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Ali, Muhammad Salek, Dolui, Koustabh, Antonelli, Fabio.  2017.  IoT Data Privacy via Blockchains and IPFS. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on the Internet of Things. :14:1–14:7.

Blockchain, the underlying technology of cryptocurrency networks like Bitcoin, can prove to be essential towards realizing the vision of a decentralized, secure, and open Internet of Things (IoT) revolution. There is a growing interest in many research groups towards leveraging blockchains to provide IoT data privacy without the need for a centralized data access model. This paper aims to propose a decentralized access model for IoT data, using a network architecture that we call a modular consortium architecture for IoT and blockchains. The proposed architecture facilitates IoT communications on top of a software stack of blockchains and peer-to-peer data storage mechanisms. The architecture is aimed to have privacy built into it, and to be adaptable for various IoT use cases. To understand the feasibility and deployment considerations for implementing the proposed architecture, we conduct performance analysis of existing blockchain development platforms, Ethereum and Monax.

Agustin, J. P. C., Jacinto, J. H., Limjoco, W. J. R., Pedrasa, J. R. I..  2017.  IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks Implementation in Network Simulator \#x2014; 3. TENCON 2017 - 2017 IEEE Region 10 Conference. :3129–3134.

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are widely used to monitor and control physical environments. An efficient energy management system is needed to be able to deploy these networks in lossy environments while maintaining reliable communication. The IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy networks is a routing protocol designed to properly manage energy without compromising reliability. This protocol has currently been implemented in Contiki OS, TinyOS, and OMNeT++ Castalia. But these applications also simulate all operation mechanics of a specified hardware model instead of just simulating the protocol only, thus adding unnecessary overhead and slowing down simulations on RPL. In light of this, we have implemented a working ns-3 implementation of RPL with support for multiple RPL instances with the use of a global repair mechanism. The behavior and output of our simulator was compared to Cooja for verification, and the results are similar with a minor difference in rank computation.

Gu, P., Khatoun, R., Begriche, Y., Serhrouchni, A..  2017.  k-Nearest Neighbours classification based Sybil attack detection in Vehicular networks. 2017 Third International Conference on Mobile and Secure Services (MobiSecServ). :1–6.

In Vehicular networks, privacy, especially the vehicles' location privacy is highly concerned. Several pseudonymous based privacy protection mechanisms have been established and standardized in the past few years by IEEE and ETSI. However, vehicular networks are still vulnerable to Sybil attack. In this paper, a Sybil attack detection method based on k-Nearest Neighbours (kNN) classification algorithm is proposed. In this method, vehicles are classified based on the similarity in their driving patterns. Furthermore, the kNN methods' high runtime complexity issue is also optimized. The simulation results show that our detection method can reach a high detection rate while keeping error rate low.

Fabian, Benjamin, Ermakova, Tatiana, Lentz, Tino.  2017.  Large-Scale Readability Analysis of Privacy Policies. Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Intelligence. :18–25.

Online privacy policies notify users of a Website how their personal information is collected, processed and stored. Against the background of rising privacy concerns, privacy policies seem to represent an influential instrument for increasing customer trust and loyalty. However, in practice, consumers seem to actually read privacy policies only in rare cases, possibly reflecting the common assumption stating that policies are hard to comprehend. By designing and implementing an automated extraction and readability analysis toolset that embodies a diversity of established readability measures, we present the first large-scale study that provides current empirical evidence on the readability of nearly 50,000 privacy policies of popular English-speaking Websites. The results empirically confirm that on average, current privacy policies are still hard to read. Furthermore, this study presents new theoretical insights for readability research, in particular, to what extent practical readability measures are correlated. Specifically, it shows the redundancy of several well-established readability metrics such as SMOG, RIX, LIX, GFI, FKG, ARI, and FRES, thus easing future choice making processes and comparisons between readability studies, as well as calling for research towards a readability measures framework. Moreover, a more sophisticated privacy policy extractor and analyzer as well as a solid policy text corpus for further research are provided.

Wang, Wenhao, Chen, Guoxing, Pan, Xiaorui, Zhang, Yinqian, Wang, XiaoFeng, Bindschaedler, Vincent, Tang, Haixu, Gunter, Carl A..  2017.  Leaky Cauldron on the Dark Land: Understanding Memory Side-Channel Hazards in SGX. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :2421–2434.

Side-channel risks of Intel SGX have recently attracted great attention. Under the spotlight is the newly discovered page-fault attack, in which an OS-level adversary induces page faults to observe the page-level access patterns of a protected process running in an SGX enclave. With almost all proposed defense focusing on this attack, little is known about whether such efforts indeed raise the bar for the adversary, whether a simple variation of the attack renders all protection ineffective, not to mention an in-depth understanding of other attack surfaces in the SGX system. In the paper, we report the first step toward systematic analyses of side-channel threats that SGX faces, focusing on the risks associated with its memory management. Our research identifies 8 potential attack vectors, ranging from TLB to DRAM modules. More importantly, we highlight the common misunderstandings about SGX memory side channels, demonstrating that high frequent AEXs can be avoided when recovering EdDSA secret key through a new page channel and fine-grained monitoring of enclave programs (at the level of 64B) can be done through combining both cache and cross-enclave DRAM channels. Our findings reveal the gap between the ongoing security research on SGX and its side-channel weaknesses, redefine the side-channel threat model for secure enclaves, and can provoke a discussion on when to use such a system and how to use it securely.

Sachidananda, Vinay, Siboni, Shachar, Shabtai, Asaf, Toh, Jinghui, Bhairav, Suhas, Elovici, Yuval.  2017.  Let the Cat Out of the Bag: A Holistic Approach Towards Security Analysis of the Internet of Things. Proceedings of the 3rd ACM International Workshop on IoT Privacy, Trust, and Security. :3–10.

The exponential increase of Internet of Things (IoT) devices have resulted in a range of new and unanticipated vulnerabilities associated with their use. IoT devices from smart homes to smart enterprises can easily be compromised. One of the major problems associated with the IoT is maintaining security; the vulnerable nature of IoT devices poses a challenge to many aspects of security, including security testing and analysis. It is trivial to perform the security analysis for IoT devices to understand the loop holes and very nature of the devices itself. Given these issues, there has been less emphasis on security testing and analysis of the IoT. In this paper, we show our preliminary efforts in the area of security analysis for IoT devices and introduce a security IoT testbed for performing security analysis. We also discuss the necessary design, requirements and the architecture to support our security analysis conducted via the proposed testbed.

Hu, Shuguang, Wu, Xiaowei, Chan, T-H. Hubert.  2017.  Maintaining Densest Subsets Efficiently in Evolving Hypergraphs. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. :929–938.

In this paper we study the densest subgraph problem, which plays a key role in many graph mining applications. The goal of the problem is to find a subset of nodes that induces a graph with maximum average degree. The problem has been extensively studied in the past few decades under a variety of different settings. Several exact and approximation algorithms were proposed. However, as normal graph can only model objects with pairwise relationships, the densest subgraph problem fails in identifying communities under relationships that involve more than 2 objects, e.g., in a network connecting authors by publications. We consider in this work the densest subgraph problem in hypergraphs, which generalizes the problem to a wider class of networks in which edges might have different cardinalities and contain more than 2 nodes. We present two exact algorithms and a near-linear time r-approximation algorithm for the problem, where r is the maximum cardinality of an edge in the hypergraph. We also consider the dynamic version of the problem, in which an adversary can insert or delete an edge from the hypergraph in each round and the goal is to maintain efficiently an approximation of the densest subgraph. We present two dynamic approximation algorithms in this paper with amortized polog update time, for any ε \textbackslashtextgreater 0. For the case when there are only insertions, the approximation ratio we maintain is r(1+ε), while for the fully dynamic case, the ratio is r2(1+ε). Extensive experiments are performed on large real datasets to validate the effectiveness and efficiency of our algorithms.

Mehrpouyan, H., Azpiazu, I. M., Pera, M. S..  2017.  Measuring Personality for Automatic Elicitation of Privacy Preferences. 2017 IEEE Symposium on Privacy-Aware Computing (PAC). :84–95.

The increasing complexity and ubiquity in user connectivity, computing environments, information content, and software, mobile, and web applications transfers the responsibility of privacy management to the individuals. Hence, making it extremely difficult for users to maintain the intelligent and targeted level of privacy protection that they need and desire, while simultaneously maintaining their ability to optimally function. Thus, there is a critical need to develop intelligent, automated, and adaptable privacy management systems that can assist users in managing and protecting their sensitive data in the increasingly complex situations and environments that they find themselves in. This work is a first step in exploring the development of such a system, specifically how user personality traits and other characteristics can be used to help automate determination of user sharing preferences for a variety of user data and situations. The Big-Five personality traits of openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism are examined and used as inputs into several popular machine learning algorithms in order to assess their ability to elicit and predict user privacy preferences. Our results show that the Big-Five personality traits can be used to significantly improve the prediction of user privacy preferences in a number of contexts and situations, and so using machine learning approaches to automate the setting of user privacy preferences has the potential to greatly reduce the burden on users while simultaneously improving the accuracy of their privacy preferences and security.

Boukoros, Spyros, Katzenbeisser, Stefan.  2017.  Measuring Privacy in High Dimensional Microdata Collections. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. :15:1–15:8.

Microdata is collected by companies in order to enhance their quality of service as well as the accuracy of their recommendation systems. These data often become publicly available after they have been sanitized. Recent reidentification attacks on publicly available, sanitized datasets illustrate the privacy risks involved in microdata collections. Currently, users have to trust the provider that their data will be safe in case data is published or if a privacy breach occurs. In this work, we empower users by developing a novel, user-centric tool for privacy measurement and a new lightweight privacy metric. The goal of our tool is to estimate users' privacy level prior to sharing their data with a provider. Hence, users can consciously decide whether to contribute their data. Our tool estimates an individuals' privacy level based on published popularity statistics regarding the items in the provider's database, and the users' microdata. In this work, we describe the architecture of our tool as well as a novel privacy metric, which is necessary for our setting where we do not have access to the provider's database. Our tool is user friendly, relying on smart visual results that raise privacy awareness. We evaluate our tool using three real world datasets, collected from major providers. We demonstrate strong correlations between the average anonymity set per user and the privacy score obtained by our metric. Our results illustrate that our tool which uses minimal information from the provider, estimates users' privacy levels comparably well, as if it had access to the actual database.

Halunen, Kimmo, Karinsalo, Anni.  2017.  Measuring the Value of Privacy and the Efficacy of PETs. Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Software Architecture: Companion Proceedings. :132–135.

Privacy is a very active subject of research and also of debate in the political circles. In order to make good decisions about privacy, we need measurement systems for privacy. Most of the traditional measures such as k-anonymity lack expressiveness in many cases. We present a privacy measuring framework, which can be used to measure the value of privacy to an individual and also to evaluate the efficacy of privacy enhancing technologies. Our method is centered on a subject, whose privacy can be measured through the amount and value of information learned about the subject by some observers. This gives rise to interesting probabilistic models for the value of privacy and measures for privacy enhancing technologies.

Karvelas, Nikolaos P., Senftleben, Marius, Katzenbeisser, Stefan.  2017.  Microblogging in a Privacy-Preserving Way. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. :48:1–48:6.

Microblogging is a popular activity within the spectrum of Online Social Networking (OSN), which allows users to quicky exchange short messages. Such systems can be based on mobile clients that exchange their group-encrypted messages utilizing local communications such as Bluetooth. Since however in such cases, users do not want to disclose their group memberships, and thus have to wait for other group members to appear in the proximity, the message spread can be slow to non-existent. In this paper, we solve this problem and facilitate a higher message spread by employing a server that stores the messages of multiple groups in an Oblivious RAM (ORAM) data structure. The server can be accessed by the clients on demand to read or write their group-encrypted messages. Thus our solution can be used to add access pattern privacy on top of existing microblogging peer-2-peer architectures, and using an ORAM is a promising candidate to use in the given application scenario.

Chakraborty, N., Kalaimannan, E..  2017.  Minimum Cost Security Measurements for Attack Tree Based Threat Models in Smart Grid. 2017 IEEE 8th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON). :614–618.

In this paper, we focus on the security issues and challenges in smart grid. Smart grid security features must address not only the expected deliberate attacks, but also inadvertent compromises of the information infrastructure due to user errors, equipment failures, and natural disasters. An important component of smart grid is the advanced metering infrastructure which is critical to support two-way communication of real time information for better electricity generation, distribution and consumption. These reasons makes security a prominent factor of importance to AMI. In recent times, attacks on smart grid have been modelled using attack tree. Attack tree has been extensively used as an efficient and effective tool to model security threats and vulnerabilities in systems where the ultimate goal of an attacker can be divided into a set of multiple concrete or atomic sub-goals. The sub-goals are related to each other as either AND-siblings or OR-siblings, which essentially depicts whether some or all of the sub-goals must be attained for the attacker to reach the goal. On the other hand, as a security professional one needs to find out the most effective way to address the security issues in the system under consideration. It is imperative to assume that each attack prevention strategy incurs some cost and the utility company would always look to minimize the same. We present a cost-effective mechanism to identify minimum number of potential atomic attacks in an attack tree.

Deterding, Sebastian, Hook, Jonathan, Fiebrink, Rebecca, Gillies, Marco, Gow, Jeremy, Akten, Memo, Smith, Gillian, Liapis, Antonios, Compton, Kate.  2017.  Mixed-Initiative Creative Interfaces. Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. :628–635.

Enabled by artificial intelligence techniques, we are witnessing the rise of a new paradigm of computational creativity support: mixed-initiative creative interfaces put human and computer in a tight interactive loop where each suggests, produces, evaluates, modifies, and selects creative outputs in response to the other. This paradigm could broaden and amplify creative capacity for all, but has so far remained mostly confined to artificial intelligence for game content generation, and faces many unsolved interaction design challenges. This workshop therefore convenes CHI and game researchers to advance mixed-initiative approaches to creativity support.

Kulkarni, S., Sawihalli, A., Ambika, R., Naik, L..  2017.  Mobile powered sub-group detection/formation using taste-based collaborative filtering technique. 2017 Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (i-PACT). :1–5.

Social networking sites such as Flickr, YouTube, Facebook, etc. contain huge amount of user contributed data for a variety of real-world events. We describe an unsupervised approach to the problem of automatically detecting subgroups of people holding similar tastes or either taste. Item or taste tags play an important role in detecting group or subgroup, if two or more persons share the same opinion on the item or taste, they tend to use similar content. We consider the latter to be an implicit attitude. In this paper, we have investigated the impact of implicit and explicit attitude in two genres of social media discussion data, more formal wikipedia discussions and a debate discussion forum that is much more informal. Experimental results strongly suggest that implicit attitude is an important complement for explicit attitudes (expressed via sentiment) and it can improve the sub-group detection performance independent of genre. Here, we have proposed taste-based group, which can enhance the quality of service.

Ahmadian, Amir Shayan, Peldszus, Sven, Ramadan, Qusai, Jürjens, Jan.  2017.  Model-Based Privacy and Security Analysis with CARiSMA. Proceedings of the 2017 11th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering. :989–993.

We present CARiSMA, a tool that is originally designed to support model-based security analysis of IT systems. In our recent work, we added several new functionalities to CARiSMA to support the privacy of personal data. Moreover, we introduced a mechanism to assist the system designers to perform a CARiSMA analysis by automatically initializing an appropriate CARiSMA analysis concerning security and privacy requirements. The motivation for our work is Article 25 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, which requires appropriate technical and organizational controls must be implemented for ensuring that, by default, the processing of personal data complies with the principles on processing of personal data. This implies that initially IT systems must be analyzed to verify if such principles are respected. System models allow the system developers to handle the complexity of systems and to focus on key aspects such as privacy and security. CARiSMA is available at and our screen cast at

Joshaghani, R., Mehrpouyan, H..  2017.  A Model-Checking Approach for Enforcing Purpose-Based Privacy Policies. 2017 IEEE Symposium on Privacy-Aware Computing (PAC). :178–179.

With the growth of Internet in many different aspects of life, users are required to share private information more than ever. Hence, users need a privacy management tool that can enforce complex and customized privacy policies. In this paper, we propose a privacy management system that not only allows users to define complex privacy policies for data sharing actions, but also monitors users' behavior and relationships to generate realistic policies. In addition, the proposed system utilizes formal modeling and model-checking approach to prove that information disclosures are valid and privacy policies are consistent with one another.

Pappa, A. C., Ashok, A., Govindarasu, M..  2017.  Moving target defense for securing smart grid communications: Architecture, implementation evaluation. 2017 IEEE Power Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT). :1–5.

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition(SCADA) communications are often subjected to various sophisticated cyber-attacks mostly because of their static system characteristics, enabling an attacker for easier profiling of the target system(s) and thereby impacting the Critical Infrastructures(CI). In this Paper, a novel approach to mitigate such static vulnerabilities is proposed by implementing a Moving Target Defense (MTD) strategy in a power grid SCADA environment, leveraging the existing communication network with an end-to-end IP-Hopping technique among trusted peers. The main contribution involves the design and implementation of MTD Architecture on Iowa State's PowerCyber testbed for targeted cyber-attacks, without compromising the availability of a SCADA system and studying the delay and throughput characteristics for different hopping rates in a realistic environment. Finally, we study two cases and provide mitigations for potential weaknesses of the proposed mechanism. Also, we propose to incorporate port mutation to further increase attack complexity as part of future work.

Alom, M. Z., Taha, T. M..  2017.  Network Intrusion Detection for Cyber Security Using Unsupervised Deep Learning Approaches. 2017 IEEE National Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON). :63–69.

In the paper, we demonstrate novel approach for network Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for cyber security using unsupervised Deep Learning (DL) techniques. Very often, the supervised learning and rules based approach like SNORT fetch problem to identify new type of attacks. In this implementation, the input samples are numerical encoded and applied un-supervised deep learning techniques called Auto Encoder (AE) and Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) for feature extraction and dimensionality reduction. Then iterative k-means clustering is applied for clustering on lower dimension space with only 3 features. In addition, Unsupervised Extreme Learning Machine (UELM) is used for network intrusion detection in this implementation. We have experimented on KDD-99 dataset, the experimental results show around 91.86% and 92.12% detection accuracy using unsupervised deep learning technique AE and RBM with K-means respectively. The experimental results also demonstrate, the proposed approach shows around 4.4% and 2.95% improvement of detection accuracy using RBM with K-means against only K-mean clustering and Unsupervised Extreme Learning Machine (USELM) respectively.

Aledhari, M., Marhoon, A., Hamad, A., Saeed, F..  2017.  A New Cryptography Algorithm to Protect Cloud-Based Healthcare Services. 2017 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies (CHASE). :37–43.

The revolution of smart devices has a significant and positive impact on the lives of many people, especially in regard to elements of healthcare. In part, this revolution is attributed to technological advances that enable individuals to wear and use medical devices to monitor their health activities, but remotely. Also, these smart, wearable medical devices assist health care providers in monitoring their patients remotely, thereby enabling physicians to respond quickly in the event of emergencies. An ancillary advantage is that health care costs will be reduced, another benefit that, when paired with prompt medical treatment, indicates significant advances in the contemporary management of health care. However, the competition among manufacturers of these medical devices creates a complexity of small and smart wearable devices such as ECG and EMG. This complexity results in other issues such as patient security, privacy, confidentiality, and identity theft. In this paper, we discuss the design and implementation of a hybrid real-time cryptography algorithm to secure lightweight wearable medical devices. The proposed system is based on an emerging innovative technology between the genomic encryptions and the deterministic chaos method to provide a quick and secure cryptography algorithm for real-time health monitoring that permits for threats to patient confidentiality to be addressed. The proposed algorithm also considers the limitations of memory and size of the wearable health devices. The experimental results and the encryption analysis indicate that the proposed algorithm provides a high level of security for the remote health monitoring system.

Schmidt, Sabine S., Mazurczyk, Wojciech, Keller, Jörg, Caviglione, Luca.  2017.  A New Data-Hiding Approach for IP Telephony Applications with Silence Suppression. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. :83:1–83:6.

Even if information hiding can be used for licit purposes, it is increasingly exploited by malware to exfiltrate data or to coordinate attacks in a stealthy manner. Therefore, investigating new methods for creating covert channels is fundamental to completely assess the security of the Internet. Since the popularity of the carrier plays a major role, this paper proposes to hide data within VoIP traffic. Specifically, we exploit Voice Activity Detection (VAD), which suspends the transmission during speech pauses to reduce bandwidth requirements. To create the covert channel, our method transforms a VAD-activated VoIP stream into a non-VAD one. Then, hidden information is injected into fake RTP packets generated during silence intervals. Results indicate that steganographically modified VAD-activated VoIP streams offer a good trade-off between stealthiness and steganographic bandwidth.

Lu, Z., Shen, H..  2017.  A New Lower Bound of Privacy Budget for Distributed Differential Privacy. 2017 18th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT). :25–32.

Distributed data aggregation via summation (counting) helped us to learn the insights behind the raw data. However, such computing suffered from a high privacy risk of malicious collusion attacks. That is, the colluding adversaries infer a victim's privacy from the gaps between the aggregation outputs and their source data. Among the solutions against such collusion attacks, Distributed Differential Privacy (DDP) shows a significant effect of privacy preservation. Specifically, a DDP scheme guarantees the global differential privacy (the presence or absence of any data curator barely impacts the aggregation outputs) by ensuring local differential privacy at the end of each data curator. To guarantee an overall privacy performance of a distributed data aggregation system against malicious collusion attacks, part of the existing work on such DDP scheme aim to provide an estimated lower bound of privacy budget for the global differential privacy. However, there are two main problems: low data utility from using a large global function sensitivity; unknown privacy guarantee when the aggregation sensitivity of the whole system is less than the sum of the data curator's aggregation sensitivity. To address these problems while ensuring distributed differential privacy, we provide a new lower bound of privacy budget, which works with an unconditional aggregation sensitivity of the whole distributed system. Moreover, we study the performance of our privacy bound in different scenarios of data updates. Both theoretical and experimental evaluations show that our privacy bound offers better global privacy performance than the existing work.

Al-Salhi, Y. E. A., Lu, S..  2017.  New Steganography Scheme to Conceal a Large Amount of Secret Messages Using an Improved-AMBTC Algorithm Based on Hybrid Adaptive Neural Networks. 2017 Ieee 3rd International Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud (Bigdatasecurity), Ieee International Conference on High Performance and Smart Computing (Hpsc), and Ieee International Conference on Intelligent Data and Security (Ids). :112–121.

The term steganography was used to conceal thesecret message into other media file. In this paper, a novel imagesteganography is proposed, based on adaptive neural networkswith recycling the Improved Absolute Moment Block TruncationCoding algorithm, and by employing the enhanced five edgedetection operators with an optimal target of the ANNS. Wepropose a new scheme of an image concealing using hybridadaptive neural networks based on I-AMBTC method by thehelp of two approaches, the relevant edge detection operators andimage compression methods. Despite that, many processes in ourscheme are used, but still the quality of concealed image lookinggood according to the HVS and PVD systems. The final simulationresults are discussed and compared with another related researchworks related to the image steganography system.

Jung, Taebo, Jung, Kangsoo, Park, Sehwa, Park, Seog.  2017.  A noise parameter configuration technique to mitigate detour inference attack on differential privacy. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp). :186–192.

Nowadays, data has become more important as the core resource for the information society. However, with the development of data analysis techniques, the privacy violation such as leakage of sensitive data and personal identification exposure are also increasing. Differential privacy is the technique to satisfy the requirement that any additional information should not be disclosed except information from the database itself. It is well known for protecting the privacy from arbitrary attack. However, recent research argues that there is a several ways to infer sensitive information from data although the differential privacy is applied. One of this inference method is to use the correlation between the data. In this paper, we investigate the new privacy threats using attribute correlation which are not covered by traditional studies and propose a privacy preserving technique that configures the differential privacy's noise parameter to solve this new threat. In the experiment, we show the weaknesses of traditional differential privacy method and validate that the proposed noise parameter configuration method provide a sufficient privacy protection and maintain an accuracy of data utility.

Boroumand, Mehdi, Fridrich, Jessica.  2017.  Nonlinear Feature Normalization in Steganalysis. Proceedings of the 5th ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security. :45–54.

In this paper, we propose a method for normalization of rich feature sets to improve detection accuracy of simple classifiers in steganalysis. It consists of two steps: 1) replacing random subsets of empirical joint probability mass functions (co-occurrences) by their conditional probabilities and 2) applying a non-linear normalization to each element of the feature vector by forcing its marginal distribution over covers to be uniform. We call the first step random conditioning and the second step feature uniformization. When applied to maxSRMd2 features in combination with simple classifiers, we observe a gain in detection accuracy across all tested stego algorithms and payloads. For better insight, we investigate the gain for two image formats. The proposed normalization has a very low computational complexity and does not require any feedback from the stego class.

Soria-Comas, Jordi, Domingo-Ferrer, Josep.  2017.  A Non-Parametric Model for Accurate and Provably Private Synthetic Data Sets. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. :3:1–3:10.

Generating synthetic data is a well-known option to limit disclosure risk in sensitive data releases. The usual approach is to build a model for the population and then generate a synthetic data set solely based on the model. We argue that building an accurate population model is difficult and we propose instead to approximate the original data as closely as privacy constraints permit. To enforce an ex ante privacy level when generating synthetic data, we introduce a new privacy model called $ε$ synthetic privacy. Then, we describe a synthetic data generation method that satisfies $ε$-synthetic privacy. Finally, we evaluate the utility of the synthetic data generated with our method.