
Relating to v2 of the software (major modifications from azcar_sim, v1)

Visible to the public Generating code from an existing ROS Simulink model


Visible to the public Version 2.0.2 now available

This is a major update of the CAT Vehicle Testbed simulator, that breaks most existing code due to changes of the robot name from azcar_sim to catvehicle. Head on over to the Files section of the CAT Vehicle Testbed group to download!

If you find this work useful please give credits to the authors by citing:


Visible to the public catvehicle-2.0.2.tar.gz

This is a major update of the CAT Vehicle Testbed simulator, that breaks most existing code due to changes of the robot name from azcar_sim to catvehicle. However, it has the benefit of making it easier to go from SWIL to HWIL with the same codebase, and not needing to remap topics.

The major changes include:


Visible to the public obstaclestopper-1.0.1.tar.gz


Visible to the public catvehicle.rviz.tgz

To use this file:

  • Extract the .tgz to your ~/.rviz directory
  • When you start rviz, then execute File->Open config and select catvehicle.rviz
  • Save as your default, if you expect to mostly work with the catvehicle

Visible to the public obstaclestopper-1.0.0.tgz

This naive component will sent the desired velocity to 0 m/s as soon as it thinks it is going to collide with something. Data are gathered from the front_laser_points laser sensor.


Visible to the public Main Wiki Page


Visible to the public catvehicle-2.0.0.tgz

An updated and major breaking version of the catvehicle testbed, with the following updates:

  • changed the name of the robot (and therefore nearly every topic) to catvehicle, rather than azcar_sim
  • updated launch files to permit selective startup of sensors
  • additional sensors with some sensor joints permanently renamed
  • a single package, rather than a collection of packages in a workspace; therefore it should be extracted into an existing workspace

Visible to the public Following a circular path

In this tutorial we will demonstrate how to follow a trajectory using a controller. In this case, the controller was developed in MATLAB/Simulink.


Visible to the public Running hector_slam with the CAT Vehicle