Visible to the public Insider Attack: Internal Cyber Attack Detection Using Machine Learning

TitleInsider Attack: Internal Cyber Attack Detection Using Machine Learning
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsVarsha Suresh, P., Lalitha Madhavu, Minu
Conference Name2021 12th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT)
Date Publishedjul
Keywordscomposability, cyber security, Data granularity, Decision trees, Fuzzy Membership Function, Human Behavior, insider attack, insider threat, machine learning (ML), machine learning algorithms, Metrics, Neural networks, parallel processing, policy-based governance, Prediction algorithms, pubcrawl, Radio frequency, random forest (RF), Randomized Weighted Majority Algorithm (RWMA), Transforms
AbstractA Cyber Attack is a sudden attempt launched by cybercriminals against multiple computers or networks. According to evolution of cyber space, insider attack is the most serious attack faced by end users, all over the world. Cyber Security reports shows that both US federal Agency as well as different organizations faces insider threat. Machine learning (ML) provide an important technology to secure data from insider threats. Random Forest is the best algorithm that focus on user's action, services and ability for insider attack detection based on data granularity. Substantial raise in the count of decision tree, increases the time consumption and complexity of Random Forest. A novel algorithm Known as Random Forest With Randomized Weighted Fuzzy Feature Set (RF-RWFF) is developed. Fuzzy Membership Function is used for feature aggregation and Randomized Weighted Majority Algorithm (RWMA) is used in the prediction part of Random Forest (RF) algorithm to perform voting. RWMA transform conventional Random Forest, to a perceptron like algorithm and increases the miliage. The experimental results obtained illustrate that the proposed model exhibits an overall improvement in accuracy and recall rate with very much decrease in time complexity compared to conventional Random Forest algorithm. This algorithm can be used in organization and government sector to detect insider fastly and accurately.
Citation Keyvarsha_suresh_insider_2021