
2010 NSF CPS PI Meeting

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Converting Multi-Axis Machine Tools into Subtractive 3D Printers by Using Intelligent Discrete Geometry Data Structures...FileThomas KurfessNov 18 2015 - 8:28amYesYes
Foundations of Cyber-Physical Infrastructure for Creative Design and Making of Cyber-Physical ProductsFileKarthik RamaniNov 17 2015 - 3:23pmYesYes
Towards Effective and Efficient Sensing-Motion Co-Design of Swarming Cyber-Physical Systems FileWencenNov 17 2015 - 3:20pmYesYes
Software/Hardware Combined Acceleration for 3D Printing in Mass CustomizationFilexuwenyaoNov 17 2015 - 3:15pmYesYes
Foundations of Cyber-Physical Infrastructure for Creative Design and Making of Cyber-Physical ProductsFileKarthik RamaniNov 17 2015 - 3:12pmYesYes
Project PREMONITION - CPS For Disease SurveillanceFileEthan JacksonNov 17 2015 - 3:03pmYesYes
U.S. DOT Connected & Automated Vehicle Research UpdateFileKevin.DopartNov 17 2015 - 2:05pmYesYes
Control of Vehicular Traffic Flow Via Low Density Autonomous VehiclesFilesprinkleNov 17 2015 - 2:04pmYesYes
Coordinated Resource Management of Cyber-Physical-Social Power SystemsFileDuncan CallawayNov 17 2015 - 2:00pmYesYes
Design of an Agile and Smart Manufacturing ExchangeFilekchakrabartyNov 17 2015 - 1:57pmYesYes
Enabling Production as a ServiceFiletilburyNov 17 2015 - 1:57pmYesYes
Securing Manufacturing SystemFileJules WhiteNov 17 2015 - 1:57pmYesYes
Accessible Remote TestbedsFileMagnus EgerstedtNov 17 2015 - 1:52pmYesYes
Innovation at the Nexxus of Food, Energy, and WaterFileKatie DeyNov 17 2015 - 12:35pmYesYes
Engineering Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical-Human SystemsFileAlex KirlikNov 17 2015 - 12:25pmYesYes
A Fractal Calculus Approach to the Modeling and Optimization of Medical Cyber-Physical SystemsFileAnonymousNov 17 2015 - 12:25pmYesYes
Distributed Asynchronous Algorithms and Software Systems for Wide-Area Monitoring of Power Systems FileyxinNov 17 2015 - 12:22pmYesYes
In-Silico Functional Verification of Artificial Pancreas Control AlgorithmsFilesriramsNov 17 2015 - 12:22pmYesYes
Center for Autonomous Transportation SystemsFileRajkumarNov 17 2015 - 12:14pmYesYes
Collaborative Vehicular SystemsFileUmit OzgunerNov 17 2015 - 12:14pmYesYes
Formal Synthesis For Traffic ControlFilearcakNov 17 2015 - 12:14pmYesYes
A Verifiable Framework for Cyber-Physical Attacks and Countermeasures in a Resilient Electric Power GridFilelalithasankarNov 17 2015 - 11:23amYesYes
Triggered Control of Cyber-Physical Systems with Communication Channel ConstraintsFileMassimo Francesch...Nov 17 2015 - 10:19amYesYes
Enabling the Usage of Multicore Platforms in Real-Time Safety-Critical SystemsFileJim AndersonNov 17 2015 - 10:19amYesYes
Toward 21st Century Cyber-Physical Systems EducationFileJohn StankovicNov 17 2015 - 10:19amYesYes
Secure Perception for Autonomous SystemsFiletoddCpsNsfNov 17 2015 - 10:17amYesYes
CPS Security: End-to-End Security for the Internet of ThingsFileprabalNov 17 2015 - 10:17amYesYes
Security and Privacy-Aware Cyber-Physical SystemsFileInsup LeeNov 17 2015 - 10:17amYesYes
Security of Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems with Connected Vehicle ApplicationsFilebabaneraNov 17 2015 - 10:17amYesYes
High-Fidelity, Scalable, Open-Access Cyber Security Testbed for Accelerating Smart Grid Innovations and DeploymentsFileMani GovinNov 17 2015 - 10:17amYesYes
Cyber-Physical Fingerprinting for Internet of Things AuthenticationFilesaad.walidNov 17 2015 - 10:07amYesYes
Transit-Hub: An Extensible and Smart Decision Support SystemFiledabhisheNov 17 2015 - 10:06amYesYes
Advanced Peak Demand Forecast and Battery Dispatch Algorithms to Integ. Storage-Based Demand Response w/ Bldg Automation SystemsFileChristoph MeinrenkenNov 17 2015 - 10:06amYesYes
Understanding Population Dynamics at City Scale Through Edge ComputingFilesuman.cs.wisc.eduNov 17 2015 - 10:06amYesYes
Exploring Resilience of Community Water SystemsFileNalini Venkatasub...Nov 17 2015 - 10:06amYesYes
Autonomy-enabled Shared Vehicles for Mobility on Demand and Urban LogisticsFilekaramanNov 17 2015 - 10:06amYesYes
Prototyping a Scalable and Evolvable Urban Sensing Platform for Smart CitiesFilerajeshsankaranNov 17 2015 - 10:06amYesYes
ROSELINE: Enabling Robust, Secure and Efficient Knowledge of Time Across the System StackFilemsrivastavaNov 17 2015 - 9:53amYesYes
Correct-by-Design Control Software Synthesis for Highly Dynamic SystemsFilejessygrizzleNov 17 2015 - 9:52amYesYes
FORCES HighlightsFileS. Shankar SastryNov 17 2015 - 9:43amYesYes
BioCPS for Engineering Living CellsFileCalin BeltaNov 17 2015 - 9:43amYesYes
Compositional, Approximate, and Quantitative Reasoning for Medical Cyber-Physical SystemsFileScott SmolkaNov 17 2015 - 9:43amYesYes
Science of System Integration for CPSFileJanos.SztipanovitsNov 17 2015 - 9:43amYesYes
Tackling Local Challenges Through Smart CitiesFileDan.CorreaNov 17 2015 - 9:38amYesYes
Human-Machine Interaction with Mobility Enhancing Soft ExosuitsFilewalshharvardNov 16 2015 - 7:01pmYesYes
Foundation of Heterogeneous Information Networks (KDD’09, PKDD’10)FileKatie DeySep 14 2015 - 4:47pmYesYes
Towards Foundations of Cyber-Physical NetworksFileJiawei HanSep 14 2015 - 4:47pmYesYes
Anomaly Detection: A Filtering-and-Refinement ApproachFileJiawei HanSep 14 2015 - 4:47pmYesYes
Discovery of Periodic Patterns of Moving Object ClustersFileKatie DeySep 14 2015 - 4:47pmYesYes
POSTER: Cyber-Enabled Efficient Energy Management of Structures (CEEMS)FileTyrone VincentSep 14 2015 - 4:47pmYesYes
POSTER: A Framework for Enabling Energy-Aware Smart FacilitiesFileLucio SoibelmanSep 14 2015 - 4:47pmYesYes
POSTER: Embedded Fault Detection for Low-Cost, Safety-Critical SystemsFilegjbalasSep 14 2015 - 4:47pmYesYes
POSTER: A Unified Distributed Spatiotemporal Signal Processing Framework for Structural Health MonitoringFileQi ChengSep 14 2015 - 4:47pmYesYes
POSTER: Sensor Network Information Flow DynamicsFileMehdi KhandaniSep 14 2015 - 4:47pmYesYes
POSTER: Dynamically Managing the Real-Time Fabric of a Wireless Sensor-Actuator NetworkFilelemmon@nd.eduSep 14 2015 - 4:47pmYesYes
POSTER: Localization and System Services for SpatioTemporal Actions in Cyber-Physical SystemsFileAnish AroraSep 14 2015 - 4:47pmYesYes
POSTER: Tightly Integrated Perception and Planning in Intelligent RoboticsFileMark CampbellSep 14 2015 - 4:46pmYesYes
POSTER: Learning for Control of Synthetic and Cyborg Insects in Uncertain Dynamic EnvironmentsFilePieter AbbeelSep 14 2015 - 4:46pmYesYes
POSTER: Image Guided Robot-Assisted Medical InterventionsFiletsekosUHSep 14 2015 - 4:46pmYesYes
POSTER: Image Guided Autonomous Optical Manipulation of Cell GroupsFileSatyandra GuptaSep 14 2015 - 4:46pmYesYes
POSTER: Generation of Natural movement for a Multiple Degrees-of-Freedom Robot Driven by Stochastic Cellular ActuatorsFileJun UedaSep 14 2015 - 4:46pmYesYes
POSTER: Ant-Like Microrobots - Fast, Small, and Under ControlFileNuno Miguel MartinsSep 14 2015 - 4:46pmYesYes
POSTER: Productive Programming for Situational Awareness and ResponseFileAnonymousSep 14 2015 - 4:46pmYesYes
POSTER: Non-Volatile Computing for Embedded Cyber-Physical SystemsFileedwardsuhSep 14 2015 - 4:46pmYesYes
POSTER: Y1-Battery Powered CPS: RobustnessFilefuminzSep 14 2015 - 4:46pmYesYes
POSTER: A Real-Time Cognitive Operating SystemFileDana BallardSep 14 2015 - 4:46pmYesYes
POSTER: Towards Neural-controlled Artificial Legs using High-Performance Embedded ComputersFilehelenhehuangSep 14 2015 - 4:46pmYesYes
POSTER: Programmable Second Skin for Re-educating Injured Nervous SystemsFileGOLDFIELDSep 14 2015 - 4:46pmYesYes
POSTER: Cyber-physical System Challenges in Man-Machine InterfacesFileStephen Helms Til...Sep 14 2015 - 4:46pmYesYes
POSTER: Control Subject to Human Behavioral DisturbancesFilepatekSep 14 2015 - 4:46pmYesYes
POSTER: Monitoring Human Performance with Wearable AccelerometersFileJessica HodginsSep 14 2015 - 4:46pmYesYes
POSTER: Active Heterogeneous Sensing for Fall Detection and Fall Risk AssessmentFileskubicmSep 14 2015 - 4:46pmYesYes
POSTER: Abstraction of Cyber-Physical Interplays and Its Application to CPS DesignFileC.Mani KrishnaSep 14 2015 - 1:22pmYesYes
POSTER: The Foundations of Implicit and Explicit Communication in Cyber-Physical SystemsFileanantsahaiSep 14 2015 - 1:22pmYesYes
POSTER: CPS Foundations in Computation and CommunicationFileMinaSep 14 2015 - 1:22pmYesYes
POSTER: Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis in a Network of Embedded Systems in Automotive VehiclesFilepattipatiSep 14 2015 - 1:22pmYesYes
POSTER: Compositionality and Reconfiguration for Distributed Hybrid SystemsFileAndre PlatzerSep 14 2015 - 1:22pmYesYes
POSTER: Autonomous Driving in Mixed-Traffic Urban EnvironmentsFileUmit OzgunerSep 14 2015 - 1:22pmYesYes
POSTER: Infusing System Design and Sensor Technology in Education (INSIGHT)FileneilsenSep 14 2015 - 1:22pmYesYes
POSTER: Methods and Tools for the Verification of Cyber-Physical SystemsFileHaoZSep 14 2015 - 1:22pmYesYes
POSTER: Control of Distributed Cyber- Physical Systems under Partial Information and Limited CommunicationFileStephane LafortuneSep 14 2015 - 1:22pmYesYes
POSTER: Learning to Sense Robustly and Act EffectivelyFilekuipersSep 14 2015 - 1:22pmYesYes
POSTER: Community-based Sense & Respond -- Theory and ApplicationsFileAndreas KrauseSep 14 2015 - 1:22pmYesYes
POSTER: Establishing Integrity in Dynamic Networks of Cyber Physical DevicesFileVinod GanapathySep 14 2015 - 1:22pmYesYes
POSTER: CitiSense - Adaptive Services for Community-Driven Behavioral and Environmental Monitoring to Induce ChangeFileWilliam GriswoldSep 14 2015 - 1:22pmYesYes
POSTER: Random Matrix Recursions and Estimation and Control over Lossy NetworksFileBabak HassibiSep 14 2015 - 1:22pmYesYes
POSTER: Low-Impact Monitoring of Streaming SystemsFileRoger ChamberlainSep 14 2015 - 1:22pmYesYes
POSTER: Fundamental Advances in Control of Wireless Sensor and Robotic NetworksFileNikhil ChopraSep 14 2015 - 1:22pmYesYes
POSTER: Design of Networked Control Systems for Chemical ProcessesFilePanagiotis Christ...Sep 14 2015 - 1:22pmYesYes
POSTER: Mathematical, Computational, and Perceptual Foundations for Interactive Cyber-Physical SystemsFileTimothy BretlSep 14 2015 - 1:22pmYesYes
POSTER: Physical Modeling and Software Synthesis for Self-Reconfigurable Sensors in River EnvironmentsFileAlexandre BayenSep 14 2015 - 1:22pmYesYes
POSTER: Real-Time, Simulation-based Planning and Asynchronous Coordination for Cyber-Physical SystemsFilebekrisSep 14 2015 - 1:22pmYesYes
POSTER: Distributed Coordination of Agents for Air Traffic Flow ManagementFileAdrian AgoginoSep 14 2015 - 1:22pmYesYes
CPS PI Meeting 2010 - RegistrantsPageKatie DeyAug 12 2015 - 11:34amYesYes
CPS PI Meeting 2010 - home pagePageKatie DeyAug 12 2015 - 10:53amYesYes
CPS PI Meeting 2010 - Poster SessionPageKatie DeyAug 12 2015 - 9:35amYesYes
2010 CPS PI Meeting: Program AgendaPageKatie DeyAug 12 2015 - 8:20amYesYes
Day 2 PostersFileChris.vanBuskirkJan 21 2011 - 5:23pmYesYes
Day 1 PostersFileChris.vanBuskirkNov 30 2010 - 3:24pmYesYes
Methods for Network-Enabled Embedded Monitoring and Control for High-Performance BuildingsFileSean MeynSep 1 2010 - 3:37pmYesYes