Visible to the public A Multi-Agent System for Autonomous Adaptive Control of a Flapping-Wing Micro Air Vehicle

TitleA Multi-Agent System for Autonomous Adaptive Control of a Flapping-Wing Micro Air Vehicle
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsG. Greenwood, M. Podhradsky, J. Gallagher, E. Matson
Conference Name2015 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence
Date PublishedDec
Keywords1239196, adaptive control, agent task scheduling, autonomous adaptive control, autonomous aerial vehicles, biomimetic flapping-wing vehicles, biomimetics, Cameras, Color, extrinsic evolution, fault tolerant control, flapping-wing microair vehicle, Force, intrinsic evolution, knowledge based systems, learning (artificial intelligence), microrobots, mobile robots, Monitoring, motion control, multi-agent systems, multiagent adaptive controller, multiagent system architecture, online learning process, rule base design, Storage tanks, subsumption architecture rule base, telerobotics, vehicle control, vehicle pose estimation, Vehicles, wing movements split-cycle control

Biomimetic flapping wing vehicles have attracted recent interest because of their numerous potential military and civilian applications. In this paper we describe the design of a multi-agent adaptive controller for such a vehicle. This controller is responsible for estimating the vehicle pose (position and orientation) and then generating four parameters needed for split-cycle control of wing movements to correct pose errors. These parameters are produced via a subsumption architecture rule base. The control strategy is fault tolerant. Using an online learning process an agent continuously monitors the vehicle's behavior and initiates diagnostics if the behavior has degraded. This agent can then autonomously adapt the rule base if necessary. Each rule base is constructed using a combination of extrinsic and intrinsic evolution. Details on the vehicle, the multi-agent system architecture, agent task scheduling, rule base design, and vehicle control are provided.

Citation Key7376730