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Dai, W., Win, M. Z..  2017.  On Protecting Location Secrecy. 2017 International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS). :31–36.

High-accuracy localization is a prerequisite for many wireless applications. To obtain accurate location information, it is often required to share users' positional knowledge and this brings the risk of leaking location information to adversaries during the localization process. This paper develops a theory and algorithms for protecting location secrecy. In particular, we first introduce a location secrecy metric (LSM) for a general measurement model of an eavesdropper. Compared to previous work, the measurement model accounts for parameters such as channel conditions and time offsets in addition to the positions of users. We determine the expression of the LSM for typical scenarios and show how the LSM depends on the capability of an eavesdropper and the quality of the eavesdropper's measurement. Based on the insights gained from the analysis, we consider a case study in wireless localization network and develop an algorithm that diminish the eavesdropper's capabilities by exploiting the reciprocity of channels. Numerical results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively increase the LSM and protect location secrecy.

Wood, C. A..  2017.  Protecting the long tail: Transparent packet security in content-centric networks. 2017 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking) and Workshops. :1–9.

In the Content-Centric Networking (CCN) architecture, content confidentiality is treated as an application-layer concern. Data is only encrypted if the producer and consumer agree on a suitable access control policy and enforcement mechanism. In contrast, transport encryption in TCP/IP applications is increasingly opportunistic for better privacy. This type of encryption is woefully lacking in CCN. To that end, we present TRAPS, a protocol to enable transparent packet security and opportunistic encryption for all CCN data. TRAPS builds on the assumption that knowledge of a name gives one access to the corresponding content; otherwise, by design, the content remains encrypted and secure. TRAPS builds on recent advances in memory hard functions and message-locked encryption to protect data in transit. We show that the security of TRAPS is dependent on the distribution of content names and argue that it can be significantly improved if secure sessions are used to transmit small pieces of information from producers to consumers. Our performance assessment indicates TRAPS is capable of providing opportunistic encryption to CCN without significant throughput loss for reasonable packet throughput measurements.

Chen, C. W., Chang, S. Y., Hu, Y. C., Chen, Y. W..  2017.  Protecting vehicular networks privacy in the presence of a single adversarial authority. 2017 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS). :1–9.

In vehicular networks, each message is signed by the generating node to ensure accountability for the contents of that message. For privacy reasons, each vehicle uses a collection of certificates, which for accountability reasons are linked at a central authority. One such design is the Security Credential Management System (SCMS) [1], which is the leading credential management system in the US. The SCMS is composed of multiple components, each of which has a different task for key management, which are logically separated. The SCMS is designed to ensure privacy against a single insider compromise, or against outside adversaries. In this paper, we demonstrate that the current SCMS design fails to achieve its design goal, showing that a compromised authority can gain substantial information about certificate linkages. We propose a solution that accommodates threshold-based detection, but uses relabeling and noise to limit the information that can be learned from a single insider adversary. We also analyze our solution using techniques from differential privacy and validate it using traffic-simulator based experiments. Our results show that our proposed solution prevents privacy information leakage against the compromised authority in collusion with outsider attackers.

Laszka, Aron, Dubey, Abhishek, Walker, Michael, Schmidt, Doug.  2017.  Providing Privacy, Safety, and Security in IoT-Based Transactive Energy Systems Using Distributed Ledgers. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on the Internet of Things. :13:1–13:8.

Power grids are undergoing major changes due to rapid growth in renewable energy resources and improvements in battery technology. While these changes enhance sustainability and efficiency, they also create significant management challenges as the complexity of power systems increases. To tackle these challenges, decentralized Internet-of-Things (IoT) solutions are emerging, which arrange local communities into transactive microgrids. Within a transactive microgrid, "prosumers" (i.e., consumers with energy generation and storage capabilities) can trade energy with each other, thereby smoothing the load on the main grid using local supply. It is hard, however, to provide security, safety, and privacy in a decentralized and transactive energy system. On the one hand, prosumers' personal information must be protected from their trade partners and the system operator. On the other hand, the system must be protected from careless or malicious trading, which could destabilize the entire grid. This paper describes Privacy-preserving Energy Transactions (PETra), which is a secure and safe solution for transactive microgrids that enables consumers to trade energy without sacrificing their privacy. PETra builds on distributed ledgers, such as blockchains, and provides anonymity for communication, bidding, and trading.

Al-Hasnawi, Abduljaleel, Lilien, Leszek.  2017.  Pushing Data Privacy Control to the Edge in IoT Using Policy Enforcement Fog Module. Companion Proceedings of The10th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing. :145–150.

Some IoT data are time-sensitive and cannot be processed in clouds, which are too far away from IoT devices. Fog computing, located as close as possible to data sources at the edge of IoT systems, deals with this problem. Some IoT data are sensitive and require privacy controls. The proposed Policy Enforcement Fog Module (PEFM), running within a single fog, operates close to data sources connected to their fog, and enforces privacy policies for all sensitive IoT data generated by these data sources. PEFM distinguishes two kinds of fog data processing. First, fog nodes process data for local IoT applications, running within the local fog. All real-time data processing must be local to satisfy real-time constraints. Second, fog nodes disseminate data to nodes beyond the local fog (including remote fogs and clouds) for remote (and non-real-time) IoT applications. PEFM has two components for these two kinds of fog data processing. First, Local Policy Enforcement Module (LPEM), performs direct privacy policy enforcement for sensitive data accessed by local IoT applications. Second, Remote Policy Enforcement Module (RPEM), sets up a mechanism for indirectly enforcing privacy policies for sensitive data sent to remote IoT applications. RPEM is based on creating and disseminating Active Data Bundles-software constructs bundling inseparably sensitive data, their privacy policies, and an execution engine able to enforce privacy policies. To prove effectiveness and efficiency of the solution, we developed a proof-of-concept scenario for a smart home IoT application. We investigate privacy threats for sensitive IoT data and show a framework for using PEFM to overcome these threats.

Li, T., Ma, J., Sun, C., Wei, D., Xi, N..  2017.  PVad: Privacy-Preserving Verification for Secure Routing in Ad Hoc Networks. 2017 International Conference on Networking and Network Applications (NaNA). :5–10.

Routing security has a great importance to the security of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs). There are various kinds of attacks when establishing routing path between source and destination. The adversaries attempt to deceive the source node and get the privilege of data transmission. Then they try to launch the malicious behaviors such as passive or active attacks. Due to the characteristics of the MANETs, e.g. dynamic topology, open medium, distributed cooperation, and constrained capability, it is difficult to verify the behavior of nodes and detect malicious nodes without revealing any privacy. In this paper, we present PVad, an approach conducting privacy-preserving verification in the routing discovery phase of MANETs. PVad tries to find the existing communication rules by association rules instead of making the rules. PVad consists of two phases, a reasoning phase deducing the expected log data of the peers, and a verification phase using Merkle Hash Tree to verify the correctness of derived information without revealing any privacy of nodes on expected routing paths. Without deploying any special nodes to assist the verification, PVad can detect multiple malicious nodes by itself. To show our approach can be used to guarantee the security of the MANETs, we conduct our experiments in NS3 as well as the real router environment, and we improved the detection accuracy by 4% on average compared to our former work.

Liu, Yin, Song, Zheng, Tilevich, Eli.  2017.  Querying Invisible Objects: Supporting Data-Driven, Privacy-Preserving Distributed Applications. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Managed Languages and Runtimes. :60–72.

When transferring sensitive data to a non-trusted party, end-users require that the data be kept private. Mobile and IoT application developers want to leverage the sensitive data to provide better user experience and intelligent services. Unfortunately, existing programming abstractions make it impossible to reconcile these two seemingly conflicting objectives. In this paper, we present a novel programming mechanism for distributed managed execution environments that hides sensitive user data, while enabling developers to build powerful and intelligent applications, driven by the properties of the sensitive data. Specifically, the sensitive data is never revealed to clients, being protected by the runtime system. Our abstractions provide declarative and configurable data query interfaces, enforced by a lightweight distributed runtime system. Developers define when and how clients can query the sensitive data's properties (i.e., how long the data remains accessible, how many times its properties can be queried, which data query methods apply, etc.). Based on our evaluation, we argue that integrating our novel mechanism with the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) can address some of the most pertinent privacy problems of IoT and mobile applications.

Li, Q., Xu, B., Li, S., Liu, Y., Cui, D..  2017.  Reconstruction of measurements in state estimation strategy against cyber attacks for cyber physical systems. 2017 36th Chinese Control Conference (CCC). :7571–7576.

To improve the resilience of state estimation strategy against cyber attacks, the Compressive Sensing (CS) is applied in reconstruction of incomplete measurements for cyber physical systems. First, observability analysis is used to decide the time to run the reconstruction and the damage level from attacks. In particular, the dictionary learning is proposed to form the over-completed dictionary by K-Singular Value Decomposition (K-SVD). Besides, due to the irregularity of incomplete measurements, sampling matrix is designed as the measurement matrix. Finally, the simulation experiments on 6-bus power system illustrate that the proposed method achieves the incomplete measurements reconstruction perfectly, which is better than the joint dictionary. When only 29% available measurements are left, the proposed method has generality for four kinds of recovery algorithms.

Keeler, G. A., Campione, S., Wood, M. G., Serkland, D. K., Parameswaran, S., Ihlefeld, J., Luk, T. S., Wendt, J. R., Geib, K. M..  2017.  Reducing optical confinement losses for fast, efficient nanophotonic modulators. 2017 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series (SUM). :201–202.

We demonstrate high-speed operation of ultracompact electroabsorption modulators based on epsilon-near-zero confinement in indium oxide (In$_\textrm2$$_\textrm3$\$) on silicon using field-effect carrier density tuning. Additionally, we discuss strategies to enhance modulator performance and reduce confinement-related losses by introducing high-mobility conducting oxides such as cadmium oxide (CdO).

Chen, X., Shang, T., Kim, I., Liu, J..  2017.  A Remote Data Integrity Checking Scheme for Big Data Storage. 2017 IEEE Second International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace (DSC). :53–59.

In the existing remote data integrity checking schemes, dynamic update operates on block level, which usually restricts the location of the data inserted in a file due to the fixed size of a data block. In this paper, we propose a remote data integrity checking scheme with fine-grained update for big data storage. The proposed scheme achieves basic operations of insertion, modification, deletion on line level at any location in a file by designing a mapping relationship between line level update and block level update. Scheme analysis shows that the proposed scheme supports public verification and privacy preservation. Meanwhile, it performs data integrity checking with low computation and communication cost.

Zhang, Y., Wang, L., You, Y., Yi, L..  2017.  A Remote-Attestation-Based Extended Hash Algorithm for Privacy Protection. 2017 International Conference on Computer Network, Electronic and Automation (ICCNEA). :254–257.

Compared to other remote attestation methods, the binary-based approach is the most direct and complete one, but privacy protection has become an important problem. In this paper, we presented an Extended Hash Algorithm (EHA) for privacy protection based on remote attestation method. Based on the traditional Merkle Hash Tree, EHA altered the algorithm of node connection. The new algorithm could ensure the same result in any measure order. The security key is added when the node connection calculation is performed, which ensures the security of the value calculated by the Merkle node. By the final analysis, we can see that the remote attestation using EHA has better privacy protection and execution performance compared to other methods.

Calo, S., Lupu, E., Bertino, E., Arunkumar, S., Cirincione, G., Rivera, B., Cullen, A..  2017.  Research Challenges in Dynamic Policy-Based Autonomous Security. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). :2970–2973.

Generative policies enable devices to generate their own policies that are validated, consistent and conflict free. This autonomy is required for security policy generation to deal with the large number of smart devices per person that will soon become reality. In this paper, we discuss the research issues that have to be addressed in order for devices involved in security enforcement to automatically generate their security policies - enabling policy-based autonomous security management. We discuss the challenges involved in the task of automatic security policy generation, and outline some approaches based om machine learning that may potentially provide a solution to the same.

Mohaisen, Aziz, Al-Ibrahim, Omar, Kamhoua, Charles, Kwiat, Kevin, Njilla, Laurent.  2017.  Rethinking Information Sharing for Threat Intelligence. Proceedings of the Fifth ACM/IEEE Workshop on Hot Topics in Web Systems and Technologies. :6:1–6:7.

In the past decade, the information security and threat landscape has grown significantly making it difficult for a single defender to defend against all attacks at the same time. This called for introducing information sharing, a paradigm in which threat indicators are shared in a community of trust to facilitate defenses. Standards for representation, exchange, and consumption of indicators are proposed in the literature, although various issues are undermined. In this paper, we take the position of rethinking information sharing for actionable intelligence, by highlighting various issues that deserve further exploration. We argue that information sharing can benefit from well-defined use models, threat models, well-understood risk by measurement and robust scoring, well-understood and preserved privacy and quality of indicators and robust mechanism to avoid free riding behavior of selfish agents. We call for using the differential nature of data and community structures for optimizing sharing designs and structures.

Li, Z., Beugnon, S., Puech, W., Bors, A. G..  2017.  Rethinking the High Capacity 3D Steganography: Increasing Its Resistance to Steganalysis. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). :510–414.

3D steganography is used in order to embed or hide information into 3D objects without causing visible or machine detectable modifications. In this paper we rethink about a high capacity 3D steganography based on the Hamiltonian path quantization, and increase its resistance to steganalysis. We analyze the parameters that may influence the distortion of a 3D shape as well as the resistance of the steganography to 3D steganalysis. According to the experimental results, the proposed high capacity 3D steganographic method has an increased resistance to steganalysis.

Deeksha, Kumar, A., Bansal, M..  2017.  A review on VANET security attacks and their countermeasure. 2017 4th International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control (ISPCC). :580–585.

In the development of smart cities across the world VANET plays a vital role for optimized route between source and destination. The VANETs is based on infra-structure less network. It facilitates vehicles to give information about safety through vehicle to vehicle communication (V2V) or vehicle to infrastructure communication (V2I). In VANETs wireless communication between vehicles so attackers violate authenticity, confidentiality and privacy properties which further effect security. The VANET technology is encircled with security challenges these days. This paper presents overview on VANETs architecture, a related survey on VANET with major concern of the security issues. Further, prevention measures of those issues, and comparative analysis is done. From the survey, found out that encryption and authentication plays an important role in VANETS also some research direction defined for future work.

Shoshitaishvili, Yan, Weissbacher, Michael, Dresel, Lukas, Salls, Christopher, Wang, Ruoyu, Kruegel, Christopher, Vigna, Giovanni.  2017.  Rise of the HaCRS: Augmenting Autonomous Cyber Reasoning Systems with Human Assistance. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :347–362.

Software permeates every aspect of our world, from our homes to the infrastructure that provides mission-critical services. As the size and complexity of software systems increase, the number and sophistication of software security flaws increase as well. The analysis of these flaws began as a manual approach, but it soon became apparent that a manual approach alone cannot scale, and that tools were necessary to assist human experts in this task, resulting in a number of techniques and approaches that automated certain aspects of the vulnerability analysis process. Recently, DARPA carried out the Cyber Grand Challenge, a competition among autonomous vulnerability analysis systems designed to push the tool-assisted human-centered paradigm into the territory of complete automation, with the hope that, by removing the human factor, the analysis would be able to scale to new heights. However, when the autonomous systems were pitted against human experts it became clear that certain tasks, albeit simple, could not be carried out by an autonomous system, as they require an understanding of the logic of the application under analysis. Based on this observation, we propose a shift in the vulnerability analysis paradigm, from tool-assisted human-centered to human-assisted tool-centered. In this paradigm, the automated system orchestrates the vulnerability analysis process, and leverages humans (with different levels of expertise) to perform well-defined sub-tasks, whose results are integrated in the analysis. As a result, it is possible to scale the analysis to a larger number of programs, and, at the same time, optimize the use of expensive human resources. In this paper, we detail our design for a human-assisted automated vulnerability analysis system, describe its implementation atop an open-sourced autonomous vulnerability analysis system that participated in the Cyber Grand Challenge, and evaluate and discuss the significant improvements that non-expert human assistance can offer to automated analysis approaches.

Michalopoulou, Panayiota Efthymia, Kalloniatis, Christos.  2017.  The Role of Gender Privacy in the Use of Cloud Computing Services. Proceedings of the 21st Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics. :13:1–13:6.

The present study's primary objective is to try to determine whether gender, combined with the educational background of the Internet users, have an effect on the way online privacy is perceived and practiced within the cloud services and specifically in social networking, e-commerce, and online banking. An online questionnaire was distributed through e-mail and the social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+). Our primary hypothesis is that an interrelationship may exist among a user's gender, educational background, and the way an online user perceives and acts regarding online privacy. An analysis of a representative sample of Greek Internet users revealed that there is an effect by gender on the online users' awareness regarding online privacy, as well as on the way they act upon it. Furthermore, we found that a correlation exists, as well regarding the Educational Background of the users and the issue of online privacy.

Wang, Junjue, Amos, Brandon, Das, Anupam, Pillai, Padmanabhan, Sadeh, Norman, Satyanarayanan, Mahadev.  2017.  A Scalable and Privacy-Aware IoT Service for Live Video Analytics. Proceedings of the 8th ACM on Multimedia Systems Conference. :38–49.

We present OpenFace, our new open-source face recognition system that approaches state-of-the-art accuracy. Integrating OpenFace with inter-frame tracking, we build RTFace, a mechanism for denaturing video streams that selectively blurs faces according to specified policies at full frame rates. This enables privacy management for live video analytics while providing a secure approach for handling retrospective policy exceptions. Finally, we present a scalable, privacy-aware architecture for large camera networks using RTFace.

Yavari, A., Panah, A. S., Georgakopoulos, D., Jayaraman, P. P., Schyndel, R. v.  2017.  Scalable Role-Based Data Disclosure Control for the Internet of Things. 2017 IEEE 37th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS). :2226–2233.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the latest Internet evolution that interconnects billions of devices, such as cameras, sensors, RFIDs, smart phones, wearable devices, ODBII dongles, etc. Federations of such IoT devices (or things) provides the information needed to solve many important problems that have been too difficult to harness before. Despite these great benefits, privacy in IoT remains a great concern, in particular when the number of things increases. This presses the need for the development of highly scalable and computationally efficient mechanisms to prevent unauthorised access and disclosure of sensitive information generated by things. In this paper, we address this need by proposing a lightweight, yet highly scalable, data obfuscation technique. For this purpose, a digital watermarking technique is used to control perturbation of sensitive data that enables legitimate users to de-obfuscate perturbed data. To enhance the scalability of our solution, we also introduce a contextualisation service that achieve real-time aggregation and filtering of IoT data for large number of designated users. We, then, assess the effectiveness of the proposed technique by considering a health-care scenario that involves data streamed from various wearable and stationary sensors capturing health data, such as heart-rate and blood pressure. An analysis of the experimental results that illustrate the unconstrained scalability of our technique concludes the paper.

Naik, T., Khatiwala, F., Sakadasariya, A..  2017.  Search for secure data transmission in MANET: A review. 2017 International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICEI). :573–575.

Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) comprise of independent ambulant nodes with no any stable infrastructure. All mobile nodes are co-operatively transfer their data packets to different mobile nodes in the network. Mobile nodes are depends on intermediate nodes when transmission range beyond limit i.e. multi hop network. As MANET is a highly dynamic network, mobile nodes can leave and join a network at anytime. Security is the biggest issue in MANET as MANET is infrastructure-less and autonomous. In MANET, correspondence between two mobile nodes is performed by routing protocols wherein every versatile node can make directly communication with other versatile node. In the event that both portable nodes are inside a transmission range of each other, then they can straightforwardly make communication with each other. Otherwise, transmission is done through the intermediate node. The nature of its wireless nature is also additionally turns into the purpose of its greatest vulnerability. In this manner, diminishing the confidence level of the system as it appropriate to availability, integrity, reliability and privacy concerns. There are different routing protocols for providing security that are designed based on various cryptographic techniques. To obtain a rapid knowledge of security design, we are giving a review on different cryptographic techniques to secure MANET. In this review, we presents security techniques and protocols related to cryptographic techniques.

Ranjana, S. A., Sterlin, C. L. S., Benita, W. V., Sam, B. B..  2017.  Secure and concealment in cluster based framework on vehicular networks. 2017 International Conference on Information Communication and Embedded Systems (ICICES). :1–6.

Vehicular ad hoc network is based on MANET all the vehicle to vehicle and vehicle roadside are connected to the wireless sensor network. In this paper mainly discuss on the security in the VANET in the lightweight cloud environment. Moving vehicle on the roadside connected through the sensor nodes and to provide communication between the vehicles and directly connected to the centralized environment. We propose a new approach to share the information in the VANET networks in secure manner through cloud.

Davidson, Drew, Chen, Yaohui, George, Franklin, Lu, Long, Jha, Somesh.  2017.  Secure Integration of Web Content and Applications on Commodity Mobile Operating Systems. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :652–665.

A majority of today's mobile apps integrate web content of various kinds. Unfortunately, the interactions between app code and web content expose new attack vectors: a malicious app can subvert its embedded web content to steal user secrets; on the other hand, malicious web content can use the privileges of its embedding app to exfiltrate sensitive information such as the user's location and contacts. In this paper, we discuss security weaknesses of the interface between app code and web content through attacks, then introduce defenses that can be deployed without modifying the OS. Our defenses feature WIREframe, a service that securely embeds and renders external web content in Android apps, and in turn, prevents attacks between em- bedded web and host apps. WIREframe fully mediates the interface between app code and embedded web content. Un- like the existing web-embedding mechanisms, WIREframe allows both apps and embedded web content to define simple access policies to protect their own resources. These policies recognize fine-grained security principals, such as origins, and control all interactions between apps and the web. We also introduce WIRE (Web Isolation Rewriting Engine), an offline app rewriting tool that allows app users to inject WIREframe protections into existing apps. Our evaluation, based on 7166 popular apps and 20 specially selected apps, shows these techniques work on complex apps and incur acceptable end-to-end performance overhead.

Mehnaz, Shagufta, Bellala, Gowtham, Bertino, Elisa.  2017.  A Secure Sum Protocol and Its Application to Privacy-Preserving Multi-Party Analytics. Proceedings of the 22Nd ACM on Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies. :219–230.

Many enterprises are transitioning towards data-driven business processes. There are numerous situations where multiple parties would like to share data towards a common goal if it were possible to simultaneously protect the privacy and security of the individuals and organizations described in the data. Existing solutions for multi-party analytics that follow the so called Data Lake paradigm have parties transfer their raw data to a trusted third-party (i.e., mediator), which then performs the desired analysis on the global data, and shares the results with the parties. However, such a solution does not fit many applications such as Healthcare, Finance, and the Internet-of-Things, where privacy is a strong concern. Motivated by the increasing demands for data privacy, we study the problem of privacy-preserving multi-party data analytics, where the goal is to enable analytics on multi-party data without compromising the data privacy of each individual party. In this paper, we first propose a secure sum protocol with strong security guarantees. The proposed secure sum protocol is resistant to collusion attacks even with N-2 parties colluding, where N denotes the total number of collaborating parties. We then use this protocol to propose two secure gradient descent algorithms, one for horizontally partitioned data, and the other for vertically partitioned data. The proposed framework is generic and applies to a wide class of machine learning problems. We demonstrate our solution for two popular use-cases, regression and classification, and evaluate the performance of the proposed solution in terms of the obtained model accuracy, latency and communication cost. In addition, we perform a scalability analysis to evaluate the performance of the proposed solution as the data size and the number of parties increase.

Hsueh, Sue-Chen, Li, Jian-Ting.  2017.  Secure Transmission Protocol for the IoT. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Industrial and Business Engineering. :73–76.

Deploying Internet of Things (IoT) applications over wireless networks has become commonplace. The transmission of unencrypted data between IOT devices gives malicious users the opportunity to steal personal information. Despite resource-constrained in the IoT environment, devices need to apply authentication methods to encrypt information and control access rights. This paper introduces a trusted third-party method of identity verification and exchange of keys that minimizes the resources required for communication between devices. A device must be registered in order to obtain a certificate and a session key, for verified identity and encryption communication. Malicious users will not be able to obtain private information or to use it wrongly, as this would be protected by authentication and access control

Zhang, Q., Liang, Z..  2017.  Security Analysis of Bluetooth Low Energy Based Smart Wristbands. 2017 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Sensors Technologies (ICFST). :421–425.

Wearable devices are being more popular in our daily life. Especially, smart wristbands are booming in the market recently, which can be used to monitor health status, track fitness data, or even do medical tests, etc. For this reason, smart wristbands can obtain a lot of personal data. Hence, users and manufacturers should pay more attention to the security aspects of smart wristbands. However, we have found that some Bluetooth Low Energy based smart wristbands have very weak or even no security protection mechanism, therefore, they are vulnerable to replay attacks, man-in-the-middle attacks, brute-force attacks, Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, etc. We have investigated four different popular smart wristbands and a smart watch. Among them, only the smart watch is protected by some security mechanisms while the other four smart wristbands are not protected. In our experiments, we have also figured out all the message formats of the controlling commands of these smart wristbands and developed an Android software application as a testing tool. Powered by the resolved command formats, this tool can directly control these wristbands, and any other wristbands of these four models, without using the official supporting applications.