

Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Neuroscience Meets Computer Security: Designing Systems Secure Against Coercion Attacks

Coercion attacks that compel an authorized user to reveal his or her secret authentication credentials can give attackers access to restricted systems. The PIs are developing a new approach to preventing coercion attacks using the concept of implicit learning from cognitive psychology. Implicit learning refers to learning of patterns without any conscious knowledge of the learned pattern. Using a carefully crafted keyboard-based computer game the PIs plant a secret password in the participant's brain without the participant having any conscious knowledge of the trained password.


Visible to the public TWC TTP: Small: Security, Privacy, and Trust for Systems of Coordinating Medical Devices

To lower costs and improve outcomes in current medical practice we need integrated interoperable medical systems to provide machine-assisted care, interaction detection, and improved alarm accuracy, to name just a few uses. This project is developing both the theory and practice to ensure the safety of next-generation medical devices by allowing secure coordination and composition, in facilities as small as a local doctor's office or as large as a multi-campus hospital.


Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Measuring and Improving the Management of Today's PKI

The Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), along with the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols, are responsible for securing Internet transactions such as banking, email, and e-commerce; they provide users with the ability to verify with whom they are communicating online, and enable encryption of those communications. While the use of the PKI is mostly automated, there is a surprising amount of human intervention in management tasks that are crucial to its proper operation.


Visible to the public TWC SBE: Medium: Collaborative: Dollars for Hertz: Making Trustworthy Spectrum Sharing Technically and Economically Viable

The critical role of spectrum as a catalyst for economic growth was highlighted in the 2010 National Broadband Plan (NBP). A challenge for the NBP is realizing optimal spectrum sharing in the presence of interference caused by rogue transmissions from any source, but particularly secondary users who share the spectrum. This complex problem straddles wireless technology, industrial economics, international standards, and regulatory policy.


Visible to the public TC: Small: The Design of Secure Hash Functions and Block Ciphers

While the mathematical study of cryptography has yielded a rich theory, and while the use of cryptography has become quite widespread, there is unfortunately still a significant gap between the theory and practice of cryptography. The goal of this project is to bridge this gap. The emphasis will be on the design and analysis of fundamental cryptographic primitives, such as hash functions and block ciphers, as well as other primitives derived from them, that are practical and yet theoretically sound. Indeed, hash functions and block ciphers are used in almost any cryptographic application.


Visible to the public TWC: Small: Collaborative: Secure Data Charging Architecture for Mobile Devices in 3G/4G Cellular Networks: Vulnerabilities and Solutions

Wireless cellular networks serve as an essential cyber-infrastructure for mobile users. Unlike the Internet, cellular networks have adopted usage-based charging, rather than the simpler flat-rate charging. Data-plan subscribers have to pay their data bills based on the consumed traffic volume in 3G/4G networks. Although this metered charging system has been operational and generally successful for years, the security study of such a system remains largely unaddressed.


Visible to the public EAGER: Collaborative: Toward a Test Bed for Heavy Vehicle Cyber Security Experimentation

Heavy vehicles, such as trucks and buses, are part of the US critical infrastructure and carry out a significant portion of commercial and private business operations. Little effort has been invested in cyber security for these assets. If an adversary gains access to the vehicle's Controller Area Network (CAN), attacks can be launched that can affect critical vehicle electronic components. Traditionally, physical access to a heavy vehicle was required to access the CAN.


Visible to the public TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Long-term Active User Authentication Using Multi-modal Profiles

This project aims at advancing the state-of-the-art in cybersecurity by developing efficient methods for generating novel biometric signatures and performing active and continuous user authentication. Current authentication procedures typically occur once at the initial log-in stage and involve user proxies such as passwords and smart cards which suffer from several vulnerabilities.


Visible to the public CRII: SaTC: Privacy-Enhancing User Interfaces Based on Individualized Mental Models

Technology advances have brought numerous benefits to people and society, but also heightened risks to privacy. This project will investigate mechanisms and build tools to help people make privacy-aware decisions in different online contexts. The outcomes will help people to better understand their own privacy preferences and behavior, and enable them to better manage their privacy on the Internet. The project will create designs that can be integrated into mobile app markets and web browsers. The results will also inform Internet standards and governmental policies on Internet privacy.


Visible to the public CRII: SaTC: Hardware based Authentication and Trusted Platform Module functions (HAT) for IoTs

Crucial and critical needs of security and trust requirements are growing in all classes of applications such as in automobiles and for wearable devices. Traditional cryptographic primitives are computation-intensive and rely on secrecy of shared or session keys, applicable on large systems like servers and secure databases. This is unsuitable for embedded devices with fewer resources for realizing sufficiently strong security. This research addresses new hardware-oriented capabilities and mechanisms for protecting Internet of Things (IoT) devices.