Visible to the public Identifying Rank Attacks and Alert Application in WSN

TitleIdentifying Rank Attacks and Alert Application in WSN
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsNair, Devika S, BJ, Santhosh Kumar
Conference Name2021 6th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES)
Keywords6LoWPAN, composability, Dijkstra's algorithm, LLN, PDR, performance evaluation, pubcrawl, quality of service, rank attack, Resiliency, Routing, Routing protocols, RPL, SCF, Throughput, Wireless communication, Wireless sensor networks, WSN
AbstractRouting protocol for low power and lossy networks (RPL) is a fundamental routing protocol of 6LoWPAN, a centre correspondence standard for the Internet of Things. RPL outplay other wireless sensor and ad hoc routing protocols in the aspect of service (QoS), device management, and energy-saving performance. The Rank definition in RPL addresses several issues, such as path optimization, loop avoidance, and power overhead management. RPL rank and version number attacks are two types of the most common forms of RPL attacks, may have crucial ramification for RPL networks. The research directed upon these attacks includes considerable vulnerabilities and efficiency issues. The rank attack on sensor networks is perhaps the utmost common, posing a challenge to network connectivity by falling data or disrupting routing routes. This work presents a rank attack detection system focusing on RPL. Considering many of such issues a method has been proposed using spatial correlation function (SCF) and Dijkstra's algorithm considering parameters like energy and throughput.
Citation Keynair_identifying_2021