observe that packets sent or received stay in memory for a while. Our results show that inspecting memory for attack signs is beneficial. Furthermore, correlating contents that are obtained from different memories empowers the investigation process and helps reach to conclusions.

Liu, Weiyou, Liu, Xu, Di, Xiaoqiang, Qi, Hui.  2019.  A novel network intrusion detection algorithm based on Fast Fourier Transformation. 2019 1st International Conference on Industrial Artificial Intelligence (IAI). :1–6.
Deep learning techniques have been widely used in intrusion detection, but their application on convolutional neural networks (CNN) is still immature. The main challenge is how to represent the network traffic to improve performance of the CNN model. In this paper, we propose a network intrusion detection algorithm based on representation learning using Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT), which is first exploration that converts traffic to image by FFT to the best of our knowledge. Each traffic is converted to an image and then the intrusion detection problem is turned to image classification. The experiment results on NSL-KDD dataset show that the classification performence of the algorithm in the CNN model has obvious advantages compared with other algorithms.